# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'forwardable' require 'new_relic/agent/configuration/mask_defaults' require 'new_relic/agent/configuration/yaml_source' require 'new_relic/agent/configuration/default_source' require 'new_relic/agent/configuration/server_source' require 'new_relic/agent/configuration/environment_source' require 'new_relic/agent/configuration/high_security_source' module NewRelic module Agent module Configuration class Manager attr_reader :stripped_exceptions_whitelist # Defining these explicitly saves object allocations that we incur # if we use Forwardable and def_delegators. def [](key) @cache[key] end def has_key?(key) @cache.has_key?[key] end def keys @cache.keys end def initialize reset_to_defaults @callbacks = Hash.new {|hash,key| hash[key] = [] } register_callback(:'strip_exception_messages.whitelist') do |whitelist| if whitelist @stripped_exceptions_whitelist = parse_constant_list(whitelist).compact else @stripped_exceptions_whitelist = [] end end end def add_config_for_testing(source, level=0) raise 'Invalid config type for testing' unless [Hash, DottedHash].include?(source.class) invoke_callbacks(:add, source) @configs_for_testing << [source.freeze, level] reset_cache log_config(:add, source) end def remove_config_type(sym) source = case sym when :high_security then @high_security_source when :environment then @environment_source when :server then @server_source when :manual then @manual_source when :yaml then @yaml_source when :default then @default_source end remove_config(source) end def remove_config(source) case source when HighSecuritySource then @high_security_source = nil when EnvironmentSource then @environment_source = nil when ServerSource then @server_source = nil when ManualSource then @manual_source = nil when YamlSource then @yaml_source = nil when DefaultSource then @default_source = nil else @configs_for_testing.delete_if {|src,lvl| src == source} end reset_cache invoke_callbacks(:remove, source) log_config(:remove, source) end def replace_or_add_config(source) source.freeze was_finished = finished_configuring? invoke_callbacks(:add, source) case source when HighSecuritySource then @high_security_source = source when EnvironmentSource then @environment_source = source when ServerSource then @server_source = source when ManualSource then @manual_source = source when YamlSource then @yaml_source = source when DefaultSource then @default_source = source else NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn("Invalid config format; config will be ignored: #{source}") end reset_cache log_config(:add, source) notify_finished_configuring if !was_finished && finished_configuring? end def source(key) config_stack.each do |config| if config.respond_to?(key.to_sym) || config.has_key?(key.to_sym) return config end end end def fetch(key) config_stack.each do |config| next unless config accessor = key.to_sym if config.has_key?(accessor) if config[accessor].respond_to?(:call) return instance_eval(&config[accessor]) else return config[accessor] end end end nil end def register_callback(key, &proc) @callbacks[key] << proc proc.call(@cache[key]) end def invoke_callbacks(direction, source) return unless source source.keys.each do |key| if @cache[key] != source[key] @callbacks[key].each do |proc| if direction == :add proc.call(source[key]) else proc.call(@cache[key]) end end end end end def notify_finished_configuring NewRelic::Agent.instance.events.notify(:finished_configuring) end def finished_configuring? !@server_source.nil? end def flattened config_stack.reverse.inject({}) do |flat,layer| thawed_layer = layer.to_hash.dup thawed_layer.each do |k,v| begin thawed_layer[k] = instance_eval(&v) if v.respond_to?(:call) rescue => e ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("#{e.class.name} : #{e.message} - when accessing config key #{k}") thawed_layer[k] = nil end thawed_layer.delete(:config) end flat.merge(thawed_layer.to_hash) end end def apply_mask(hash) MASK_DEFAULTS. \ select {|_, proc| proc.call}. \ each {|key, _| hash.delete(key) } hash end def to_collector_hash DottedHash.new(apply_mask(flattened)).to_hash end def app_names case NewRelic::Agent.config[:app_name] when Array then NewRelic::Agent.config[:app_name] when String then NewRelic::Agent.config[:app_name].split(';') else [] end end # Generally only useful during initial construction and tests def reset_to_defaults @high_security_source = nil @environment_source = EnvironmentSource.new @server_source = nil @manual_source = nil @yaml_source = nil @default_source = DefaultSource.new @configs_for_testing = [] reset_cache end def reset_cache @cache = Hash.new {|hash,key| hash[key] = self.fetch(key) } end def log_config(direction, source) # Just generating this log message (specifically calling # flattened.inspect) is expensive enough that we don't want to do it # unless we're actually going to be logging the message based on our # current log level. ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug do "Updating config (#{direction}) from #{source.class}. Results: #{flattened.inspect}" end end def delete_all_configs_for_testing @high_security_source = nil @environment_source = nil @server_source = nil @manual_source = nil @yaml_source = nil @default_source = nil @configs_for_testing = [] end def num_configs_for_testing config_stack.size end def config_classes_for_testing config_stack.map(&:class) end private def config_stack stack = [@high_security_source, @environment_source, @server_source, @manual_source, @yaml_source, @default_source] stack.compact! @configs_for_testing.each do |config, index| stack.insert(index, config) end stack end def parse_constant_list(list) list.split(/\s*,\s*/).map do |class_name| const = constantize(class_name) unless const NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn "Configuration referenced undefined constant: #{class_name}" end const end end def constantize(class_name) namespaces = class_name.split('::') namespaces.inject(Object) do |namespace, name| return unless namespace namespace.const_get(name) if namespace.const_defined?(name) end end end end end end