Feature: Generating SVG clowncars during preview mode Scenario: Basic command Given a fixture app "automatic-clowncar-app" And a file named "source/not-index.html.erb" with: """ <%= automatic_clowncar_tag "photos/test-image.jpg", :host => "http://localhost:4567/" %> """ And the Server is running at "automatic-clowncar-app" When I go to "/not-index.html" Then I should see " { :small => 200, :medium => 400, :large => 600 }, :namespace_directory => %w(photos) activate :asset_host, :host => "http://localhost:4567/" """ And a file named "source/not-index.html.erb" with: """ <%= automatic_clowncar_tag "photos/test-image.jpg" %> """ And the Server is running at "automatic-clowncar-app" When I go to "/not-index.html" Then I should see " "http://localhost:4567/", :fallback => true %> """ And the Server is running at "automatic-clowncar-app" When I go to "/not-index.html" Then I should see "" And I should see '' And I should see "" Scenario: With prevent_upscaling Given a fixture app "automatic-clowncar-app" And a file named "source/not-index.html.erb" with: """ <%= automatic_clowncar_tag "photos/test-image.jpg", :host => "http://localhost:4567/", :prevent_upscaling => true %> """ And the Server is running at "automatic-clowncar-app" When I go to "/not-index.html" Then I should see "