#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'twitter' require 'json' CONFIG_PATH = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ebooksrc" module Ebooks class Archive attr_reader :tweets def make_client if File.exists?(CONFIG_PATH) @config = JSON.parse(File.read(CONFIG_PATH), symbolize_names: true) else @config = {} puts "As Twitter no longer allows anonymous API access, you'll need to enter the auth details of any account to use for archiving. These will be stored in #{CONFIG_PATH} if you need to change them later." print "Consumer key: " @config[:consumer_key] = STDIN.gets.chomp print "Consumer secret: " @config[:consumer_secret] = STDIN.gets.chomp print "Access token: " @config[:oauth_token] = STDIN.gets.chomp print "Access secret: " @config[:oauth_token_secret] = STDIN.gets.chomp File.open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(@config)) end end Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config| config.consumer_key = @config[:consumer_key] config.consumer_secret = @config[:consumer_secret] config.access_token = @config[:oauth_token] config.access_token_secret = @config[:oauth_token_secret] end end def initialize(username, path=nil, client=nil) @username = username @path = path || "corpus/#{username}.json" if File.directory?(@path) @path = File.join(@path, "#{username}.json") end @client = client || make_client if File.exists?(@path) @tweets = JSON.parse(File.read(@path, :encoding => 'utf-8'), symbolize_names: true) log "Currently #{@tweets.length} tweets for #{@username}" else @tweets.nil? log "New archive for @#{username} at #{@path}" end end def sync retries = 0 tweets = [] max_id = nil opts = { count: 200, #include_rts: false, trim_user: true } opts[:since_id] = @tweets[0][:id] unless @tweets.nil? loop do opts[:max_id] = max_id unless max_id.nil? begin new = @client.user_timeline(@username, opts) rescue Twitter::Error::TooManyRequests log "Rate limit exceeded. Waiting for 5 mins before retry." sleep 60*5 retry end break if new.length <= 1 tweets += new log "Received #{tweets.length} new tweets" max_id = new.last.id end if tweets.length == 0 log "No new tweets" else @tweets ||= [] @tweets = tweets.map(&:attrs).each { |tw| tw.delete(:entities) } + @tweets File.open(@path, 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(@tweets)) end end end end end