module Notable class Middleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) start_time = status, headers, body = request_time = - start_time Safely.safely do if env["action_dispatch.exception"] e = env["action_dispatch.exception"] message = case status.to_i when 404 "Not Found" when 503 "Timeout" else "Error" end Notable.track message, "#{}: #{e.message}" elsif (!status or status.to_i >= 400) and !Notable.notes.any? Notable.track Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status.to_i] end if request_time > Notable.slow_request_threshold and status.to_i != 503 Notable.track "Slow Request" end notes = Notable.notes if notes.any? request = url = request.original_url controller = env["action_controller.instance"] action = controller && "#{controller.params["controller"]}##{controller.params["action"]}" params = controller && controller.request.filtered_parameters.except("controller", "action") user = notes.each do |note| data = { note_type: note[:note_type], note: note[:note], user: user, action: action, status: status, params: params, request_id: request.uuid, ip: request.remote_ip, user_agent: request.user_agent, url: url, referrer: request.referer, request_time: request_time }, env) end end end [status, headers, body] end end end