require 'td/client/version' module TreasureData class APIError < StandardError end class ParameterValidationError < StandardError end class AuthError < APIError end class AlreadyExistsError < APIError end class NotFoundError < APIError end class API DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = '' DEFAULT_IMPORT_ENDPOINT = '' NEW_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = '' NEW_DEFAULT_IMPORT_ENDPOINT = '' def initialize(apikey, opts={}) require 'json' require 'time' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'time' #require 'faraday' # faraday doesn't support streaming upload with httpclient yet so now disabled require 'httpclient' @apikey = apikey @user_agent = "TD-Client-Ruby: #{TreasureData::Client::VERSION}" @user_agent = "#{opts[:user_agent]}; " + @user_agent if opts.has_key?(:user_agent) endpoint = opts[:endpoint] || ENV['TD_API_SERVER'] || DEFAULT_ENDPOINT uri = URI.parse(endpoint) @connect_timeout = opts[:connect_timeout] || 60 @read_timeout = opts[:read_timeout] || 600 @send_timeout = opts[:send_timeout] || 600 case uri.scheme when 'http', 'https' @host = @port = uri.port @ssl = uri.scheme == 'https' @base_path = uri.path.to_s else if uri.port # invalid URI raise "Invalid endpoint: #{endpoint}" end # generic URI @host, @port = endpoint.split(':', 2) @port = @port.to_i if opts[:ssl] @port = 443 if @port == 0 @ssl = true else @port = 80 if @port == 0 @ssl = false end @base_path = '' end @http_proxy = opts[:http_proxy] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] if @http_proxy http_proxy = if @http_proxy =~ /\Ahttp:\/\/(.*)\z/ $~[1] else @http_proxy end proxy_host, proxy_port = http_proxy.split(':',2) proxy_port = (proxy_port ? proxy_port.to_i : 80) @http_class = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port) else @http_class = Net::HTTP end @headers = opts[:headers] || {} end # TODO error check & raise appropriate errors attr_reader :apikey def self.normalized_msgpack(record, out = nil) record.keys.each { |k| v = record[k] if v.kind_of?(Bignum) record[k] = v.to_s end } record.to_msgpack(out) end def self.validate_name(target, min_len, max_len, name) if !target.instance_of?(String) || target.empty? raise ParameterValidationError, "A valid target name is required" end name = name.to_s if name.empty? raise ParameterValidationError, "Empty #{target} name is not allowed" end if name.length < min_len || name.length > max_len raise ParameterValidationError, "#{target.capitalize} name must be between #{min_len} and #{max_len} characters long. Got #{name.length} " + (name.length == 1 ? "character" : "characters") + "." end unless name =~ /^([a-z0-9_]+)$/ raise ParameterValidationError, "#{target.capitalize} name must only consist of lower-case alpha-numeric characters and '_'." end name end def self.validate_database_name(name) validate_name("database", 3, 256, name) end def self.validate_table_name(name) validate_name("table", 3, 256, name) end def self.validate_result_set_name(name) validate_name("result set", 3, 256, name) end def self.validate_column_name(name) validate_name("column", 2, 256, name) end def self.normalize_database_name(name) name = name.to_s if name.empty? raise "Empty name is not allowed" end if name.length < 3 name += "_"*(3-name.length) end if 256 < name.length name = name[0,254]+"__" end name = name.downcase name = name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_]/, '_') name end def self.normalize_table_name(name) normalize_database_name(name) end # TODO support array types def self.normalize_type_name(name) case name when /int/i, /integer/i "int" when /long/i, /bigint/i "long" when /string/i "string" when /float/i "float" when /double/i "double" else raise "Type name must eather of int, long, string float or double" end end # for fluent-plugin-td / td command to check table existence with import onlt user def self.create_empty_gz_data require 'zlib' require 'stringio' io = io.string end #### ## Account API ## def show_account code, body, res = get("/v3/account/show") if code != "200" raise_error("Show account failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[account]) a = js["account"] account_id = a['id'].to_i plan = a['plan'].to_i storage_size = a['storage_size'].to_i guaranteed_cores = a['guaranteed_cores'].to_i maximum_cores = a['maximum_cores'].to_i created_at = a['created_at'] return [account_id, plan, storage_size, guaranteed_cores, maximum_cores, created_at] end def account_core_utilization(from, to) params = { } params['from'] = from.to_s if from params['to'] = to.to_s if to code, body, res = get("/v3/account/core_utilization", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Show account failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[from to interval history]) from = Time.parse(js['from']).utc to = Time.parse(js['to']).utc interval = js['interval'].to_i history = js['history'] return [from, to, interval, history] end #### ## Database API ## # => [name:String] def list_databases code, body, res = get("/v3/database/list") if code != "200" raise_error("List databases failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[databases]) result = {} js["databases"].each {|m| name = m['name'] count = m['count'] created_at = m['created_at'] updated_at = m['updated_at'] result[name] = [count, created_at, updated_at, nil] # set nil to org for API compatibiilty } return result end # => true def delete_database(db) code, body, res = post("/v3/database/delete/#{e db}") if code != "200" raise_error("Delete database failed", res) end return true end # => true def create_database(db, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/database/create/#{e db}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Create database failed", res) end return true end #### ## Table API ## # => {name:String => [type:Symbol, count:Integer]} def list_tables(db) code, body, res = get("/v3/table/list/#{e db}") if code != "200" raise_error("List tables failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[tables]) result = {} js["tables"].map {|m| name = m['name'] type = (m['type'] || '?').to_sym count = (m['count'] || 0).to_i # TODO? created_at = m['created_at'] updated_at = m['updated_at'] last_import = m['counter_updated_at'] last_log_timestamp = m['last_log_timestamp'] estimated_storage_size = m['estimated_storage_size'].to_i schema = JSON.parse(m['schema'] || '[]') expire_days = m['expire_days'] primary_key = m['primary_key'] primary_key_type = m['primary_key_type'] result[name] = [type, schema, count, created_at, updated_at, estimated_storage_size, last_import, last_log_timestamp, expire_days, primary_key, primary_key_type] } return result end def create_log_or_item_table(db, table, type) code, body, res = post("/v3/table/create/#{e db}/#{e table}/#{type}") if code != "200" raise_error("Create #{type} table failed", res) end return true end private :create_log_or_item_table # => true def create_log_table(db, table) create_table(db, table, :log) end # => true def create_item_table(db, table, primary_key, primary_key_type) params = {'primary_key' => primary_key, 'primary_key_type' => primary_key_type} create_table(db, table, :item, params) end def create_table(db, table, type, params={}) schema = schema.to_s code, body, res = post("/v3/table/create/#{e db}/#{e table}/#{type}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Create #{type} table failed", res) end return true end private :create_table # => true def swap_table(db, table1, table2) code, body, res = post("/v3/table/swap/#{e db}/#{e table1}/#{e table2}") if code != "200" raise_error("Swap tables failed", res) end return true end # => true def update_schema(db, table, schema_json) code, body, res = post("/v3/table/update-schema/#{e db}/#{e table}", {'schema'=>schema_json}) if code != "200" raise_error("Create schema table failed", res) end return true end def update_expire(db, table, expire_days) code, body, res = post("/v3/table/update/#{e db}/#{e table}", {'expire_days'=>expire_days}) if code != "200" raise_error("Update table expiration failed", res) end return true end # => type:Symbol def delete_table(db, table) code, body, res = post("/v3/table/delete/#{e db}/#{e table}") if code != "200" raise_error("Delete table failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[]) type = (js['type'] || '?').to_sym return type end def tail(db, table, count, to, from, &block) params = {'format' => 'msgpack'} params['count'] = count.to_s if count params['to'] = to.to_s if to params['from'] = from.to_s if from code, body, res = get("/v3/table/tail/#{e db}/#{e table}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Tail table failed", res) end require 'msgpack' if block, &block) nil else result = [] {|row| result << row } return result end end #### ## Job API ## # => [(jobId:String, type:Symbol, status:String, start_at:String, end_at:String, result_url:String)] def list_jobs(from=0, to=nil, status=nil, conditions=nil) params = {} params['from'] = from.to_s if from params['to'] = to.to_s if to params['status'] = status.to_s if status params.merge!(conditions) if conditions code, body, res = get("/v3/job/list", params) if code != "200" raise_error("List jobs failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[jobs]) result = [] js['jobs'].each {|m| job_id = m['job_id'] type = (m['type'] || '?').to_sym database = m['database'] status = m['status'] query = m['query'] start_at = m['start_at'] end_at = m['end_at'] cpu_time = m['cpu_time'] result_url = m['result'] priority = m['priority'] retry_limit = m['retry_limit'] result << [job_id, type, status, query, start_at, end_at, cpu_time, result_url, priority, retry_limit, nil, database] # same as database } return result end # => (type:Symbol, status:String, result:String, url:String, result:String) def show_job(job_id) # use v3/job/status instead of v3/job/show to poll finish of a job code, body, res = get("/v3/job/show/#{e job_id}") if code != "200" raise_error("Show job failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[status]) # TODO debug type = (js['type'] || '?').to_sym # TODO database = js['database'] query = js['query'] status = js['status'] debug = js['debug'] url = js['url'] start_at = js['start_at'] end_at = js['end_at'] cpu_time = js['cpu_time'] result = js['result'] # result URL hive_result_schema = (js['hive_result_schema'] || '') if hive_result_schema.empty? hive_result_schema = nil else hive_result_schema = JSON.parse(hive_result_schema) end priority = js['priority'] retry_limit = js['retry_limit'] return [type, query, status, url, debug, start_at, end_at, cpu_time, result, hive_result_schema, priority, retry_limit, nil, database] # same as above end def job_status(job_id) code, body, res = get("/v3/job/status/#{e job_id}") if code != "200" raise_error("Get job status failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[status]) return js['status'] end def job_result(job_id) require 'msgpack' code, body, res = get("/v3/job/result/#{e job_id}", {'format'=>'msgpack'}) if code != "200" raise_error("Get job result failed", res) end result = [] {|row| result << row } return result end def job_result_format(job_id, format, io=nil) if io code, body, res = get("/v3/job/result/#{e job_id}", {'format'=>format}) {|res| if res.code != "200" raise_error("Get job result failed", res) end res.each_fragment {|fragment| io.write(fragment) } } nil else code, body, res = get("/v3/job/result/#{e job_id}", {'format'=>format}) if res.code != "200" raise_error("Get job result failed", res) end body end end def job_result_each(job_id, &block) require 'msgpack' get("/v3/job/result/#{e job_id}", {'format'=>'msgpack'}) {|res| if res.code != "200" raise_error("Get job result failed", res) end u = res.each_fragment {|fragment| u.feed_each(fragment, &block) } } nil end def job_result_raw(job_id, format) code, body, res = get("/v3/job/result/#{e job_id}", {'format'=>format}) if code != "200" raise_error("Get job result failed", res) end return body end def kill(job_id) code, body, res = post("/v3/job/kill/#{e job_id}") if code != "200" raise_error("Kill job failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[]) former_status = js['former_status'] return former_status end # => jobId:String def hive_query(q, db=nil, result_url=nil, priority=nil, retry_limit=nil, opts={}) query(q, :hive, db, result_url, priority, retry_limit, opts) end # => jobId:String def pig_query(q, db=nil, result_url=nil, priority=nil, retry_limit=nil, opts={}) query(q, :pig, db, result_url, priority, retry_limit, opts) end # => jobId:String def query(q, type=:hive, db=nil, result_url=nil, priority=nil, retry_limit=nil, opts={}) params = {'query' => q}.merge(opts) params['result'] = result_url if result_url params['priority'] = priority if priority params['retry_limit'] = retry_limit if retry_limit code, body, res = post("/v3/job/issue/#{type}/#{e db}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Query failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[job_id]) return js['job_id'].to_s end #### ## Export API ## # => jobId:String def export(db, table, storage_type, opts={}) params = opts.dup params['storage_type'] = storage_type code, body, res = post("/v3/export/run/#{e db}/#{e table}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Export failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[job_id]) return js['job_id'].to_s end #### ## Partial delete API ## def partial_delete(db, table, to, from, opts={}) params = opts.dup params['to'] = to.to_s params['from'] = from.to_s code, body, res = post("/v3/table/partialdelete/#{e db}/#{e table}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Partial delete failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[job_id]) return js['job_id'].to_s end #### ## Bulk import API ## # => nil def create_bulk_import(name, db, table, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/create/#{e name}/#{e db}/#{e table}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Create bulk import failed", res) end return nil end # => nil def delete_bulk_import(name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/delete/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Delete bulk import failed", res) end return nil end # => data:Hash def show_bulk_import(name) code, body, res = get("/v3/bulk_import/show/#{name}") if code != "200" raise_error("Show bulk import failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[status]) return js end # => result:[data:Hash] def list_bulk_imports(opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = get("/v3/bulk_import/list", params) if code != "200" raise_error("List bulk imports failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[bulk_imports]) return js['bulk_imports'] end def list_bulk_import_parts(name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = get("/v3/bulk_import/list_parts/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("List bulk import parts failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[parts]) return js['parts'] end # => nil def bulk_import_upload_part(name, part_name, stream, size, opts={}) code, body, res = put("/v3/bulk_import/upload_part/#{e name}/#{e part_name}", stream, size) if code[0] != ?2 raise_error("Upload a part failed", res) end return nil end # => nil def bulk_import_delete_part(name, part_name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/delete_part/#{e name}/#{e part_name}", params) if code[0] != ?2 raise_error("Delete a part failed", res) end return nil end # => nil def freeze_bulk_import(name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/freeze/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Freeze bulk import failed", res) end return nil end # => nil def unfreeze_bulk_import(name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/unfreeze/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Unfreeze bulk import failed", res) end return nil end # => jobId:String def perform_bulk_import(name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/perform/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Perform bulk import failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[job_id]) return js['job_id'].to_s end # => nil def commit_bulk_import(name, opts={}) params = opts.dup code, body, res = post("/v3/bulk_import/commit/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Commit bulk import failed", res) end return nil end # => data... def bulk_import_error_records(name, opts={}, &block) params = opts.dup code, body, res = get("/v3/bulk_import/error_records/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Failed to get bulk import error records", res) end if body.empty? if block return nil else return [] end end require 'zlib' require 'stringio' require 'msgpack' require File.expand_path('compat_gzip_reader', File.dirname(__FILE__)) u = if block begin u.each(&block) rescue EOFError end nil else result = [] begin u.each {|row| result << row } rescue EOFError end return result end end #### ## Schedule API ## # => start:String def create_schedule(name, opts) params = opts.update({:type=> opts[:type] || opts['type'] || 'hive'}) code, body, res = post("/v3/schedule/create/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Create schedule failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[start]) return js['start'] end # => cron:String, query:String def delete_schedule(name) code, body, res = post("/v3/schedule/delete/#{e name}") if code != "200" raise_error("Delete schedule failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[]) return js['cron'], js["query"] end # => [(name:String, cron:String, query:String, database:String, result_url:String)] def list_schedules code, body, res = get("/v3/schedule/list") if code != "200" raise_error("List schedules failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[schedules]) result = [] js['schedules'].each {|m| name = m['name'] cron = m['cron'] query = m['query'] database = m['database'] result_url = m['result'] timezone = m['timezone'] delay = m['delay'] next_time = m['next_time'] priority = m['priority'] retry_limit = m['retry_limit'] result << [name, cron, query, database, result_url, timezone, delay, next_time, priority, retry_limit, nil] # same as database } return result end def update_schedule(name, params) code, body, res = get("/v3/schedule/update/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Update schedule failed", res) end return nil end def history(name, from=0, to=nil) params = {} params['from'] = from.to_s if from params['to'] = to.to_s if to code, body, res = get("/v3/schedule/history/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("List history failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[history]) result = [] js['history'].each {|m| job_id = m['job_id'] type = (m['type'] || '?').to_sym database = m['database'] status = m['status'] query = m['query'] start_at = m['start_at'] end_at = m['end_at'] scheduled_at = m['scheduled_at'] result_url = m['result'] priority = m['priority'] result << [scheduled_at, job_id, type, status, query, start_at, end_at, result_url, priority, database] } return result end def run_schedule(name, time, num) params = {} params = {'num' => num} if num code, body, res = post("/v3/schedule/run/#{e name}/#{e time}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Run schedule failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[jobs]) result = [] js['jobs'].each {|m| job_id = m['job_id'] scheduled_at = m['scheduled_at'] type = (m['type'] || '?').to_sym result << [job_id, type, scheduled_at] } return result end #### ## Import API ## # => time:Float def import(db, table, format, stream, size, unique_id=nil) if unique_id path = "/v3/table/import_with_id/#{e db}/#{e table}/#{unique_id}/#{format}" else path = "/v3/table/import/#{e db}/#{e table}/#{format}" end opts = {} if @host == DEFAULT_ENDPOINT opts[:host] = DEFAULT_IMPORT_ENDPOINT elsif @host == NEW_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT opts[:host] = NEW_DEFAULT_IMPORT_ENDPOINT end code, body, res = put(path, stream, size, opts) if code[0] != ?2 raise_error("Import failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[]) time = js['time'].to_f return time end #### ## Result API ## def list_result code, body, res = get("/v3/result/list") if code != "200" raise_error("List result table failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[results]) result = [] js['results'].map {|m| result << [m['name'], m['url'], nil] # same as database } return result end # => true def create_result(name, url, opts={}) params = {'url'=>url}.merge(opts) code, body, res = post("/v3/result/create/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Create result table failed", res) end return true end # => true def delete_result(name) code, body, res = post("/v3/result/delete/#{e name}") if code != "200" raise_error("Delete result table failed", res) end return true end #### ## User API ## # apikey:String def authenticate(user, password) code, body, res = post("/v3/user/authenticate", {'user'=>user, 'password'=>password}) if code != "200" if code == "400" raise_error("Authentication failed", res, AuthError) else raise_error("Authentication failed", res) end end js = checked_json(body, %w[apikey]) apikey = js['apikey'] return apikey end # => [[name:String,organization:String,[user:String]] def list_users code, body, res = get("/v3/user/list") if code != "200" raise_error("List users failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[users]) result = js["users"].map {|roleinfo| name = roleinfo['name'] email = roleinfo['email'] [name, nil, nil, email] # set nil to org and role for API compatibiilty } return result end # => true def add_user(name, org, email, password) params = {'organization'=>org, :email=>email, :password=>password} code, body, res = post("/v3/user/add/#{e name}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Adding user failed", res) end return true end # => true def remove_user(user) code, body, res = post("/v3/user/remove/#{e user}") if code != "200" raise_error("Removing user failed", res) end return true end # => true def change_email(user, email) params = {'email' => email} code, body, res = post("/v3/user/email/change/#{e user}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Changing email failed", res) end return true end # => [apikey:String] def list_apikeys(user) code, body, res = get("/v3/user/apikey/list/#{e user}") if code != "200" raise_error("List API keys failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[apikeys]) return js['apikeys'] end # => true def add_apikey(user) code, body, res = post("/v3/user/apikey/add/#{e user}") if code != "200" raise_error("Adding API key failed", res) end return true end # => true def remove_apikey(user, apikey) params = {'apikey' => apikey} code, body, res = post("/v3/user/apikey/remove/#{e user}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Removing API key failed", res) end return true end # => true def change_password(user, password) params = {'password' => password} code, body, res = post("/v3/user/password/change/#{e user}", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Changing password failed", res) end return true end # => true def change_my_password(old_password, password) params = {'old_password' => old_password, 'password' => password} code, body, res = post("/v3/user/password/change", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Changing password failed", res) end return true end #### ## Access Control API ## def grant_access_control(subject, action, scope, grant_option) params = {'subject'=>subject, 'action'=>action, 'scope'=>scope, 'grant_option'=>grant_option.to_s} code, body, res = post("/v3/acl/grant", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Granting access control failed", res) end return true end def revoke_access_control(subject, action, scope) params = {'subject'=>subject, 'action'=>action, 'scope'=>scope} code, body, res = post("/v3/acl/revoke", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Revoking access control failed", res) end return true end # [true, [{subject:String,action:String,scope:String}]] def test_access_control(user, action, scope) params = {'user'=>user, 'action'=>action, 'scope'=>scope} code, body, res = get("/v3/acl/test", params) if code != "200" raise_error("Testing access control failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[permission access_controls]) perm = js["permission"] acl = js["access_controls"].map {|roleinfo| subject = roleinfo['subject'] action = roleinfo['action'] scope = roleinfo['scope'] [name, action, scope] } return perm, acl end # [{subject:String,action:String,scope:String}] def list_access_controls code, body, res = get("/v3/acl/list") if code != "200" raise_error("Listing access control failed", res) end js = checked_json(body, %w[access_controls]) acl = js["access_controls"].map {|roleinfo| subject = roleinfo['subject'] action = roleinfo['action'] scope = roleinfo['scope'] grant_option = roleinfo['grant_option'] [subject, action, scope, grant_option] } return acl end #### ## Server Status API ## # => status:String def server_status code, body, res = get('/v3/system/server_status') if code != "200" return "Server is down (#{code})" end js = checked_json(body, %w[status]) status = js['status'] return status end private module DeflateReadBodyMixin attr_accessor :gzip def each_fragment(&block) if @gzip infl = else infl = end begin read_body do |fragment| infl.inflate(fragment) end ensure infl.close end nil end end module DirectReadBodyMixin def each_fragment(&block) read_body(&block) end end def get(url, params=nil, &block) http, header = new_http path = @base_path + url if params && !params.empty? path << "?" {|k,v| "#{k}=#{e v}" }.join('&') end header['Accept-Encoding'] = 'deflate, gzip' request =, header) unless ENV['TD_CLIENT_DEBUG'].nil? puts "DEBUG: REST GET call:" puts "DEBUG: header: " + header.to_s puts "DEBUG: path: " + path.to_s puts "DEBUG: params: " + params.to_s end if block response = http.request(request) do |res| if ce = res.header['Content-Encoding'] require 'zlib' res.extend(DeflateReadBodyMixin) res.gzip = true if ce == 'gzip' else res.extend(DirectReadBodyMixin) end end else response = http.request(request) end unless ENV['TD_CLIENT_DEBUG'].nil? puts "DEBUG: REST GET response:" puts "DEBUG: header: " + response.header.to_s puts "DEBUG: body: " + response.body.to_s end body = response.body unless block if ce = response.header['content-encoding'] require 'zlib' if ce == 'gzip' infl = begin body = infl.inflate(body) ensure infl.close end else body = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(body) end end end return [response.code, body, response] end def post(url, params=nil) http, header = new_http path = @base_path + url unless ENV['TD_CLIENT_DEBUG'].nil? puts "DEBUG: REST POST call:" puts "DEBUG: header: " + header.to_s puts "DEBUG: path: " + path.to_s puts "DEBUG: params: " + params.to_s end if params && !params.empty? request =, header) request.set_form_data(params) else header['Content-Length'] = 0.to_s request =, header) end response = http.request(request) return [response.code, response.body, response] end def put(url, stream, size, opts = {}) client, header = new_client(opts) client.send_timeout = @send_timeout client.receive_timeout = @read_timeout header['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' header['Content-Length'] = size.to_s body = if == 'StringIO' stream.string else stream end target = build_endpoint(url, opts[:host] || @host) unless ENV['TD_CLIENT_DEBUG'].nil? puts "DEBUG: REST PUT call:" puts "DEBUG: header: " + header.to_s puts "DEBUG: target: " + target.to_s puts "DEBUG: body: " + body.to_s end response = client.put(target, body, header) return [response.code.to_s, response.body, response] end def build_endpoint(url, host) schema = @ssl ? 'https' : 'http' "#{schema}://#{host}:#{@port}/#{@base_path + url}" end def new_http(opts = {}) host = opts[:host] || @host http =, @port) http.open_timeout = 60 if @ssl http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER #store = #http.cert_store = store http.ca_file = File.join(ssl_ca_file) end header = {} if @apikey header['Authorization'] = "TD1 #{apikey}" end header['Date'] = header['User-Agent'] = @user_agent header.merge!(@headers) return http, header end def new_client(opts = {}) client =, @user_agent) client.connect_timeout = @connect_timeout if @ssl client.ssl_config.add_trust_ca(ssl_ca_file) client.ssl_config.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end header = {} if @apikey header['Authorization'] = "TD1 #{apikey}" end header['Date'] = header.merge!(@headers) return client, header end def ssl_ca_file @ssl_ca_file ||= File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'ca-bundle.crt') end def raise_error(msg, res, klass=nil) status_code = res.code.to_s begin js = JSON.load(res.body) if js.nil? error_msg = if res.respond_to?(:message) res.message # Net::HTTP else res.reason # httpclient end else error_msg = js['message'] || js['error'] end if klass raise klass, "#{status_code}: #{msg}: #{error_msg}" elsif status_code == "404" raise NotFoundError, "#{msg}: #{error_msg}" elsif status_code == "409" raise AlreadyExistsError, "#{msg}: #{error_msg}" elsif status_code == "401" raise AuthError, "#{msg}: #{error_msg}" else raise APIError, "#{status_code}: #{msg}: #{error_msg}" end rescue JSON::ParserError if klass raise klass, "#{status_code}: #{msg}: #{res.body}" elsif status_code == "404" raise NotFoundError, "#{msg}: #{res.body}" elsif status_code == "409" raise AlreadyExistsError, "#{msg}: #{res.body}" elsif status_code == "401" raise AuthError, "#{msg}: #{res.body}" else raise APIError, "#{status_code}: #{msg}: #{res.body}" end end # TODO error end def e(s) require 'cgi' CGI.escape(s.to_s) end def checked_json(body, required) js = nil begin js = JSON.load(body) rescue raise "Unexpected API response: #{$!}" end unless js.is_a?(Hash) raise "Unexpected API response: #{body}" end required.each {|k| unless js[k] raise "Unexpected API response: #{body}" end } js end end end