module Wukong class RunnerResult field :runner, Runner, :doc => 'Runner object that created this job' field :command, Array, :of => String, :doc => 'launch command' field :beg_time, Time field :end_time, Time field :raw_out, String field :raw_err, String end # # A uniform interface for launching processes. # # * accepts humanized and standardized args # * synthesize args into a command # * launch the process # * parse its output # class Runner class_attribute :result_parser ; self.result_parser = RunnerResult field :name, Symbol, :required => true field :executor_path, Pathname, :required => true def to_long_params(arg_hsh, dash='-') arg_hsh.inject([]) do |acc, (param, val)| param = param.to_s.gsub(/[\-_\W]+/, dash) acc << "--#{param.to_s}" << val.to_s end end def native_args(arg_hsh) to_dashed_params(arg_hsh) end def command(arg_hsh) [executor_path, *native_args(arg_hsh)] end def run(input, arg_hsh) cmd = command(input, arg_hsh) beg_time = out, err = launch( *cmd ) end_time ={ :runner => self, :command => cmd, :beg_time => beg_time, :end_time => end_time, :input => input, :arg_hsh => arg_hsh, :raw_out => out, :raw_err => err, }) end class << self def executor(*args) ArgumentError.check_arity!(args, 1) @executor = args.first if args.present? @executor end def launch(*cmd) out = `#{cmd.join(' ')}` end def which(basename) raise ArgumentError, "which wants a basename, not a path (#{basename})" if basename =~ %r{\/} out, err = launch('which', basename) out.chomp end end end module RunnerWithInputOutput extend Gorillib::Concern include Hanuman::IsOwnInputSlot include Hanuman::IsOwnOutputSlot # sugar for a command that takes input to produce output. # # @param [Array, String] inputs -- added as the `:inputs` arg (converting to an array if necessary) # @param [String] output -- added as the `:output` arg # def run(inputs, output, args={}) inputs = Array.wrap(inputs) super args.merge(:inputs => inputs, :output => output) end end # # Wukong::Runner interface for the `cp` command # # @example # runner = #'my_src.jpg', 'my_dest.jpg') # class CpRunner include RunnerWithInputOutput executor which('cp') argument :verbose, Boolean, :native => '-v', :solo => true, :doc => 'show files as they are copied' argument :duplicate, Boolean, :native => '-a', :solo => true, :doc => 'Preserves structure and attributes of files' end class ScpRunner include RunnerWithInputOutput executor which('scp') argument :verbose, Boolean, :native => '-v', :solo => true, :doc => 'show files as they are copied' argument :duplicate, Boolean, :native => '-p', :solo => true, :doc => 'Preserves structure and attributes of files' # argument :ssh_user, String argument :dest_host, String argument :ssh_key_file, Pathname, :native => '-i' argument :dest_port, Integer, :native => '-P' argument :compression, Boolean, :native => '-C' argument :recursive, Boolean, :native => '-r' self.success_exit_status = 0 end module RunnerForJava argument :java_home, :env_var => 'JAVA_HOME', :doc => 'path to the java environment; $JAVA_HOME/bin usually holds your java runner' argument :java_prog, :finally => ->(){ path_to(arg_val(:java_home), 'bin', 'java') } argument :jar argument :classpath def java_conf end end class HadoopRunner include RunnerWithInputOutput executor which('hadoop') argument :verbose, Boolean, :native => '-v', :solo => true, :doc => 'show files as they are copied' argument :hadoop_home, :default => '/usr/lib/hadoop', :doc => "Path to hadoop installation; ENV['HADOOP_HOME'] by default. HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop is used to run hadoop.", :env_var => 'HADOOP_HOME' argument :hadoop_runner, :doc => "Path to hadoop script. Usually set --hadoop_home instead of this." # # Translate simplified args to their hairy hadoop equivalents # argument :job_name, :jobconf => '' # argument :io_sort_mb, :jobconf => 'io.sort.mb' argument :io_sort_record_percent, :jobconf => 'io.sort.record.percent' argument :key_field_separator, :jobconf => 'map.output.key.field.separator' argument :map_speculative, :jobconf => '' argument :map_tasks, :jobconf => '' argument :max_maps_per_cluster, :jobconf => 'mapred.max.maps.per.cluster' argument :max_maps_per_node, :jobconf => 'mapred.max.maps.per.node' argument :max_node_map_tasks, :jobconf => '' argument :max_node_reduce_tasks, :jobconf => 'mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum' argument :max_record_length, :jobconf => 'mapred.linerecordreader.maxlength', :doc => "Safeguards against corrupted data: lines longer than this (in bytes) are treated as bad records." argument :max_reduces_per_cluster,:jobconf => 'mapred.max.reduces.per.cluster' argument :max_reduces_per_node, :jobconf => 'mapred.max.reduces.per.node' argument :max_tracker_failures, :jobconf => 'mapred.max.tracker.failures' argument :max_map_attempts, :jobconf => '' argument :max_reduce_attempts, :jobconf => 'mapred.reduce.max.attempts' argument :min_split_size, :jobconf => 'mapred.min.split.size' argument :output_field_separator, :jobconf => '' argument :partition_fields, :jobconf => 'num.key.fields.for.partition' argument :reduce_tasks, :jobconf => 'mapred.reduce.tasks' argument :respect_exit_status, :jobconf => '' argument :reuse_jvms, :jobconf => 'mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks' argument :sort_fields, :jobconf => '' argument :timeout, :jobconf => 'mapred.task.timeout' argument :noempty, :doc => "don't create zero-byte reduce files (hadoop mode only)" argument :split_on_xml_tag, :doc => "Parse XML document by specifying the tag name: 'anything found between and will be treated as one record for map tasks'" argument :mapper_command, String, :native => '-mapper' argument :reducer_command, String, :native => '-reducer' repeated_argument :file, String, :native => '-file' # emit a -jobconf hadoop option if the simplified command line arg is present def jobconf option if settings[option] # "-jobconf %s=%s" % [settings.definition_of(option, :description), settings[option]] "-D %s=%s" % [settings.definition_of(option, :description), settings[option]] end end def finalize_settings settings[:reuse_jvms] = '-1' if (settings[:reuse_jvms] == true) settings[:respect_exit_status] = 'false' if (settings[:ignore_exit_status] == true) settings[:reduce_tasks] = 0 if (! settings[:reduce_command]) end def hadoop_other_args extra_str_args = [ settings[:extra_args] ] if settings.split_on_xml_tag extra_str_args << %Q{-inputreader 'StreamXmlRecordReader,begin=<#{settings.split_on_xml_tag}>,end='} end extra_str_args << ' -lazyOutput' if settings[:noempty] # don't create reduce file if no records extra_str_args << ' -partitioner org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.KeyFieldBasedPartitioner' unless settings[:partition_fields].blank? extra_str_args end def hadoop_recycle_env %w[RUBYLIB].map do |var| %Q{-cmdenv '#{var}=#{ENV[var]}'} if ENV[var] end.compact end # The path to the hadoop runner script def hadoop_runner settings[:hadoop_runner] || (settings[:hadoop_home]+'/bin/hadoop') end # # Assemble the hadoop command to execute # and launch the hadoop runner to execute the script across all tasktrackers # # FIXME: Should add some simple logic to ensure that commands are in the # right order or hadoop will complain. ie. -D settings MUST come before # others # def execute_hadoop_workflow # Input paths join by ',' input_paths = @input_paths.join(',') # # Use Settings[:hadoop_home] to set the path your config install. hadoop_commandline = [ hadoop_runner, "jar #{settings[:hadoop_home]}/contrib/streaming/hadoop-*streaming*.jar", hadoop_jobconf_settings, "-D'#{job_name}'", hadoop_other_args, "-mapper '#{mapper_commandline}'", "-reducer '#{reducer_commandline}'", "-input '#{input_paths}'", "-output '#{output_path}'", "-file '#{this_script_filename}'", hadoop_recycle_env, ].flatten.compact.join(" \t\\\n ") " Launching hadoop!" execute_command!(hadoop_commandline) end end # # Req # class HadoopJob field :job_id field :k def from_jobtracker(jobtracker_host) contents = fetch_jobtracker_raw(jobtracker_host) attrs = parse_jobtracker_raw(contents) end def fetch_jobtracker_raw(jobtracker_host) end def parse_jobtracker_raw(contents) end end end