Ext.apply window, grid: (title) -> if title Ext.ComponentQuery.query('grid[title="'+title+'"]')[0] else Ext.ComponentQuery.query('grid{isVisible(true)}')[0] expandRowCombo: (field, params) -> g = g || this.grid() editor = g.getPlugin('celleditor') column = g.headerCt.items.findIndex('name', field) - 1 editor.startEditByPosition({row: g.getSelectionModel().getCurrentPosition().rowIdx, column: column}) editor.activeEditor.field.onTriggerClick() # Example: # addRecords {title: 'Foo'}, {title: 'Bar'}, to: grid('Books'), submit: true addRecords: -> params = arguments[arguments.length - 1] for record in arguments if (record != params) record = params.to.getStore().add(record)[0] record.isNew = true click button 'Apply' if params.submit addRecord: (recordData, params) -> params = params || [] grid = params.to || this.grid() record = grid.getStore().add(recordData) grid.getSelectionModel().select(grid.getStore().last()) updateRecord: (recordData, params) -> params = params || [] grid = params.to || this.grid() record = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0] for key,value of recordData record.set(key, value) selectAssociation: (attr, value, callback) -> expandRowCombo attr wait -> select value, in: combobox(attr) # wait -> callback.call() valuesInColumn: (name, params) -> params ?= {} grid = params.in || this.grid() out = [] grid.getStore().each (r) -> assocValue = r.get('meta').associationValues[name] out.push(if assocValue then assocValue else r.get(name)) out selectAllRows: (params) -> params ?= {} grid = params.in || this.grid() grid.getSelectionModel().selectAll() # rowDisplayValues in: grid('Books'), of: grid('Books').getStore().last() # Without parameters, assumes the first found grid and the selected row rowDisplayValues: (params) -> params ?= {} grid = params.in || this.grid() record = params.of || grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0] visibleColumns = [] Ext.each grid.columns, (c) -> visibleColumns.push(c) if c.isVisible() i = -1 return Ext.Array.map(Ext.DomQuery.select('table[data-recordid="'+record.internalId+'"] tbody tr td div'), (cell) -> i++ if visibleColumns[i].attrType == 'boolean' record.get(visibleColumns[i].name) else cell.innerHTML ) # selectLastRow() # selectLastRow in: grid('Book') selectLastRow: (params) -> params ?= {} grid = params.in || this.grid() grid.getSelectionModel().select(grid.getStore().last()) # selectFirstRow() # selectFirstRow in: grid('Book') selectFirstRow: (params) -> params ?= {} grid = params.in || this.grid() grid.getSelectionModel().select(grid.getStore().first()) # Example: # editLastRow {title: 'Foo', exemplars: 10} editLastRow: -> data = arguments[0] grid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("grid")[0] store = grid.getStore() record = store.last() for key of data record.set(key, data[key]) completeEditing: (g) -> g = g || this.grid() e = g.getPlugin('celleditor') e.completeEdit()