require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe "integration tests" do let(:app) { build_app } let(:presenter) { build_presenter(fixture_path("test.dump")) } let(:response) { app.last_response } after(:each) do Dir.glob("spec/fixtures/*.flames.json").each {|file| File.delete(file) } Dir.glob("spec/fixtures/*").each {|file| File.delete(file) } Dir.glob("spec/fixtures/*.graph.png").each {|file| File.delete(file) } end describe "index" do it "lists the files in a folder" do app = build_app(directory: "spec/fixtures") app.get "/" expect(app.last_response.body).to include("test.dump") end it "redirects to overview if path is specified" do app = build_app(filepath: fixture_path("test.dump")) app.get "/" app.follow_redirect! expect(app.last_response.body).to include("Dummy") end end it "does not crash on unknown requests" do app.get "/favicon.ico" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end describe "overview" do it "works with a valid dump" do app.get "/overview", dump: fixture_path("test.dump") frame = presenter.overview_frames.first expect(response.body).to include(frame[:method]) end it "communicates that flamegraph is not available for dump" do app.get "/overview", dump: fixture_path("test.dump") end it "does not crash if selected file is not a dump" do app.get "/overview", dump: "Rakefile" expect(response.body).to include("Unable to open") end end it "is able to generate flames.json file" do app.get "/flames.json", dump: fixture_path("test-raw.dump") expect(response.body).to include("flamegraph") end it "is able to render graph" do app.get "/graph.png", dump: fixture_path("test.dump") expect(response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq("image/png") expect(response.body.size).to_not eq(0) end it "method page renders information about a method" do frame = presenter.overview_frames.first app.get "/method", dump: fixture_path("test.dump"), name: frame[:method] expect(response.body).to include("Callers") end it "does not crash on a file page" do frame = presenter.overview_frames.first method_info = presenter.method_info frame[:method] expect { app.get "/file", dump: fixture_path("test.dump"), path: method_info.first[:location] }.to_not raise_error end end