describe("Backbone.UndoableModel", function() { var model, originalAttributes, afterSyncAttributes, called, post, Post, comments, comment, Comment, author, Person beforeEach(function() { jasmine.Ajax.useMock() called = false originalAttributes = { title: 'some title', body: 'some body' } model = new Backbone.UndoableModel(originalAttributes) model.url = '' }) function performSync(model) { var request = mostRecentAjaxRequest(); request.response({status: 200, responseText: model.toJSON()}) } it("should be a Backbone.NestedAttributesModel", function() { expect(model).toBeAnInstanceOf(Backbone.NestedAttributesModel) }) describe("when the initialize method is overriden", function() { var Model describe("and the undoable method is not called", function() { beforeEach(function() { Model = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({ initialize: function () {} }) model = new Model(originalAttributes) }) it("does not reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).not.toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("and the undoable method is called", function() { describe("in the initialize method", function() { beforeEach(function() { Model = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({ initialize: function () { this.undoable() } }) model = new Model(originalAttributes) }) it("reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("by calling the super method", function() { beforeEach(function() { Model = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({ initialize: function () { Backbone.UndoableModel.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments) } }) model = new Model(originalAttributes) }) it("reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("after it is initialized", function() { beforeEach(function() { Model = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({}) model = new Model(originalAttributes) }) it("reverts the model own attributes to the attributes that the model had before calling undoable", function() { var beforeUndoableAttributes = { title: 'before undoable title', body: 'before undoable body' } model.set(beforeUndoableAttributes) model.undoable() model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(beforeUndoableAttributes) }) }) }) }) describe("when it is a new model", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) describe("and it is changed", function() { it("should have changes since sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) describe("and then undo", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) it("reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("and then sync", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) performSync(model) expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) describe("then undo", function() { it("reverts the model own attributes to their value right after sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'sync title', body: 'sync body' }) performSync(model) afterSyncAttributes = model.toJSON() model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(afterSyncAttributes) }) }) }) }) }) describe("when it is an existing model", function() { beforeEach(function() { originalAttributes = { id: 123, title: 'some title', body: 'some body' } model = new Backbone.UndoableModel(originalAttributes) model.url = '' }) describe("and it is changed", function() { it("should have changes since sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) describe("and then undo", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) it("reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("and then sync", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) performSync(model) expect(model.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) describe("then undo", function() { it("reverts the model own attributes to their value right after sync", function() { model.set({ title: 'sync title', body: 'sync body' }) performSync(model) afterSyncAttributes = model.toJSON() model.set({ title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }) model.undo() expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual(afterSyncAttributes) }) }) }) }) }) describe("state:restore event", function() { var called beforeEach(function() { called = false }) it("is triggered when the model is undo", function() { model.on('state:restore', function () { called = true }) model.undo() expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) }) describe("state:store event", function() { it("is triggered when the model is saved", function() { model.on('state:store', function () { called = true }) performSync(model) expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) describe("when it is a new model", function() { it("is triggered when the model is saved", function() { model.on('state:store', function () { called = true }) performSync(model) expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) it("is not triggered when the model is destroyed", function() { model.on('state:store', function () { called = true }) model.destroy() performSync(model) expect(called).toBeFalsy() }) }) describe("when it is not a new model", function() { beforeEach(function() { model.set({ id: 123 }) }); it("is triggered when the model is saved", function() { model.on('state:store', function () { called = true }) performSync(model) expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) it("is triggered when the model is destroyed", function() { model.on('state:store', function () { called = true }) model.destroy() performSync(model) expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) }) }) describe("when an attribute is added", function() { it("unsets this attribute on undo", function() { model.set({ newAttr: 'foo' }) model.undo() expect(model.has('newAttr')).toBeFalsy() }) }) describe("when it has a has one relationship", function() { beforeEach(function() { Post = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({ relations: [ { type: 'one', key: 'author', relatedModel: function () { return Person } } ] }) Person = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({}) originalAttributes = { title: 'some title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } } post = new Post(_(originalAttributes).clone()) author = post.get('author') }) describe("and a nested model changes", function() { it("should have changes since sync", function() { author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(author.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) it("its parent should have changes since sync", function() { author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(post.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) describe("and the nested model state is saved", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) author.saveState() expect(author.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) it("its parent should have changes since sync", function() { author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) author.saveState() expect(post.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) describe("when undoing changes", function() { it("revert to the last saved state", function() { author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) author.saveState() author.set({ name: 'Tyrion Lanninster' }) author.undo() expect(author.get('name')).toEqual('Robb Stark') }) }) }) }) describe("undoing a change", function() { describe("in its own attributes", function() { it("reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { post.set({ title: 'new title' }) post.undo() expect(post.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("in a nested model", function() { it("reverts the model own attributes as well as the nested ones to its original attributes, creating a new model reference", function() { author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) post.undo() expect(post.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) expect(post.get('author')).not.toEqual(author) }) }) }) describe("undoing a nested model", function() { it("does not trigger a state:restore event on the parent model", function() { post.on('state:restore', function () { called = true }) author.undo() expect(called).toBeFalsy() }) it("trigger a state:restore event on the nested model", function() { author.on('state:restore', function () { called = true }) author.undo() expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) }) }) describe("when it has a has many relationship", function() { beforeEach(function() { Post = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({ relations: [ { key: 'comments', relatedModel: function () { return Comment } } ] }) Comment = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({}) originalAttributes = { title: 'some title', comments: [ { body: 'some body' } ] } post = new Post(_(originalAttributes).clone()) comments = post.get('comments') comment = }) describe("and a nested model changes", function() { it("should have changes since sync", function() { comment.set({ body: 'new body' }) expect(comment.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) it("its parent should have changes since sync", function() { comment.set({ body: 'new body' }) expect(post.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) describe("and the nested model state is saved", function() { it("should not have changes since sync", function() { comment.set({ body: 'new body' }) comment.saveState() expect(comment.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeFalsy() }) it("its parent should have changes since sync", function() { comment.set({ body: 'new body' }) comment.saveState() expect(post.hasChangedSinceSync()).toBeTruthy() }) describe("when undoing changes", function() { it("revert to the last saved state", function() { comment.set({ body: 'new body' }) comment.saveState() comment.set({ body: 'other body' }) comment.undo() expect(comment.get('body')).toEqual('new body') }) }) }) }) describe("undoing a change", function() { describe("in its own attributes", function() { it("reverts the model own attributes to its original attributes", function() { post.set({ title: 'new title' }) post.undo() expect(post.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) }) }) describe("in a nested model", function() { it("reverts the model own attributes as well as the nested ones to its original attributes, keeping the existing collection untouched", function() { comment.set({ body: 'new body' }) post.undo() expect(post.toJSON()).toEqual(originalAttributes) expect(post.get('comments')).toEqual(comments) }) }) }) describe("undoing a nested model", function() { it("does not trigger a state:restore event on the parent model", function() { post.on('state:restore', function () { called = true }) comment.undo() expect(called).toBeFalsy() }) it("trigger a state:restore event on the nested model", function() { comment.on('state:restore', function () { called = true }) comment.undo() expect(called).toBeTruthy() }) }) describe("when undoing changes after a nested model had been removed", function() { beforeEach(function() { originalAttributes = { id: 321, title: 'some title', comments: [ { id: 123, body: 'some body' } ] } post = new Post(_(originalAttributes).clone()) comments = post.get('comments') comment = comments.remove(comment) }) it("undoes the deletedModels in the relation collection as well", function() { post.undo() expect(comments.deletedModels.length).toEqual(0) }) describe("and the state saved", function() { beforeEach(function() { post.saveState() }) it("keeps the deletedModels in the relation collection", function() { post.undo() expect( }) }) }) describe("when undoing changes after a undo", function() { it("reverts the changes properly", function() { post.set({ comments: [{ id: 123, body: 'first body' }] }) post.undo() post.set({ comments: [{ id: 123, body: 'last body' }] }) post.undo() expect(post.get('comments').at(0).get('body')).toEqual('some body') }) describe("on a deep nested model", function() { var Tag, tag beforeEach(function() { Comment = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({ relations: [ { key: 'tags', relatedModel: function () { return Tag } } ] }) Tag = Backbone.UndoableModel.extend({}) originalAttributes = { id: 321, title: 'some title', comments: [ { id: 123, body: 'some body', tags: [ { id: 456, name: 'javascript' } ] } ] } post = new Post(originalAttributes) }) it("reverts the changes properly", function() { post.set({ comments: [ { id: 123, body: 'some body', tags: [ { id: 456, name: 'ruby' } ] } ] }) post.undo() post.set({ comments: [ { id: 123, body: 'some body', tags: [ { id: 456, name: 'python' } ] } ] }) post.undo() expect(post.get('comments').at(0).get('tags').at(0).get('name')).toEqual('javascript') }) }) }) }) })