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        <h1>Getting Started</h1>
        <p>StaticMatic is designed to be quick &amp; easy to get up and running.</p>
        <p>You'll need to have (Ruby)[http://ruby-lang.org] installed along with Ruby's package manager (RubyGems)[http://rubygems.org/pages/download].  If you're using OSX or Linux, chances are you're ready to go.  If you're using Windows, you may need to install Rubyy using one of the packages found (here)[http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/].</p>
        <p>To install StaticMatic, open a terminal window and run:</p>
        <pre><code>&gt; gem install staticmatic&#x000A;</code></pre>
        <p>If everything is set up correctly, you should now be able to run:</p>
        <pre><code>&gt; staticmatic -v&#x000A;</code></pre>
        <p>and see a version number.</p>
        <p>Congratulations - you're ready to start creating your first StaticMatic site!</p>
        <h2>Creating a site</h2>
        <p>Open a terminal and run:</p>
        <pre><code>&gt; staticmatic setup my-first-site&#x000A;</code></pre>
        <p>and StaticMatic will create a set of files for you to get started.</p>