# Linked List Implement a doubly linked list. Like an array, a linked list is a simple linear data structure. Several common data types can be implemented using linked lists, like queues, stacks, and associative arrays. A linked list is a collection of data elements called *nodes*. In a *singly linked list* each node holds a value and a link to the next node. In a *doubly linked list* each node also holds a link to the previous node. You will write an implementation of a doubly linked list. Implement a Node to hold a value and pointers to the next and previous nodes. Then implement a List which holds references to the first and last node and offers an array-like interface for adding and removing items: * `push` (*insert value at back*); * `pop` (*remove value at back*); * `shift` (*remove value at front*). * `unshift` (*insert value at front*); To keep your implementation simple, the tests will not cover error conditions. Specifically: `pop` or `shift` will never be called on an empty list. If you want to know more about linked lists, check [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list). ## Resources Remember to check out the Perl 6 [documentation](https://docs.perl6.org/) and [resources](https://perl6.org/resources/) pages for information, tips, and examples if you get stuck. ## Running the tests There is a test suite and module included with the exercise. The test suite (a file with the extension `.t`) will attempt to run routines from the module (a file with the extension `.pm6`). Add/modify routines in the module so that the tests will pass! You can view the test data by executing the command `perl6 --doc *.t` (\* being the name of the test suite), and run the test suite for the exercise by executing the command `prove . --exec=perl6` in the exercise directory. You can also add the `-v` flag e.g. `prove . --exec=perl6 -v` to display all tests, including any optional tests marked as 'TODO'. ## Source Classic computer science topic ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.