# Hanami The web, with simplicity. ## v1.2.0.rc2 - 2018-04-06 ### Fixed - [Kelsey Judson] Ensure to not reload code under `lib/` when `shotgun` isn't bundled ## v1.2.0.rc1 - 2018-03-30 ## v1.2.0.beta2 - 2018-03-23 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Raise meaningful error message when trying to access `session` or `flash` with disabled sessions - [Pistos] Print stack trace to standard output when a CLI command raises an error ## v1.2.0.beta1 - 2018-02-28 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] HTTP/2 Early Hints ### Fixed - [Alfonso Uceda] Render custom template if an exception is raised from a view or template ## v1.1.1 - 2018-02-27 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby MRI 2.5+ ### Fixed - [Alfonso Uceda] Fixed regression for mailer generator: when using options like `--from` and `--to` the generated Ruby code isn't valid as it was missing string quotes. - [Luca Guidi] Generate tests for views including `:format` in `exposures`. This fixes view unit tests when the associated template renders a partial. ## v1.1.0 - 2017-10-25 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure `hanami db rollback` steps to be a positive integer ## v1.1.0.rc1 - 2017-10-16 ### Added - [Yuji Ueki] Generate RSpec tests with `:type` metadata (eg `type: :action`) - [Kirill] Add `--relation` option for `hanami generate model` (eg `bundle exec hanami generate model user --relation=accounts`) ## v1.1.0.beta3 - 2017-10-04 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Don't require `:plugins` group when running `hanami new` ## v1.1.0.beta2 - 2017-10-03 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduce `:plugins` group for `Gemfile` in order enable Hanami plugin gems - [Alfonso Uceda] CLI: `hanami db rollback` to revert one or more migrations at once ### Fixed - [Gabriel Gizotti] Fix generate/destroy for nested actions ## v1.1.0.beta1 - 2017-08-11 ### Added - [Ben Johnson] Allow to use custom logger as `Hanami.logger` (eg. `Hanami.configure { logger Timber::Logger.new($stdout) }`) - [akhramov] Generate spec file for application layout when generating a new app - [Anton Davydov] Generate `README.md` file for new projects - [Anton Davydov] Selectively boot apps via `HANAMI_APPS=web bundle exec hanami server` - [Marion Duprey & Gabriel Gizotti] Log payload (params) for non-GET HTTP requests - [Marion Duprey & Gabriel Gizotti] Filter sensitive data in logs ### Fixed - [jarosluv] Ensure to remove the correct migration file when executing `hanami db destroy model` - [sovetnik] Fix require path for Minitest spec helper ## v1.0.0 - 2017-04-06 ## v1.0.0.rc1 - 2017-03-31 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Allow `logger` setting in `config/environment.rb` to accept arbitrary arguments to make `Hanami::Logger` to be compatible with Ruby's `Logger`. (eg. `logger 'daily', level: :info`) ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure code reloading don't misconfigure mailer settings (regression from v1.0.0.beta3) - [Luca Guidi] Ensure database disconnection to happen in the same thread of `Hanami.boot` - [Luca Guidi] Ensure `mailer` block in `config/environment.rb` to be evaluated multiple times, according to the current Hanami environment - [Luca Guidi] Ensure a Hanami project to require only once the code under `lib/` ## v1.0.0.beta3 - 2017-03-17 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Try to disconnect from database at the boot time. This is useful to prune stale connection during production deploys. - [Tobias Sandelius] Don't mount `Hanami::CommonLogger` middleware if logging is disabled for the project. - [Anton Davydov] Don't configure mailers, if it's mailing is disabled for the project. - [Marcello Rocha] Ensure code reloading don't misconfigure mailer settings - [Jimmy Börjesson] Make `apps/web/application.rb` code to wrap around the 80th column ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] Removed deprecated `ApplicationConfiguration#default_format`. Use `#default_request_format` instead. ## v1.0.0.beta2 - 2017-03-02 ## v1.0.0.beta1 - 2017-02-14 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.4 - [yjukaku] CLI: `hanami generate model` now also generates a migration - [Luca Guidi] Generate `config/boot.rb` for new Hanami projects. - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Hanami.logger` as project logger - [Luca Guidi] Automatic logging of HTTP requests, migrations, and SQL queries - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `environment` for env specific settings in `config/environment.rb` ### Fixed - [Marcello Rocha] Fix Hanami::Mailer loading - [Kai Kuchenbecker] Serve only existing assets with `Hanami::Static` - [Gabriel Gizotti] Ensure inline ENV vars to not be overwritten by `.env.*` files - [Adrian Madrid] Ensure new Hanami projects to have the right `jdbc` prefix for JRuby - [Luca Guidi] Fixed code reloading for objects under `lib/` - [Semyon Pupkov] Ensure generated mailer to respect the project name under `lib/` - [Semyon Pupkov] Fixed generation of mailer settings for new projects - [Victor Franco] Fixed CLI subcommands help output ### Changed - [Ozawa Sakuro] Don't include `bundler` as a dependency `Gemfile` for new Hanami projects - [Luca Guidi] Make compatible with Rack 2.0 only - [Luca Guidi] Removed `logger` settings from Hanami applications - [Luca Guidi] Removed logger for Hanami applications (eg `Web.logger`) - [Luca Guidi] Changed mailer syntax in `config/enviroment.rb` ## v0.9.2 - 2016-12-19 ## Added - [The Crab] Mark unit tests/specs as pending for generated actions and views ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Rake task `:environment` no longer depends on the removed `:preload` task - [Luca Guidi] Ensure force SSL to use the default port, or the configured one - [Luca Guidi] Boot the project when other it's started without `hanami server` (eg. `puma` or `rackup`) ## v0.9.1 - 2016-11-18 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure JSON body parser to not eval untrusted input ## v0.9.0 - 2016-11-15 ### Added - [Christophe Philemotte] Introduced `hanami secret` to generate and print a new sessions secret ### Fixed - [Bruz Marzolf] Skip project code preloading when code reloading is enabled - [Bruz Marzolf] Ensure to generate project in current directory when running `hanami new .` - [Pascal Betz] Fix constant lookup within the project namespace - [Sean Collins] Ensure consistent order of code loading across operating systems - [Luca Guidi] Ensure to load the project configurations only once - [Luca Guidi] Fix duplicated Rack middleware in single Hanami application stacks ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby MRI 2.3+ - [Luca Guidi] Removed support for "application" architecture - [Luca Guidi] Removed `Hanami::Container.new` in favor of `Hanami.app` - [Luca Guidi] Removed `Hanami::Container.configure` in favor of `Hanami.configure` - [Luca Guidi] Configure model and mailer within `Hanami.configure` block in `config/environment.rb` - [Luca Guidi] Removed `mapping` from model configuration - [Luca Guidi] Removed `Hanami::Application.preload!` in favor of `Hanami.boot` - [Luca Guidi] Removed experimental code support for `entr(1)` - [Luca Guidi & Sean Collins] Renamed assets configuration `digest` into `fingerprint` ## v0.8.0 - 2016-07-22 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Generate new projects with Subresurce Integrity enabled in production (security). - [Luca Guidi] Include `X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block` in default response headers (security). - [Luca Guidi] Include `X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff` in default response headers (security). - [Trung Lê & Neil Matatall] Added support for Content Security Policy 1.1 and 2.0 - [Andrey Deryabin] Experimental code reloading with `entr(1)` - [Anton Davydov] Introduced JSON logging formatter for production environment - [Anton Davydov] Allow to set logging formatters per app and per environment - [Anton Davydov] Allow to set logging levels per app and per environment - [Anton Davydov] Application logging now can log to any stream: standard out, file, `IO` and `StringIO` objects. - [Andrey Deryabin] Allow new projects to be generated with `--template` CLI argument (eg. `hanami new bookshelf --template=haml`) - [Sean Collins] Add `--version` and `-v` for `hanami version` CLI ### Fixed - [Josh Bodah] Ensure consistent CLI messages - [Andrey Morskov] Ensure consistent user experience and messages for generators - [Luca Guidi] Fixed generators for camel case project names - [Anton Davydov] Fixed model generator for camel case project names - [Leonardo Saraiva] Fix `Rakefile` generation to safely ignore missing RSpec in production - [Sean Collins] When generate an action, append routes to route file (instead of prepend) - [Sean Collins] When an action is destroyed via CLI, ensure to remove the corresponding route - [Bernardo Farah] Fix `require_relative` paths for nested generated actions and views unit tests - [Anton Davydov] If database and assets Rake tasks fails, ensure to exit the process with a non-successful code - [Luca Guidi] remove `Shotgun::Static` in favor of `Hanami::Assets::Static` for development/test and `Hanami::Static` for production - [Alexandr Subbotin] Load initializers in alphabetical order - [Matt McFarland] Fix server side error when CSRF token is not sent - [Erol Fornoles] Fix route generations for mounted apps - [Mahesh] Fix destroy action for application architecture - [Karim Tarek & akhramov] Reference rendering errors in Rack env's `rack.exception` variable. This enables compatibility with exception reporting SaaS. - [Luca Guidi] Detect assets dependencies changes in development (Sass/SCSS) - [Luca Guidi & Lucas Amorim] Make model generator not dependendent on the current directory name, but to the project name stored in `.hanamirc` ### Changed – [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 - [Trung Lê] Database env var is now `DATABASE_URL` (without the project name prefix like `BOOKSHELF_DATABASE_URL` - [Trung Lê] `lib/config/mapping.rb` is no longer generated for new projects and no longer loaded. - [Anton Davydov] New generated projects will depend (in their `Gemfile`) on `hanami` tiny version (`~> 0.8'`) instead of patch version (`0.8.0`) - [Andrey Deryabin] `dotenv` is now a soft dependency that will be added to the `Gemfile` `:development` and `:test` groups for new generated projects. - [Andrey Deryabin] `shotgun` is now a soft dependency that will be added to the `Gemfile` `:development` group for new generated projects. - [Anton Davydov] New logo in welcome page - [Ozawa Sakuro] Remove `require 'rubygems'` from generated code (projects, apps, routes, etc..) - [Eric Freese] Disable Ruby warnings in generated `Rakefile` for Minitest/RSpec tasks - [Luca Guidi] Allow views to render any HTTP status code. In actions use `halt(422)` for default status page or `self.status = 422` for view rendering. ## v0.7.3 - 2016-05-23 ### Fixed - [Pascal Betz] Use `Shotgun::Static` to serve static files in development mode and avoid to reload the env ## v0.7.2 - 2016-02-09 ### Fixed - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Fixed routing issue when static assets server tried to hijiack paths that are matching directories in public directory ## v0.7.1 - 2016-02-05 ### Fixed - [Anton Davydov] Fixed routing issue when static assets server tried to hijiack requests belonging to dynamic endpoints - [Anatolii Didukh] Ensure to fallback to default engine for `hanami console` ## v0.7.0 - 2016-01-22 ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] Renamed the project ## v0.6.1 - 2016-01-19 ### Fixed - [Anton Davydov] Show the current app name in Welcome page (eg. `/admin` shows instructions on how to generate an action for `Admin` app) - [Anton Davydov] Fix project creation when name contains dashes (eg. `"awesome-project" => "AwesomeProject"`) - [Anton Davydov] Ensure to add assets related entries to `.gitignore` when a project is generated with the `--database` flag - [deepj] Avoid blank lines in generated `Gemfile` - [trexnix] Fix for `lotus destroy app`: it doesn't cause a syntax error in `config/application.rb` anymore - [Serg Ikonnikov & Trung Lê] Ensure console to use the bundled engine ## v0.6.0 - 2016-01-12 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced configurable assets compressors - [Luca Guidi] Introduced "CDN mode" in order to serve static assets via Content Distribution Networks - [Luca Guidi] Introduced "Digest mode" in production in order to generate and serve assets with checksum suffix - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `lotus assets precompile` command to precompile, minify and append checksum suffix to static assets - [Luca Guidi] Send `Content-Cache` HTTP header when serving static assets in production mode - [Luca Guidi] Support new env var `SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS="true"` in order to serve static assets for the entire project - [Luca Guidi] Generate new applications by including `Web::Assets::Helpers` in `view.prepare` block - [Luca Guidi] Introduced new Rake tasks `:preload` and `:environment` - [Luca Guidi] Introduced new Rake tasks `db:migrate` and `assets:precompile` for Rails/Heroku compatibility - [Tadeu Valentt & Lucas Allan Amorin] Added `lotus destroy` command for apps, models, actions, migrations and mailers - [Lucas Allan Amorim] Custom initializers (`apps/web/config/initializers`) they are ran when the project is loaded and about to start - [Trung Lê] Generate mailer templates directory for new projects (eg. `lib/bookshelf/mailers/templates`) - [Tadeu Valentt] Alias `--database` as `-d` for `lotus new` - [Tadeu Valentt] Alias `--arch` as `-a` for `lotus new` - [Sean Collins] Let `lotus generate action` to guess HTTP method (`--method` arg) according to RESTful conventions - [Gonzalo Rodríguez-Baltanás Díaz] Generate new applications with default favicon ### Fixed - [Neil Matatall] Use "secure compare" for CSRF tokens in order to prevent timing attacks - [Bernardo Farah] Fix support for chunked response body (via `Rack::Chunked::Body`) - [Lucas Allan Amorim] Add `bundler` as a runtime dependency - [Lucas Allan Amorim] Ensure to load properly Bundler dependencies when starting the application - [Luca Guidi] Ensure sessions to be always available for other middleware in Rack stack of single applications - [Ken Gullaksen] Ensure to specify `LOTUS_PORT` env var from `.env` - [Andrey Deryabin] Fix `lotus new .` and prevent to generate the project in a subdirectory of current one - [Jason Charnes] Validate entity name for model generator - [Caius Durling] Fixed generator for nested actions (eg. `lotus generate action web domains/certs#index`) - [Tadeu Valentt] Prevent to generate migrations with the same name - [Luca Guidi] Ensure RSpec examples to be generated with `RSpec.describe` instead of only `describe` - [Andrey Deryabin] Avoid `lotus` command to generate unnecessary `.lotusrc` files - [Jason Charnes] Convert camel case application name into snake case when generating actions (eg. `BeautifulBlossoms` to `beautiful_blossoms`) - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Convert dasherized names into underscored names when generating projects (eg. `awesome-project` to `awesome_project`) ### Changed - [Sean Collins] Welcome page shows current year in copyright notes - [Luca Guidi] Add `/public/assets*` to `.gitignore` of new projects - [Luca Guidi] Removed support for `default_format` in favor of `default_request_format` - [Luca Guidi] Removed support for `apps/web/public` in favor of `apps/web/assets` as assets sources for applications - [Luca Guidi] Removed support for `serve_assets` for single applications in order to global static assets server enabled via `SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS` env var - [Luca Guidi] `assets` configuration in `apps/web/application.rb` now accepts a block to configure sources and other settings ## v0.5.0 - 2015-09-30 ### Added - [Ines Coelho & Rosa Faria] Introduced mailers support - [Theo Felippe] Added configuration entries: `#default_request_format` and `default_response_format` - [Rodrigo Panachi] Introduced `logger` configuration for applications, to be used like this: `Web::Logger.debug` - [Ben Lovell] Simpler and less verbose RSpec tests - [Pascal Betz] Introduced `--method` CLI argument for action generator as a way to specify the HTTP verb ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Handle conflicts between directories with the same name while serving static assets - [Derk-Jan Karrenbeld] Include default value `font-src: self` for CSP HTTP header - [Cam Huynh] Make CLI arguments immutable for `Lotus::Environment` - [Andrii Ponomarov] Disable welcome page in test environment - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Print error message and exit when no name is provided to model generator ### Changed - [Theo Felippe] Deprecated `#default_format` in favor of: `#default_request_format` ## v0.4.1 - 2015-07-10 ### Added - [Trung Lê] Alias `--database` as `--db` for `lotus new` ### Fixed - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure to load correctly apps in `lotus console` - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure to not duplicate prefix for Container mounted apps (eg `/admin/admin/dashboard`) - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure generator for "application" architecture to generate session secret - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa & Trung Lê & Hiếu Nguyễn] Exit unsuccessfully when `lotus generate model` doesn't receive a mandatory name for model - [Miguel Molina] Exit unsuccessfully when `lotus new --database` receives an unknown value - [Luca Guidi] Ensure to prepend sessions middleware, so other Rack components can have access to HTTP session ## v0.4.0 - 2015-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Database migrations and new CLI commands for database operations - [Luca Guidi] Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection - [Hiếu Nguyễn & Luca Guidi] Application Architecture - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Force SSL for applications - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `--url` CLI argument for action generator - [Luca Guidi] Added `rendered` "let" variable for new generated tests for views ### Fixed - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Fix generated routes for Container applications mounted on a path different from `/`. - [Luca Guidi] Reading `.lotusrc` pollutes `ENV` with unwanted variables. - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Added sqlite extension to SQLite/SQLite3 database URL. ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] `.env`, `.env.development` and `.env.test` are generated and expected to be placed at the root of the project. - [Luca Guidi] Remove database mapping from generated apps. - [Trung Lê & Luca Guidi] Remove default generated from new apps. - [Luca Guidi] New projects should depend on `lotus-model ~> 0.4` ## v0.3.2 - 2015-05-22 ### Added - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Automatic secure cookies if the current connection is using HTTPS. - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Routing helpers for actions (via `#routes`). - [My Mai] Introduced `Lotus.root`. It returns the top level directory of the project. ### Fixed - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Model generator should use new RSpec syntax. - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Model generator must respect file name conventions for Ruby. - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Action generator must respect file name conventions for Ruby. - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Action generator must raise error if name isn't provided. - [Luca Guidi] Container generator for RSpec let the application to be preloaded (discard `config.before(:suite)`) ## v0.3.1 - 2015-05-15 ### Added - [Hiếu Nguyễn] Introduced application generator (eg. `bundle exec lotus generate app admin` creates `apps/admin`). - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Introduced model generator (eg. `bundle exec lotus generate model user` creates entity, repository and test files). - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Introduced `Lotus.env`, `Lotus.env?` for current environment introspection (eg. `Lotus.env?(:test)` or `Lotus.env?(:staging, :production)`) - [Miguel Molina] Skip view creation when an action is generated via `--skip-view` CLI arg. ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure routes to be loaded for unit tests ## v0.3.0 - 2015-03-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced action generator. Eg. `bundle exec lotus generate action web dashboard#index` - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to specify default coookies options in application configuration. Eg. `cookies true, { domain: 'lotusrb.org' }` - [Tom Kadwill] Include `Lotus::Helpers` in views. - [Linus Pettersson] Allow to specify `--database` CLI option when generate a new project. Eg. `lotus new bookshelf --database=postgresql` - [Linus Pettersson] Initialize a Git repository when generating a new project - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Produce `.lotusrc` when generating a new project - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Security HTTP headers. `X-Frame-Options` and `Content-Security-Policy` are now enabled by default. - [Linus Pettersson] Database console. Run with `bundle exec lotus db console` - [Luca Guidi] Dynamic finders for relative and absolute routes. It implements method missing: `Web::Routes.home_path` will resolve to `Web::Routes.path(:home)`. ### Changed – [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Cookies will send `HttpOnly` by default. This is for security reasons. - [Jan Lelis] Enable `templates` configuration for new generated apps - [Mark Connell] Change SQLite file extension from `.db` to `.sqlite3` ## v0.2.1 - 2015-02-06 ### Added - [Huy Đỗ] Introduced `Lotus::Logger` - [Jimmy Zhang] `lotus new` accepts a `--path` argument - [Jimmy Zhang] Project generator for the current directory (`lotus new .`). This is useful to provide a web deliverable for existing Ruby gems. - [Trung Lê] Add example mapping file for project generator: `lib/config/mapping.rb` - [Hiếu Nguyễn] RSpec support for project generator: `--test=rspec` or `--test=minitest` (default) ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] `lotus version` to previx `v` (eg `v0.2.1`) - [Rob Yurkowski] Ensure project name doesn't contain special or forbidden characters - [Luca Guidi] Ensure all the applications are loaded in console - [Trung Lê] Container architecture: preload only `lib//**/*.rb` - [Hiếu Nguyễn] Fixed `lotus new` to print usage when project name isn't provided ## v0.2.0 - 2014-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `lotus new` as a command to generate projects. It supports "container" architecture for now. - [Luca Guidi] Show a welcome page when one mounted Lotus application doesn't have routes - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Application.preload!` to preload all the Lotus applications in a given Ruby process. (Bulk `Lotus::Application.load!`) - [Trung Lê] Allow browsers to fake non `GET`/`POST` requests via `Rack::MethodOverride` - [Josue Abreu] Allow to define body parses for non `GET` HTTP requests (`body_parsers` configuration) - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to toggle static assets serving (`serve_assets` configuration) - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to serve assets from multiple sources (`assets` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure `ENV` vars with per environment `.env` files - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Introduced `lotus routes` command - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure low level settings for MVC frameworks (`model`, `view` and `controller` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Container` - [Trung Lê] Include `Lotus::Presenter` as part of the duplicated modules - [Trung Lê] Include `Lotus::Entity` and `Lotus::Repository` as part of the duplicated modules - [Luca Guidi] Introduced code reloading for `lotus server` - [Trung Lê] Allow to configure database adapter (`adapter` configuration) - [Luca Guidi & Trung Lê] Allow to configure database mapping (`mapping` configuration) - [Piotr Kurek] Introduced custom templates for non successful responses - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure exceptions handling (`handle_exceptions` configuration) - [Michal Muskala] Allow to configure sessions (`sessions` configuration) - [Josue Abreu] Allow to configure cookies (`cookies` configuration) - [Piotr Kurek] Allow to yield multiple configurations per application, according to the current environment - [David Celis] Allow to configure Rack middleware stack (`middleware` configuration) - [David Celis] Introduced `lotus console` command. It runs the REPL configured in `Gemfile` (eg. pry or ripl). Defaults to IRb. - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Environment` which holds the informations about the current environment, and CLI arguments - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Application.load!` to load and configure an application without requiring user defined code (controllers, views, etc.) - [Leonard Garvey] Introduced `lotus server` command. It runs the application with the Rack server declared in `Gemfile` (eg. puma, thin, unicorn). It defaults to `WEBRick`. - [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 2.1 and 2.2 ### Changed - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Changed semantic of `assets` configuration. Now it's only used to set the sources for the assets. Static serving assets has now a new configuration: `serve_assets`. ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure `HEAD` requests return empty body ## v0.1.0 - 2014-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Allow to run multiple Lotus applications in the same Ruby process (framework duplication) - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Routes` as factory to generate application URLs - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure scheme, host and port (`scheme`, `host` and `port` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure a layout to use for all the views of an application (`layout` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure routes (`routes` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure several load paths for Ruby source files (`load_paths` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to serve static files (`assets` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Render default pages for non successful responses (eg `404` or `500`) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure the root of an application (`root` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Configuration` - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Application` - [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 2.0