# Dynamodb input plugin for Embulk ## Overview * **Plugin type**: input * **Load all or nothing**: yes * **Resume supported**: no * **Cleanup supported**: no ## Configuration - **auth_method**: AWS Credential Type. Available values options are: `basic`, `env`, `instance`, `profile`, `properties` - **basic**: AWS access key and secret access key - **env**: Environment variables - **instance**: EC2 Instance Metadata Service - **profile**: Profile configuration file - **properties**: Java system properties - If **auth_method** is set `basic` - **access_key**: AWS access key (string, required) - **secret_key**: AWS secret key (string, required) - If **auth_method** is set `profile` - **profile_name**: The name of a local configuration profile (string, optional) - **region**: Region Name (string, optional) - **end_point**: EndPoint URL (string, optional) `end_point` has priority when `region` and `end_point` are specified. - **table**: Table Name (string, required) - **scan_limit**: DynamoDB 1time Scan Query size limit (Int, optional) - **record_limit**: Max Record Search limit (Long, optional) - **columns**: a key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column (required) - **name**: Column name. - **type**: Column values are converted to this embulk type. Available values options are: `boolean`, `long`, `double`, `string`, `json` - **filters**: query filter (optional) ## Example ```yaml in: type: dynamodb auth_method: basic access_key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY secret_key: YOUR_SECRET_KEY region: ap-northeast-1 table: YOUR_TABLE_NAME columns: - {name: ColumnA, type: long} - {name: ColumnB, type: double} - {name: ColumnC, type: string} - {name: ColumnD, type: boolean} - {name: ColumnE, type: json} # DynamoDB Map, List and Set Column Type are json. filters: - {name: ColumnA, type: long, condition: BETWEEN, value: 10000, value2: 20000} - {name: ColumnC, type: string, condition: EQ, value: foobar} out: type: stdout ``` ## Try ``` $ ./gradlew classpath $ embulk preview -I lib your-sample.yml ``` ## Build ``` $ ./gradlew gem ```