# v3.2.28 * [enhancement] Output event timestamps in local time * [enhancement] Add storage resource mapping # v0.3.26 * [fix] Re-apply default stack state filtering on listing # v0.3.24 * [enhancement] Add logging output to generic and orchestration * [fix] Attribute access for sts update check # v0.3.22 * [fix] Resolve configuration loading issues (#58) * [enhancement] Update token refresh to within 10m of expiry (#59) * [enhancement] Unify token expiry checks (#56) # v0.3.20 * [fix] Properly calculate token expiry (#52) * [enhancement] Generate custom exception when key is not provided to signer (#53) # v0.3.18 * [fix] Prevent defaults overriding attribute values (#49) # v0.3.16 * [fix] Fix configuration file merging with initial credentials # v0.3.14 * [feature] Add orchestration stack planning support (#46) # v0.3.12 * [enhancement] Add support for defaulting to `AWS_` env vars * [fix] Properly parse AWS configuration/credentials file # v0.3.10 * [fix] Use custom attribute to store last stack event ID (#45) # v0.3.8 * [fix] Fix ECS credential loading (#42) # v0.3.6 * [enhancement] Support previous parameter reuse on stack update (#41) * [feature] Add support for ECS task profile (#40) # v0.3.4 * [fix] Support template url for stack models (#39) # v0.3.2 * [fix] Do not pass configuration file settings to STS (#37) * [fix] Properly fetch new events (#38) # v0.3.0 * [feature] Add sts session token support (MFA #35) * [enhancement] Load single bucket directly (remove bucket list permission requirement #33) # v0.2.4 * [enhancement] Add aws credential file mappings for token value (#31) * [fix] Support quoted values within aws credentials/configuration files (#31) * [fix] Update VCR setup and usage to allow specs to run without live env vars # v0.2.2 * [fix] Fix expiry check for STS tokens for assumed role * [enhancement] Support direct usage of STS tokens # v0.2.0 * [enhancement] Properly support miasma abstract specs * [fix] Properly handling compute instance naming * [fix] Set load balancer as terminated when destroyed # v0.1.36 * Fix access to default headers defined on connection # v0.1.34 * Fix template check on update to use dirty? helper method # v0.1.32 * Fix stack resource loading (properly load > 100 resources) * Remove deprecated method usage on the http library * Prevent lazy loading template on save in update context # v0.1.30 * Hotfix: Update STS expiration check logic. Add isolated STS host override. # v0.1.28 * Fix STS usage when building new API connections from existing connections (#21 and #23) __Note:__ Thanks to @cixelsyd and @imbriaco for getting this sorted # v0.1.26 * Fix broken S3 API interactions due to ordering in header modifications # v0.1.24 * Fix token usage causing request errors * Tune retry behavior to isolate valid retry requests * Properly pass external ID and session name through for STS # v0.1.22 * Fix instance profile credential auto loading * Add support for region auto-detection when using instance profiles * Update requests to use HTTP GET where possible for better retry support # v0.1.20 * Fix credential loading bug (#11) # v0.1.18 * Make aws file parsing more robust * Fix aws config file parsing section name generation (#10) * Add support for instance profile credentials * Add proxy support for eucalyptus endpoints # v0.1.16 * Add new `aws_sts_token` attribute for credentials * Automatically include STS token on requests if available * Add support for assuming roles via STS # v0.1.14 * Fix checksum generation on multi-part uploads * Fix paginated fetching of bucket objects # v0.1.12 * Update default file paths to use `Dir.home` instead of ~ expansion * Fix bug reading .aws/credentials when whitespace is used * Add support for .aws/config * Auto detect us-east-1 region and do not use custom s3 endpoint # v0.1.10 * Fix disable rollback mapping value to on failure # v0.1.8 * Include resource mapping for Stack * Add support for aws credentials file * Add stack tagging support * Enable on failure option for stack creation * Update list requests to use post + form to prevent param limitations via get # v0.1.6 * Fix state assignment when undefined within orchestration stacks * Fix multi-part S3 uploads # v0.1.4 * Fix values set within load balancer reload * Ensure state is valid for orchestration stack prior to set * Load health status of instances attached to load balancers # v0.1.2 * Migrate spec coverage * Update storage behavior to use streamable helper # v0.1.0 * Initial release