% render "layouts/basic.html" do %# HTML tags can be embedded in mark down files if you want to do specific custom %# formatting like this, but in most cases that is not required.

<%= Origen.config.name %> (<%= Origen.app.version %>)

### Purpose This origen gem provides tester models to drive ATE type testers like the J750, UltraFLEX, V93K. ### How To Import In your Gemfile add: ~~~ruby gem "<%= Origen.app.name %>", ">= <%= Origen.app.version %>" ~~~ or if your application is a gem add this to your .gemspec ~~~ruby spec.add_runtime_dependency "<%= Origen.app.name %>", ">= <%= Origen.app.version %>" ~~~ ### How To Use To use a tester, instantiate it in the current environment file: ~~~ruby # environment/j750.rb $tester = OrigenTesters::J750.new ~~~ Tester programs and patterns can easily be generated for different testers simply by changing the above instantiation. ### How To Setup a Development Environment [Clone the repository from Github](https://github.com/Origen-SDK/origen_testers). Follow the instructions here if you want to make a 3rd party app workspace use your development copy of the OrigenTesters plugin: [Setting up a Plugin Development Environment](http://origen-sdk.org/origen/latest/guides/plugins) This plugin also contains a test suite, makes sure this passes before committing any changes! ~~~text origen test ~~~ % end