ready = -> split = (val) -> val.split /,\s*/ extractLast = (term) -> split(term).pop() # Company Name Auto-Completion in users#show # $(document).on 'keydown', 'input.autocomplete.user-select-corporation', -> $(this).autocomplete source: $(this).data('autocomplete-url') # Auto-Completion for Users-Select-Box selector_string = "input[name='direct_member_titles_string'], .multiple-users-select-input, .user-select-input" $( document ).on 'focus', selector_string, -> $(this).tooltip { title: 'Nachnamen eingeben, warten und dann Person aus Liste auswählen.', placement: 'left' } auto_complete_input_element = null $( document ).on( 'keydown', selector_string, -> unless autocomplete_input_element autocomplete_input_element = $( this ) # Twitter Bootstrap Version: # SF, 2013-01-21 # # # # For the moment, this would work with twitter bootstrap's "typeahead" functionality, # but only for single value selection. It would not be possible to select multiple users # in a kind of tokenized version. # # This may change, when the tokenized version is finally pulled to bootstrap. # # # # # In the meantime, we will just use the jquery ui tool. # # $( this ).typeahead( { # ajax: { # url: 'autocomplete-url' ), # method: 'get' # }, # display: 'title' # } ) $(this).autocomplete source: (request, response) -> $.getJSON'autocomplete-url'), term: extractLast(request.term) , response search: -> term = extractLast(@value) false if term.length < 2 focus: -> false select: (event, ui) -> if autocomplete_input_element.hasClass( "multiple-users-select-input" ) terms = split(@value) terms.pop() terms.push ui.item.value terms.push "" @value = terms.join(", ") false else @value = ui.item.value if event and (event.keyCode is $.ui.keyCode.TAB) and $(this).data("autocomplete") event.preventDefault() ) # issue fix: # allow typeahead selection by clicking an item. # see: # $( document ).on( 'mousedown', 'ul.typeahead', (event) -> event.preventDefault() ) $(document).ready(ready)