require 'test_helper' class Ccls::PatientTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase [ :was_under_15_at_dx, :was_previously_treated, :was_ca_resident_at_diagnosis ].each do |field| # Making assumption that 12345 will NEVER be a valid value. test "should NOT allow 12345 for #{field}" do patient = => 12345) patient.valid? assert patient.errors.on_attr_and_type?(field,:inclusion) end test "should allow nil for #{field}" do patient = => nil) assert_nil patient.send(field) patient.valid? assert !patient.errors.on(field) end test "should allow all valid YNDK values for #{field}" do patient = YNDK.valid_values.each do |value| patient.send("#{field}=", value) patient.valid? assert !patient.errors.on(field) end end end assert_should_create_default_object assert_should_initially_belong_to :study_subject assert_should_initially_belong_to :organization assert_should_initially_belong_to :diagnosis assert_should_protect( :study_subject_id, :study_subject ) assert_should_require_attributes( :diagnosis_id, :hospital_no, :organization_id, :admit_date ) assert_should_not_require_attributes( :other_diagnosis, :diagnosis_date, :raf_zip, :raf_county ) assert_should_require_attribute_length :hospital_no, :maximum => 25 assert_should_require_unique(:hospital_no, :scope => :organization_id) assert_should_require_attribute_length( :raf_zip, :maximum => 10 ) assert_requires_complete_date :admit_date assert_requires_complete_date :diagnosis_date assert_requires_complete_date :treatment_began_on assert_requires_past_date :admit_date assert_requires_past_date :diagnosis_date assert_requires_past_date :treatment_began_on test "explicit Factory subjectless patient test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',0) { assert_difference('Patient.count',1) { patient = Factory(:subjectless_patient) assert_nil patient.study_subject assert_not_nil patient.admit_date assert_not_nil patient.hospital_no assert_not_nil patient.organization_id assert_not_nil patient.diagnosis_id } } end test "explicit Factory patient hospital sequence test" do patient = Factory(:patient) # 'first' hospital (Hospital.count - 1).times { # loop over the rest of the hospitals new_patient = Factory(:patient) assert patient.organization_id != new_patient.organization_id } new_patient = Factory(:patient) # back to the 'first' hospital assert patient.organization_id == new_patient.organization_id end test "explicit Factory patient test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Patient.count',1) { patient = Factory(:patient) assert_not_nil patient.study_subject assert_equal patient.study_subject.subject_type, SubjectType['Case'] } } end test "explicit Factory waivered patient hospital sequence test" do patient = Factory(:waivered_patient) # 'first' hospital (Hospital.waivered.count - 1).times { # loop over the rest of the hospitals new_patient = Factory(:waivered_patient) assert patient.organization_id != new_patient.organization_id } new_patient = Factory(:waivered_patient) # back to the 'first' hospital assert patient.organization_id == new_patient.organization_id end test "explicit Factory waivered_patient test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Patient.count',1) { patient = Factory(:waivered_patient) assert_not_nil patient.study_subject assert_equal patient.study_subject.subject_type, SubjectType['Case'] assert } } end test "explicit Factory nonwaivered patient hospital sequence test" do patient = Factory(:nonwaivered_patient) # 'first' hospital (Hospital.nonwaivered.count - 1).times { # loop over the rest of the hospitals new_patient = Factory(:nonwaivered_patient) assert patient.organization_id != new_patient.organization_id } new_patient = Factory(:nonwaivered_patient) # back to the 'first' hospital assert patient.organization_id == new_patient.organization_id end test "explicit Factory nonwaivered_patient test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Patient.count',1) { patient = Factory(:nonwaivered_patient) assert_not_nil patient.study_subject assert_equal patient.study_subject.subject_type, SubjectType['Case'] assert ! } } end test "should default was_ca_resident_at_diagnosis to null" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { patient = create_patient assert_nil patient.reload.was_ca_resident_at_diagnosis } end test "should default was_previously_treated to null" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { patient = create_patient assert_nil patient.reload.was_previously_treated } end # This would have been because there was no dob because # there was no pii. Not true anymore # test "should default was_under_15_at_dx to null" do # assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { # patient = create_patient # assert_nil patient.reload.was_under_15_at_dx # } # end test "should require Case study_subject" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) { patient = create_patient(:study_subject => Factory(:study_subject)) assert patient.errors.on(:study_subject) } } end test "should require case study_subject when using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 0 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) { study_subject = create_study_subject( :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient)) # raised from study_subject model, NOT patient assert study_subject.errors.on(:patient) } } end test "should allow admit_date be on DOB" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { study_subject = Factory(:case_study_subject) patient = create_patient( :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => study_subject.dob ) assert !patient.errors.on(:admit_date) assert_equal study_subject.dob, patient.admit_date } end test "should require admit_date be after DOB" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) { study_subject = Factory(:case_study_subject) assert Date.jd(2430000) < study_subject.dob patient = create_patient( :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => Date.jd(2430000) ) # BEFORE my factory set dob to raise error (Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) assert patient.errors.on(:admit_date) assert_match(/before.*dob/, patient.errors.on(:admit_date)) } end test "should NOT require admit_date 1/1/1900 be after DOB" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { study_subject = Factory(:case_study_subject) patient = create_patient( :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => Date.parse('1/1/1900') ) assert !patient.errors.on(:admit_date) } end test "should require admit_date be after DOB when using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 0 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) { study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ # BEFORE my factory set dob to raise error (Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) :admit_date => Date.jd(2430000) })) assert study_subject.errors.on('patient:admit_date') assert_match(/before.*dob/, study_subject.errors.on('patient:admit_date')) } } end test "should NOT require admit_date 1/1/1900 be after DOB" << " when using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => Date.parse('1/1/1900') })) assert !study_subject.errors.on('patient:admit_date') } } end test "should allow diagnosis_date be on DOB" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) do study_subject = Factory(:case_study_subject) patient = create_patient( :study_subject => study_subject, :diagnosis_date => study_subject.dob ) assert !patient.errors.on(:diagnosis_date) assert_equal patient.diagnosis_date, study_subject.dob end end test "should require diagnosis_date be after DOB" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) do study_subject = Factory(:case_study_subject) assert Date.jd(2430000) < study_subject.dob patient = create_patient( :study_subject => study_subject, :diagnosis_date => Date.jd(2430000) ) # BEFORE my factory set dob to raise error (Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) assert patient.errors.on(:diagnosis_date) assert_match(/before.*dob/, patient.errors.on(:diagnosis_date)) end end test "should require diagnosis_date be after DOB when using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 0 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) { study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ # BEFORE my factory set dob to raise error :diagnosis_date => Date.jd(2430000), })) assert study_subject.errors.on('patient:diagnosis_date') } } end test "should require treatment_began_on be after diagnosis_date" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) do study_subject = Factory(:case_study_subject, :dob => Date.jd(2420000) ) patient = create_patient( :study_subject => study_subject, :diagnosis_date => Date.jd(2440000), :treatment_began_on => Date.jd(2430000) ) assert patient.errors.on(:treatment_began_on) assert_match(/Date treatment began must be on or after the diagnosis date/, patient.errors.on(:treatment_began_on)) end end test "should require treatment_began_on be after diagnosis_date" << " when using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 0 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) { study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => Date.jd(2420000), :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :diagnosis_date => Date.jd(2440000), :treatment_began_on => Date.jd(2430000), })) assert study_subject.patient.errors.on(:treatment_began_on) assert study_subject.errors.on('patient.treatment_began_on') assert_match(/Date treatment began must be on or after the diagnosis date/, study_subject.patient.errors.on(:treatment_began_on)) } } end test "should NOT set was_under_15_at_dx with admit_date 1/1/1900" << " using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = 10.years.ago.to_date admit_date = Date.parse('1/1/1900') study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob, :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => admit_date }) ).reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_nil study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should NOT set was_under_15_at_dx with admit_date 1/1/1900" << " not using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = 10.years.ago.to_date admit_date = Date.parse('1/1/1900') study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob ) patient = Factory(:patient,{ :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => admit_date }) study_subject.reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_nil study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should NOT set was_under_15_at_dx with dob 1/1/1900 using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = Date.parse('1/1/1900') admit_date = 1.year.ago.to_date study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob, :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => admit_date }) ).reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_nil study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should NOT set was_under_15_at_dx with dob 1/1/1900 not using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = Date.parse('1/1/1900') admit_date = 1.year.ago.to_date study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob ) patient = Factory(:patient,{ :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => admit_date }) study_subject.reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_nil study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should set was_under_15_at_dx to YNDK[:yes] using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = 14.years.ago.to_date admit_date = 1.year.ago.to_date study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob, :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => admit_date }) ).reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_equal YNDK[:yes], study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should set was_under_15_at_dx to YNDK[:yes] not using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = 14.years.ago.to_date admit_date = 1.year.ago.to_date study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob ) patient = Factory(:patient,{ :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => admit_date }) study_subject.reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_equal YNDK[:yes], study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should set was_under_15_at_dx to YNDK[:no] using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = 20.years.ago.to_date admit_date = 1.year.ago.to_date study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob, :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => admit_date }) ).reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_equal YNDK[:no], study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should set was_under_15_at_dx to YNDK[:no] not using nested attributes" do assert_difference( "StudySubject.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) { dob = 20.years.ago.to_date admit_date = 1.year.ago.to_date study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => dob ) # patient creation MUST come AFTER pii creation patient = Factory(:patient,{ :study_subject => study_subject, :admit_date => admit_date }) study_subject.reload assert_equal dob, study_subject.dob assert_equal admit_date, study_subject.patient.admit_date assert_equal YNDK[:no], study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx } } end test "should set was_under_15_at_dx on dob change" do study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => 20.years.ago.to_date, :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => 1.year.ago.to_date }) ).reload assert_equal YNDK[:no], study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx study_subject.update_attributes(:dob => 10.years.ago.to_date) assert_equal YNDK[:yes], study_subject.patient.reload.was_under_15_at_dx end test "should set was_under_15_at_dx on admit_date change" do study_subject = create_case_study_subject( :dob => 20.years.ago.to_date, :patient_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:patient,{ :admit_date => 1.year.ago.to_date }) ).reload assert_equal YNDK[:no], study_subject.patient.was_under_15_at_dx study_subject.patient.update_attributes(:admit_date => 10.years.ago.to_date) assert_equal YNDK[:yes], study_subject.patient.reload.was_under_15_at_dx end test "should require 5 or 9 digit raf_zip" do %w( asdf 1234 123456 1234Q ).each do |bad_zip| assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) do patient = create_patient( :raf_zip => bad_zip ) assert patient.errors.on(:raf_zip) end end %w( 12345 12345-6789 123456789 ).each do |good_zip| assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) do patient = create_patient( :raf_zip => good_zip ) assert !patient.errors.on(:raf_zip) assert patient.raf_zip =~ /\A\d{5}(-)?(\d{4})?\z/ end end end test "should format 9 digit zip" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) do patient = create_patient( :raf_zip => '123456789' ) assert !patient.errors.on(:raf_zip) assert patient.raf_zip =~ /\A\d{5}(-)?(\d{4})?\z/ assert_equal '12345-6789', patient.raf_zip end end test "should require other_diagnosis if diagnosis == other" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) do patient = create_patient(:diagnosis => Diagnosis['other']) assert patient.errors.on_attr_and_type?(:other_diagnosis,:blank) end end test "should not require other_diagnosis if diagnosis != other" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 1 ) do patient = create_patient(:diagnosis => Diagnosis['ALL']) assert !patient.errors.on_attr_and_type?(:other_diagnosis,:blank) end end test "should require hospital_no with custom message" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) do patient = create_patient( :hospital_no => nil ) assert patient.errors.on_attr_and_type?(:hospital_no,:blank) assert_match /Hospital record number can't be blank/, patient.errors.full_messages.to_sentence assert_no_match /Hospital no/i, patient.errors.full_messages.to_sentence end end test "should require organization_id with custom message" do assert_difference( "Patient.count", 0 ) do patient = create_patient( :organization_id => nil ) assert patient.errors.on_attr_and_type?(:organization_id,:blank) assert_match /Treating institution can't be blank/, patient.errors.full_messages.to_sentence assert_no_match /Organization/i, patient.errors.full_messages.to_sentence end end #protected # # def create_patient(options={}) # patient =,options) # # patient # end end