module Mouth # Usage: #["namespace.foobar_occurances"]).sequences # # => {"foobar_occurances" => [4, 9, 0, ...]} # #["namespace.foobar_occurances", "namespace.baz"], :kind => :timer).sequences # # => {"foobar_occurances" => [{:count => 3, :min => 1, ...}, ...], "baz" => [...]} # # s = # s.time_sequence # # => [ datapoint), datapoint), ..., datapoint)] class SequenceQuery attr_accessor :keys attr_accessor :kind attr_accessor :granularity_in_minutes attr_accessor :start_time attr_accessor :end_time attr_accessor :namespace attr_accessor :metrics def initialize(keys, opts = {}) opts = { :kind => :counter, :granularity_in_minutes => 1, :start_time => - (119 * 60), :end_time =>, }.merge(opts) self.keys = Array(keys) self.kind = opts[:kind] self.granularity_in_minutes = opts[:granularity_in_minutes] self.start_time = opts[:start_time] self.end_time = opts[:end_time] self.metrics = [] namespaces = [] self.keys.each do |k| namespace, metric = Mouth.parse_key(k) namespaces << namespace self.metrics << metric end raise"Batch calculation must come from the same namespace") if namespaces.uniq.length > 1 self.namespace = namespaces.first end def sequence sequences.values.first end def sequences return sequences_for_minute if self.granularity_in_minutes == 1 sequences_for_x_minutes(self.granularity_in_minutes) end def start_time_epoch if self.granularity_in_minutes == 1 (self.start_time.to_i / 60) * 60 else timestamp_to_nearest(self.start_time, self.granularity_in_minutes, :down) * 60 end end def time_sequence if self.granularity_in_minutes == 1 start_timestamp = self.start_time.to_i / 60 end_timestamp = self.end_time.to_i / 60 else start_timestamp = timestamp_to_nearest(self.start_time, self.granularity_in_minutes, :down) end_timestamp = timestamp_to_nearest(self.end_time, self.granularity_in_minutes, :up) - 1 end seq = [] (start_timestamp..end_timestamp).step(self.granularity_in_minutes) do |ts| seq << * 60) end seq end # Epoch in seconds def epoch_sequence time_sequence.collect(&:to_i) end protected def sequences_for_x_minutes(minutes) start_timestamp = timestamp_to_nearest(self.start_time, minutes, :down) end_timestamp = timestamp_to_nearest(self.end_time, minutes, :up) # Then, for a timestamp xyz, it's in bucket (xyz - start_timestamp) / minutes ### map_function = <<-JS function() { var doc = {t: this.t, m: {}, c: {}, g: {}} , thisMetrics = this.#{self.kind_letter.to_s} || {} , docMetrics = doc.#{self.kind_letter.to_s} , fields = #{self.metrics.to_s} , i, k, val ; for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) { val = thisMetrics[fields[i]]; if (typeof val != "undefined") { docMetrics[fields[i]] = val; } } emit(Math.floor((this.t - #{start_timestamp}) / #{minutes}), doc); } JS reduce_function = <<-JS function(key, values) { var result = {c: {}, m: {}, g: {}} , k , existing , current ; values.forEach(function(value) { if (value.c) { for (k in value.c) { existing = result.c[k] || 0; result.c[k] = existing + value.c[k]; } } if (value.g) { for (k in value.g) { existing = result.g[k] || [0, -1]; if (value.t > existing[1]) { result.g[k] = [value.g[k], value.t]; } } } if (value.m) { for (k in value.m) { current = value.m[k]; existing = result.m[k]; if (!existing) { current.median = [current.median]; current.stddev = [current.stddev]; current.mean = [current.mean]; current.count = [current.count]; result.m[k] = current; } else { // {"count" => 0, "min" => nil, "max" => nil, "mean" => nil, "sum" => 0, "median" => nil, "stddev" => nil} // Ok here existing is a non null one of these ^, and so is current. We just need to merge them. existing.min = existing.min < current.min ? existing.min : current.min; existing.max = existing.max > current.max ? existing.max : current.max; existing.sum = existing.sum + current.sum; // Save the individual stuff for later. Need it later for proper merge. existing.median.push(current.median); existing.stddev.push(current.stddev); existing.mean.push(current.mean); existing.count.push(current.count); } } } }); for (k in result.g) { result.g[k] = result.g[k][0]; } for (k in result.m) { existing = result.m[k]; var count = existing.median.length , middle = Math.floor(count / 2) , overallCount = 0 , secondMoment = 0 , mean , i ; // Total datapoints for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { overallCount = overallCount + existing.count[i]; } // Mean mean = existing.sum / overallCount; // Median: approximate and take the median median. if (count % 2 == 0) { existing.median = (existing.median[middle] + existing.median[middle - 1]) / 2; } else { existing.median = existing.median[middle]; } // Stddev // weighted average of "second moments": M2 += count(i)/overallCount * (stddev(i)^2 + mean(i)^2) // Then stddev = sqrt(M2 - mean^2) for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { var stddev_i = existing.stddev[i] , mean_i = existing.mean[i] ; secondMoment = secondMoment + (existing.count[i] / overallCount) * (stddev_i * stddev_i + mean_i * mean_i) } existing.stddev = Math.sqrt(secondMoment - mean * mean); // Mean: existing.mean = mean; // Count existing.count = overallCount; } return result; } JS result = collection.map_reduce(map_function, reduce_function, :out => {:inline => true}, :raw => true, :query => {"t" => {"$gte" => start_timestamp, "$lte" => end_timestamp}}) docs = result["results"].collect do |r| ordinal = r["_id"] doc = r["value"] doc["t"] = (start_timestamp + ordinal * minutes).to_i doc end sequences_from_documents(docs, start_timestamp, end_timestamp - 1, minutes) end def sequences_for_minute start_timestamp = self.start_time.to_i / 60 end_timestamp = self.end_time.to_i / 60 docs = self.collection.find({"t" => {"$gte" => start_timestamp, "$lte" => end_timestamp}}, :fields => self.fields).to_a sequences_from_documents(docs, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, 1) end def sequences_from_documents(docs, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, minutes) timestamp_to_metrics = docs.inject({}) do |h, e| h[e["t"]] = e[self.kind_letter] h end default = case self.kind when :counter 0 when :timer {"count" => 0, "min" => nil, "max" => nil, "mean" => nil, "sum" => 0, "median" => nil, "stddev" => nil} when :gauge nil end seqs = {} self.metrics.each do |m| seq = [] (start_timestamp..end_timestamp).step(minutes) do |t| mets = timestamp_to_metrics[t] seq << ((mets && mets[m]) || default) end seqs[m] = seq end if self.kind == :gauge seqs.each_pair do |met, seq| cur_val = nil seq.each_with_index do |v, i| seq[i] = cur_val || 0 unless v # Note: In the future, we can remove || 0 and have leading nils. Then, fill those in with values from a previous time period cur_val = v || cur_val end end end seqs end def collection @collection ||= Mouth.collection_for(self.namespace) end def kind_letter @kind_letter ||= case self.kind when :counter then "c" when :timer then "m" when :gauge then "g" end end def fields @fields ||= ["t"].concat( {|m| "#{kind_letter}.#{m}" }) end # timestamp_to_nearest(, 15, :down) # => t = 22122825 such that t * 60 is a second-epoch time on a 15-minute boundary, eg, 2012-01-23 17:45:00 def timestamp_to_nearest(time, minute, rounded = :down) start_timestamp = time.to_i / 60 # This is minute granularity if rounded == :down start_timestamp -= time.min % minute else start_timestamp += minute - time.min % minute end end public # Generates a sample sequence of both counter and timing def self.generate_sample(opts = {}) opts = { :namespace => "sample", :metric => "sample", :start_time => (Mouth.current_timestamp - 300), :end_time => (Mouth.current_timestamp / 60), }.merge(opts) collection = Mouth.collection_for(opts[:namespace]) counter = 99 gauge = 50 (opts[:start_time]..opts[:end_time]).each do |t| # Generate garbage data for the sample # NOTE: candidate for improvement m_count = rand(20) + 1 m_mean = rand(20) + 40 m_doc = { "count" => m_count, "min" => rand(20), "max" => rand(20) + 80, "mean" => m_mean, "sum" => m_mean * m_count, "median" => m_mean + rand(5), "stddev" => rand(10) } set = {"c.#{opts[:metric]}" => counter, "m.#{opts[:metric]}" => m_doc} if rand(4) == 0 set["g.#{opts[:metric]}"] = gauge end # Insert the document into mongo collection.update({"t" => t}, {"$set" => set}, :upsert => true) # Update counter randomly counter += rand(10) - 5 gauge += rand(10) - 5 counter = 0 if counter < 0 gauge = 0 if gauge < 0 end true end end end