module Stamina class Automaton module Minimize # # Straightforward and simple to understand minimization algorithm. # # The principle of the algorithm is to successively refine a partition of # the DFA states. This partition is represented by an array of integers, # one for each state, that uniquely identifies the partition block to which # the state belongs. As usual, the initial partition separates accepting # from non accepting states: # # P0 = [0, 1, 0, 0, ..., 1] # N integers, 1 (resp. 0) for accepting (resp # # non accepting) states. # # A refinement step of the algorithm consists in refining this partition by # looking forward in the DFA for each symbol in the alphabet. Consider a given # symbol, say 'a', and the transition function given by a (complete) DFA. We # can represent the restriction of this function over a given symbol, say 'a' # by a simple array, containing the target state reached through 'a' for each # state of the DFA: # # DELTA('a') = [5, 7, 1, ..., 0] # N integers, containing the unique identifier # # of the target state reached through 'a' from # # each state of the DFA, in order # # Now, given a partition of the DFA states Pi, one can simply look which block # of the partition is reached through a given letter, say 'a' by combining it # with DELTA('a') # # REACHED(Pi, 'a') = [ Pi[DELTA('a')[j]] | foreach 0 <= j < N-1 ] # # Given a partition Pi, if two states in the same block reach different blocks # along the same symbol, they must be separated, by definition. Interrestingly, # this information is contained in pairs of integers given by Pi and REACHED(Pi, 'a'). # In other words, consider the pairs # # PAIRS(Pi, 'a') = [ (Pi[j], REACHED(Pi, 'a')[j]) | foreach 0 <= j < N-1 ] # # Now, without loss of generality, one can simply give a unique number to each # different pair in such an array of pairs (a naïve way of doing so is to define # a total order relation over pairs, sorting them, and taking the smallest index # of each pair in the sorted array). This leads to a partition refinement: # # REFINEMENT(Pi, 'a') = [ unique-number-of(PAIRS(Pi, 'a')[j]) | foreach 0 <= j < N-1 ] # # A step of the algorithm consists in applying such a refinement for each symbol in # the alphabet: # # foreach symbol in Sigma # Pi = REFINEMENT(Pi, symbol) # # The algorithm applies such refinements until a fix point is reached: # # # Trivial partition with all states in same block # Pi = [ 0 | foreach 0 <= j < N-1 ] # # # initial non trivial partition separating accepting for non accepting # # states # Pj = [...] # # # fixpoint loop until Pi == Pj, i.e. no change has been made # while Pj != Pi # warning here, we compare the real partitions... # Pi = Pj # foreach symbol in Sigma # Pj = REFINEMENT(Pj, symbol) # end # class Pitchies # Creates an algorithm instance def initialize(automaton, options) raise ArgumentError, "Deterministic automaton expected", caller unless automaton.deterministic? @automaton = automaton end def minimized_dfa(oldfa, nb_states, partition) fa = do |newfa| # Add the number of states, with default marks newfa.add_n_states(nb_states, {:initial => false, :accepting => false, :error => false}) # Refine the marks using the source dfa as reference partition.each_with_index do |block, state_index| source = oldfa.ith_state(state_index) target = newfa.ith_state(block) target.initial! if source.initial? target.accepting! if source.accepting? target.error! if source.error? end # Now, create the transitions partition.each_with_index do |block, state_index| source = oldfa.ith_state(state_index) target = newfa.ith_state(block) source.out_edges.each do |edge| where = partition[] if target.dfa_step(edge.symbol) == nil newfa.connect(target, where, edge.symbol) end end end end fa.drop_states *{|s| s.sink?} fa.state_count == 0 ? Automaton::DUM : fa end def main alph, states = @automaton.alphabet, @automaton.states old_nb_states = -1 partition ={|s| s.accepting? ? 1 : 0} until (nb_states = partition.uniq.size) == old_nb_states old_nb_states = nb_states alph.each do |symbol| reached ={|s| partition[s.dfa_step(symbol).index]} rehash ={|h,k| h[k] = h.size} partition ={|pair| rehash[pair]} end end minimized_dfa(@automaton, nb_states, partition) end # Execute the minimizer def self.execute(automaton, options={})!, options).main end end # class Pitchies end # module Minimize end # class Automaton end # module Stamina