# Copyright 2005-2006 Brian McCallister # Copyright 2006 LogicBlaze Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'io/wait' require 'socket' require 'thread' module Stomp # Low level connection which maps commands and supports # synchronous receives class Connection def Connection.open(login = "", passcode = "", host='localhost', port=61613, reliable=FALSE, reconnectDelay=5) Connection.new login, passcode, host, port, reliable, reconnectDelay end # Create a connection, requires a login and passcode. # Can accept a host (default is localhost), and port # (default is 61613) to connect to def initialize(login, passcode, host='localhost', port=61613, reliable=false, reconnectDelay=5) @host = host @port = port @login = login @passcode = passcode @transmit_semaphore = Mutex.new @read_semaphore = Mutex.new @socket_semaphore = Mutex.new @reliable = reliable @reconnectDelay = reconnectDelay @closed = FALSE @subscriptions = {} @failure = NIL socket end def socket # Need to look into why the following synchronize does not work. #@read_semaphore.synchronize do s = @socket; while s == NIL or @failure != NIL @failure = NIL begin s = TCPSocket.open @host, @port _transmit(s, "CONNECT", {:login => @login, :passcode => @passcode}) @connect = _receive(s) # replay any subscriptions. @subscriptions.each { |k,v| _transmit(s, "SUBSCRIBE", v) } rescue @failure = $!; s=NIL; raise unless @reliable $stderr.print "connect failed: " + $! +" will retry in #{@reconnectDelay}\n"; sleep(@reconnectDelay); end end @socket = s return s; #end end # Is this connection open? def open? !@closed end # Is this connection closed? def closed? @closed end # Begin a transaction, requires a name for the transaction def begin name, headers={} headers[:transaction] = name transmit "BEGIN", headers end # Acknowledge a message, used then a subscription has specified # client acknowledgement ( connection.subscribe "/queue/a", :ack => 'client'g # # Accepts a transaction header ( :transaction => 'some_transaction_id' ) def ack message_id, headers={} headers['message-id'] = message_id transmit "ACK", headers end # Commit a transaction by name def commit name, headers={} headers[:transaction] = name transmit "COMMIT", headers end # Abort a transaction by name def abort name, headers={} headers[:transaction] = name transmit "ABORT", headers end # Subscribe to a destination, must specify a name def subscribe(name, headers = {}, subId=NIL) headers[:destination] = name transmit "SUBSCRIBE", headers # Store the sub so that we can replay if we reconnect. if @reliable subId = name if subId==NIL @subscriptions[subId]=headers end end # Unsubscribe from a destination, must specify a name def unsubscribe(name, headers = {}, subId=NIL) headers[:destination] = name transmit "UNSUBSCRIBE", headers if @reliable subId = name if subId==NIL @subscriptions.delete(subId) end end # Send message to destination # # Accepts a transaction header ( :transaction => 'some_transaction_id' ) def send(destination, message, headers={}) headers[:destination] = destination transmit "SEND", headers, message end # Close this connection def disconnect(headers = {}) transmit "DISCONNECT", headers end # Return a pending message if one is available, otherwise # return nil def poll @read_semaphore.synchronize do return nil if @socket==NIL or !@socket.ready? return receive end end # Receive a frame, block until the frame is received def __old_receive # The recive my fail so we may need to retry. while TRUE begin s = socket return _receive(s) rescue @failure = $!; raise unless @reliable $stderr.print "receive failed: " + $!; end end end def receive super_result = __old_receive() if super_result.nil? && @reliable $stderr.print "connection.receive returning EOF as nil - resetting connection.\n" @socket = nil super_result = __old_receive() end return super_result end private def _receive( s ) line = ' ' @read_semaphore.synchronize do line = s.gets while line =~ /^\s*$/ return NIL if line == NIL Message.new do |m| m.command = line.chomp m.headers = {} until (line = s.gets.chomp) == '' k = (line.strip[0, line.strip.index(':')]).strip v = (line.strip[line.strip.index(':') + 1, line.strip.length]).strip m.headers[k] = v end if (m.headers['content-length']) m.body = s.read m.headers['content-length'].to_i c = s.getc raise "Invalid content length received" unless c == 0 else m.body = '' until (c = s.getc) == 0 m.body << c.chr end end #c = s.getc #raise "Invalid frame termination received" unless c == 10 end end end private def transmit(command, headers={}, body='') # The transmit my fail so we may need to retry. while TRUE begin s = socket _transmit(s, command, headers, body) return rescue @failure = $!; raise unless @reliable $stderr.print "transmit failed: " + $!+"\n"; end end end private def _transmit(s, command, headers={}, body='') @transmit_semaphore.synchronize do s.puts command headers.each {|k,v| s.puts "#{k}:#{v}" } s.puts "content-length: #{body.length}" s.puts "content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" s.puts s.write body s.write "\0" end end end # Container class for frames, misnamed technically class Message attr_accessor :headers, :body, :command def initialize yield(self) if block_given? end def to_s "" end end # Typical Stomp client class. Uses a listener thread to receive frames # from the server, any thread can send. # # Receives all happen in one thread, so consider not doing much processing # in that thread if you have much message volume. class Client # Accepts a username (default ""), password (default ""), # host (default localhost), and port (default 61613) def initialize user="", pass="", host="localhost", port=61613, reliable=FALSE @id_mutex = Mutex.new @ids = 1 @connection = Connection.open user, pass, host, port, reliable @listeners = {} @receipt_listeners = {} @running = true @replay_messages_by_txn = Hash.new @listener_thread = Thread.start do while @running message = @connection.receive case when message == NIL: break when message.command == 'MESSAGE': if listener = @listeners[message.headers['destination']] listener.call(message) end when message.command == 'RECEIPT': if listener = @receipt_listeners[message.headers['receipt-id']] listener.call(message) end end end end end # Join the listener thread for this client, # generally used to wait for a quit signal def join @listener_thread.join end # Accepts a username (default ""), password (default ""), # host (default localhost), and port (default 61613) def self.open user="", pass="", host="localhost", port=61613 Client.new user, pass, host, port end # Begin a transaction by name def begin name, headers={} @connection.begin name, headers end # Abort a transaction by name def abort name, headers={} @connection.abort name, headers # lets replay any ack'd messages in this transaction replay_list = @replay_messages_by_txn[name] if replay_list replay_list.each do |message| if listener = @listeners[message.headers['destination']] listener.call(message) end end end end # Commit a transaction by name def commit name, headers={} txn_id = headers[:transaction] @replay_messages_by_txn.delete(txn_id) @connection.commit name, headers end # Subscribe to a destination, must be passed a block # which will be used as a callback listener # # Accepts a transaction header ( :transaction => 'some_transaction_id' ) def subscribe destination, headers={} raise "No listener given" unless block_given? @listeners[destination] = lambda {|msg| yield msg} @connection.subscribe destination, headers end # Unsubecribe from a channel def unsubscribe name, headers={} @connection.unsubscribe name, headers @listeners[name] = nil end # Acknowledge a message, used then a subscription has specified # client acknowledgement ( connection.subscribe "/queue/a", :ack => 'client'g # # Accepts a transaction header ( :transaction => 'some_transaction_id' ) def acknowledge message, headers={} txn_id = headers[:transaction] if txn_id # lets keep around messages ack'd in this transaction in case we rollback replay_list = @replay_messages_by_txn[txn_id] if replay_list == nil replay_list = [] @replay_messages_by_txn[txn_id] = replay_list end replay_list << message end if block_given? headers['receipt'] = register_receipt_listener lambda {|r| yield r} end @connection.ack message.headers['message-id'], headers end # Send message to destination # # If a block is given a receipt will be requested and passed to the # block on receipt # # Accepts a transaction header ( :transaction => 'some_transaction_id' ) def send destination, message, headers = {} if block_given? headers['receipt'] = register_receipt_listener lambda {|r| yield r} end @connection.send destination, message, headers end # Is this client open? def open? @connection.open? end # Close out resources in use by this client def close @connection.disconnect @running = false end private def register_receipt_listener listener id = -1 @id_mutex.synchronize do id = @ids.to_s @ids = @ids.succ end @receipt_listeners[id] = listener id end end end