describe('DomHelper', function () { var domHelper = new webfont.DomHelper(window); describe('#createElement', function () { it('should create an element', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); expect(div).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should create an element with inline content', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div', {}, 'moo'); expect(div).not.toBeNull(); expect(div.innerHTML).toEqual('moo'); }); it('should create an element with attributes and inline content', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div', { style: 'font-size: 42px', id: 'mySpan' }, 'hello'); expect(div).not.toBeNull(); expect(div.innerHTML).toEqual('hello'); expect('42px'); expect('mySpan'); }); it('should work with augmented Object.prototype', function () { Object.prototype.evil = function () {}; var div = domHelper.createElement('div', { id: 'augmented' }); var parentDiv = domHelper.createElement('div', { id: 'parentaugmented' }); parentDiv.appendChild(div); expect(div).not.toBeNull(); expect(!!div.getAttribute('evil')).toBe(false); expect(-1, parentDiv.innerHTML.indexOf('evil')); delete Object.prototype.evil; }); }); describe('#createCssLink', function () { var link = domHelper.createCssLink('http://moo/somecss.css'); it('should create a link', function () { expect(link).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should create a link with correct rel and href properties', function () { expect(link.rel).toEqual('stylesheet'); expect(link.href).toEqual('http://moo/somecss.css'); }); }); describe('#createScriptSrc', function () { var script = domHelper.createScriptSrc('http://moo/somescript.js'); it('should create a script element', function () { expect(script).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should have a src property', function () { expect(script.src).toEqual('http://moo/somescript.js'); }); }); describe('#appendClassName', function () { it('should have added a class name', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'moo'); expect(div.className).toEqual('moo'); }); it('should not add duplicate class names', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'moo'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'meu'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'moo'); expect(div.className).toEqual('moo meu'); }); it('should add multiple class names', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'moo meu moo'); expect(div.className).toEqual('moo meu moo'); }); it('should normalize spaces and tabs', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'meu'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, ' foo '); expect(div.className).toEqual('meu foo'); }); }); describe('#removeClassName', function () { it('should remove class names', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'meu moo'); expect(div.className).toEqual('meu moo'); domHelper.removeClassName(div, 'meu'); expect(div.className).toEqual('moo'); }); it('should not remove non-existing classes', function () { var div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'moo'); expect(div.className).toEqual('moo'); domHelper.removeClassName(div, 'boo'); expect(div.className).toEqual('moo'); }); }); describe('#hasClassName', function () { var div = null; beforeEach(function () { div = domHelper.createElement('div'); domHelper.appendClassName(div, 'moo moo-meu'); }); it('should return true', function () { expect(domHelper.hasClassName(div, 'moo')).toBe(true); expect(domHelper.hasClassName(div, 'moo-meu')).toBe(true); }); it('should return false', function () { expect(domHelper.hasClassName(div, 'boo')).toBe(false); expect(domHelper.hasClassName(div, 'meu')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('#setStyle', function () { var div = null; beforeEach(function () { div = domHelper.createElement('div'); }); it('should set the style correctly', function () { domHelper.setStyle(div, 'left:3px;top:1px;'); expect('3px'); expect('1px'); }); }); });