module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL `min` set function. # # [127] Aggregate::= ... | 'MIN' '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ')' # # @example SPARQL Grammar # PREFIX : # SELECT (MIN(?o) AS ?min) # WHERE { ?s :dec ?o } # # @example SSE # (prefix ((: )) # (project (?min) # (extend ((?min ??.0)) # (group () ((??.0 (min ?o))) # (bgp (triple ?s :dec ?o)))))) # # @see class Min < Operator include Aggregate NAME = :min def initialize(*operands, **options) raise ArgumentError, "min operator accepts at most one argument with an optional :distinct" if (operands - %i{distinct}).length != 1 super end ## # Min is a SPARQL set function that return the minimum value from a group respectively. # # It makes use of the SPARQL ORDER BY ordering definition, to allow ordering over arbitrarily typed expressions. # # @param [Enumerable>] enum # enum of evaluated operand # @return [RDF::Literal] The maximum value of the terms def apply(enum, **options) # FIXME: we don't actually do anything with distinct operands.shift if distinct = (operands.first == :distinct) if enum.empty? raise TypeError, "Minumuim of an empty multiset" elsif enum.flatten.all? {|n| n.literal?} RDF::Literal(enum.flatten.min) else raise TypeError, "Minumuim of non-literals: #{enum.flatten}" end end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) distinct = operands.first == :distinct args = distinct ? operands[1..-1] : operands "MIN(#{'DISTINCT ' if distinct}#{args.to_sparql(**options)})" end end # Min end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra