{ I" metadata:ET{I"modules;�T{I"imports;�T[�I"exports;�T{I" exported;�T[�I"specifiers;�T[�I"usedHelpers;�T[�I"ignored;�TFI" code;�TI"5'use strict'; Rev.registerMixin('Core', { suitSetObject: function suitSetObject(base, flags) { var obj = {}; obj[base] = true; for (var _name in flags) { obj[base + '--' + _name] = flags[_name]; } return obj; }, suitSet: function suitSet(base, flags) { return this.classSet(this.suitSetObject(base, flags)); }, getPropsWithout: function getPropsWithout() { for (var _len = arguments.length, names = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { names[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _.omit(this.props, names); }, classSet: function classSet(flags) { var classNames = []; for (var _name2 in flags) { if (flags[_name2]) { classNames.push(_name2); } } return classNames.join(' '); }, cx: function cx() { this.classSet.apply(this, arguments); }, getClassSetObjectFromClassName: function getClassSetObjectFromClassName(className) { var obj = {}; className.split(' ').forEach(function (name) { obj[name.trim()] = true; }); return obj; }, classAdd: function classAdd(flags) { var obj = this.getClassSetObjectFromClassName(this.props.className || ''); _.extend(obj, flags); return this.classSet(obj); }, mapChildren: function mapChildren(fn) { return React.Children.map(this.props.children, fn); }, getNormalizedChildren: function getNormalizedChildren() { console.warn('Core mixin method `getNormalizedChildren` is deprecated. Please use `mapChildren` or `React.Children.map`.'); return this.mapChildren(function (x) { return x; }); } }); // // suitSet: (base, flags)-> // classes = {} // classes[base] = true // for key, value of flags // classes["#{base}--#{key}"] = value // @cx classes // // # Returns a copy of @props sans specific keys // # Example: // # props = @getPropsWithout "className" // # <div {...props}><button className={@props.className}>hi</button></div> // getPropsWithout: -> // skipList = {} // skipList[name] = true for name in arguments // props = {} // for name, value of @props // props[name] = value unless skipList[name] // props // // # An object that maps the CSS classes of @props.className from their name to `true`. // _getClassSetObject: -> // return {} unless @props.className // classNames = @props.className.split ' ' // object = {} // object[name] = true for name in classNames // object // // # Like React.addons.classSet but where the existing classes of @props.className are included. // # (Unless they are overridden by `classToBoolMap`.) // # Example: // # className = @classAdd // # active: @props.active // # <div className={className}>hi</div> // classAdd: (classToBoolMap) -> // newClassToBoolMap = @_getClassSetObject() // newClassToBoolMap[name] = value for name, value of classToBoolMap // @classSet newClassToBoolMap // // # Alias for `React.addons.classSet` // classSet: (classNameToBool) -> // classNames = [] // for className, shouldBeIncluded of classNameToBool // classNames.push className if shouldBeIncluded // classNames.join ' ' // // # Alias for `@classSet` // cx: -> @classSet.apply this, arguments // // # Returns @props.children always as either `null` or an array. // # This is because for some reason in React `children` is only an array when // # there is more than one. Sometimes it's easier to be able to assume it's an // # array. // # Example: // # <ul>{@getNormalizedChildren().map (i, child) -> <li key={i}>{child}</li>}</ul> // getNormalizedChildren: -> // console.warn "Core mixin method `getNormalizedChildren` is deprecated. Please use `mapChildren` or `React.Children.map`." // children = @props.children // if children? and not children.length // children = [children] // children // // mapChildren: (fn) -> React.Children.map(@props.children, fn);�TI"ast;�T0I"map;�T0