CREATE TABLE Attendance ( -- Attendance involves Person and maybe Person is called family-Name, AttendeeFamilyName varchar(48) NULL, -- Attendance involves Person and Person has given-Name, AttendeeGivenName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Attendance involves Meeting and Meeting is held by Company and Company is called Company Name, MeetingCompanyName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Attendance involves Meeting and Meeting is held on Date, MeetingDate datetime NOT NULL, -- Attendance involves Meeting and Meeting is board meeting, MeetingIsBoardMeeting bit NULL, UNIQUE(AttendeeGivenName, AttendeeFamilyName, MeetingCompanyName, MeetingDate, MeetingIsBoardMeeting) ) GO CREATE TABLE Company ( -- Company is called Company Name, CompanyName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Company is listed Boolean, IsListed bit NULL, PRIMARY KEY(CompanyName) ) GO CREATE TABLE Directorship ( -- Directorship began on appointment-Date, AppointmentDate datetime NOT NULL, -- Directorship involves Company and Company is called Company Name, CompanyName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Directorship involves Person and maybe Person is called family-Name, DirectorFamilyName varchar(48) NULL, -- Directorship involves Person and Person has given-Name, DirectorGivenName varchar(48) NOT NULL, UNIQUE(DirectorGivenName, DirectorFamilyName, CompanyName), FOREIGN KEY (CompanyName) REFERENCES Company (CompanyName) ) GO CREATE TABLE Employee ( -- Employee works at Company and Company is called Company Name, CompanyName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Employee has Employee Nr, EmployeeNr int NOT NULL, -- maybe Employee is a Manager and Manager is ceo Boolean, ManagerIsCeo bit NULL, -- maybe Employee is supervised by Manager and Manager is a kind of Employee and Employee has Employee Nr, ManagerNr int NULL, PRIMARY KEY(EmployeeNr), FOREIGN KEY (CompanyName) REFERENCES Company (CompanyName), FOREIGN KEY (ManagerNr) REFERENCES Employee (EmployeeNr) ) GO CREATE TABLE Employment ( -- Employment involves Employee and Employee has Employee Nr, EmployeeNr int NOT NULL, -- Employment involves Person and maybe Person is called family-Name, PersonFamilyName varchar(48) NULL, -- Employment involves Person and Person has given-Name, PersonGivenName varchar(48) NOT NULL, UNIQUE(PersonGivenName, PersonFamilyName, EmployeeNr), FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeNr) REFERENCES Employee (EmployeeNr) ) GO CREATE TABLE Meeting ( -- Meeting is held by Company and Company is called Company Name, CompanyName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Meeting is held on Date, Date datetime NOT NULL, -- Meeting is board meeting, IsBoardMeeting bit NULL, UNIQUE(CompanyName, Date, IsBoardMeeting), FOREIGN KEY (CompanyName) REFERENCES Company (CompanyName) ) GO CREATE TABLE Person ( -- maybe Person was born on birth-Date, BirthDate datetime NULL CHECK(BirthDate >= '1900/01/01'), -- maybe Person is called family-Name, FamilyName varchar(48) NULL, -- Person has given-Name, GivenName varchar(48) NOT NULL, UNIQUE(GivenName, FamilyName) ) GO ALTER TABLE Attendance ADD FOREIGN KEY (MeetingCompanyName, MeetingDate, MeetingIsBoardMeeting) REFERENCES Meeting (CompanyName, Date, IsBoardMeeting) GO ALTER TABLE Attendance ADD FOREIGN KEY (AttendeeGivenName, AttendeeFamilyName) REFERENCES Person (GivenName, FamilyName) GO ALTER TABLE Directorship ADD FOREIGN KEY (DirectorGivenName, DirectorFamilyName) REFERENCES Person (GivenName, FamilyName) GO ALTER TABLE Employment ADD FOREIGN KEY (PersonGivenName, PersonFamilyName) REFERENCES Person (GivenName, FamilyName) GO