layout: docs
title: Permalinks
prev_section: templates
next_section: pagination

Jekyll supports a flexible way to build your site’s URLs. You can
specify the permalinks for your site through the [Configuration](../configuration) or on the [YAML Front Matter](../frontmatter) for each post. You’re free to choose one of the built-in styles to create your links or craft your own. The default style is always `date`.

## Template variables

        <p>Year from the post’s filename</p>
        <p>Month from the post’s filename</p>
        <p>Day from the post’s filename</p>
        <p>Title from the post’s filename</p>
        <p>The specified categories for this post. Jekyll automatically parses out double slashes in the URLs, so if no categories are present, it basically ignores this.</p>
        <p> Month from the post’s filename without leading zeros.</p>
        <p>Day from the post’s filename without leading zeros.</p>

## Built-in permalink styles

      <th>Permalink Style</th>
      <th>URL Template</th>

## Permalink style examples

Given a post named: `/2009-04-29-slap-chop.textile`

      <th>Permalink Setting</th>
      <th>Resulting Permalink URL</th>
        <p>None specified, or <code>permalink: date</code></p>
        <p><code>permalink: pretty</code></p>
        <p><code>permalink: /:month-:day-:year/:title.html</code></p>
        <p><code>permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title</code></p>