require 'fastlane_core' require 'credentials_manager' module Deliver # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class Options def self.available_options user = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itunes_connect_id) user ||= CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id) user ||= ENV["DELIVER_USER"] [ :username, short_option: "-u", env_name: "DELIVER_USERNAME", description: "Your Apple ID Username", default_value: user), :app_identifier, short_option: "-a", env_name: "DELIVER_APP_IDENTIFIER", description: "The bundle identifier of your app", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier)), :app, short_option: "-p", env_name: "DELIVER_APP_ID", description: "The app ID of the app you want to use/modify", is_string: false), # don't add any verification here, as it's used to store a spaceship ref :edit_live, short_option: "-o", optional: true, default_value: false, env_name: "DELIVER_EDIT_LIVE", description: "Modify live metadata, this option disables ipa upload and screenshot upload", is_string: false), :ipa, short_option: "-i", optional: true, env_name: "DELIVER_IPA_PATH", description: "Path to your ipa file", code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: Dir["*.ipa"].sort_by { |x| File.mtime(x) }.last, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find ipa file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("'#{value}' doesn't seem to be an ipa file") unless value.end_with?(".ipa") end, conflicting_options: [:pkg], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'ipa' and '#{value.key}' options in one run.") end), :pkg, short_option: "-c", optional: true, env_name: "DELIVER_PKG_PATH", description: "Path to your pkg file", code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: Dir["*.pkg"].sort_by { |x| File.mtime(x) }.last, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find pkg file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("'#{value}' doesn't seem to be a pkg file") unless value.end_with?(".pkg") end, conflicting_options: [:ipa], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'pkg' and '#{value.key}' options in one run.") end), :platform, short_option: "-j", env_name: "DELIVER_PLATFORM", description: "The platform to use (optional)", optional: true, default_value: "ios", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("The platform can only be ios, appletvos, or osx") unless %('ios', 'appletvos', 'osx').include? value end), :metadata_path, short_option: '-m', description: "Path to the folder containing the metadata files", optional: true), :screenshots_path, short_option: '-w', description: "Path to the folder containing the screenshots", optional: true), :skip_binary_upload, description: "Skip uploading an ipa or pkg to iTunes Connect", is_string: false, default_value: false), :skip_screenshots, description: "Don't upload the screenshots", is_string: false, default_value: false), :app_version, short_option: '-z', description: "The version that should be edited or created", optional: true), :skip_metadata, description: "Don't upload the metadata (e.g. title, description). This will still upload screenshots", is_string: false, default_value: false), :skip_app_version_update, description: "Don't update app version for submission", is_string: false, default_value: false), :force, short_option: "-f", description: "Skip the HTML report file verification", is_string: false, default_value: false), :submit_for_review, env_name: "DELIVER_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW", description: "Submit the new version for Review after uploading everything", is_string: false, default_value: false), :automatic_release, description: "Should the app be automatically released once it's approved?", is_string: false, default_value: false), :auto_release_date, env_name: "DELIVER_AUTO_RELEASE_DATE", description: "Date in milliseconds for automatically releasing on pending approval", is_string: false, optional: true, conflicting_options: [:automatic_release], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'auto_release_date' and '#{value.key}' options together.") end), :phased_release, description: "Enable the phased release feature of iTC", optional: true, is_string: false, default_value: false), :price_tier, short_option: "-r", description: "The price tier of this application", is_string: false, optional: true), :build_number, short_option: "-n", description: "If set the given build number (already uploaded to iTC) will be used instead of the current built one", optional: true, conflicting_options: [:ipa, :pkg], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'build_number' and '#{value.key}' options in one run.") end), :app_rating_config_path, short_option: "-g", description: "Path to the app rating's config", is_string: true, optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find config file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error! "'#{value}' doesn't seem to be a JSON file" unless FastlaneCore::Helper.json_file?(File.expand_path(value)) end), :submission_information, short_option: "-b", description: "Extra information for the submission (e.g. third party content)", is_string: false, optional: true), :team_id, short_option: "-k", env_name: "DELIVER_TEAM_ID", description: "The ID of your iTunes Connect team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, is_string: false, # as we also allow integers, which we convert to strings anyway code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_id), verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID"] = value.to_s end), :team_name, short_option: "-e", env_name: "DELIVER_TEAM_NAME", description: "The name of your iTunes Connect team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_name), verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME"] = value.to_s end), :dev_portal_team_id, short_option: "-s", env_name: "DELIVER_DEV_PORTAL_TEAM_ID", description: "The short ID of your Developer Portal team, if you're in multiple teams. Different from your iTC team ID!", optional: true, is_string: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_id), verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_TEAM_ID"] = value.to_s end), :dev_portal_team_name, short_option: "-y", env_name: "DELIVER_DEV_PORTAL_TEAM_NAME", description: "The name of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_name), verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_TEAM_NAME"] = value.to_s end), # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength :itc_provider, env_name: "DELIVER_ITC_PROVIDER", description: "The provider short name to be used with the iTMSTransporter to identify your team. To get provider short name run `\\ -m provider -u 'USERNAME' -p 'PASSWORD' -account_type itunes_connect -v off`. The short names of providers should be listed in the second column", optional: true), # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength :overwrite_screenshots, env_name: "DELIVER_OVERWRITE_SCREENSHOTS", description: "Clear all previously uploaded screenshots before uploading the new ones", is_string: false, default_value: false), :run_precheck_before_submit, short_option: "-x", env_name: "DELIVER_RUN_PRECHECK_BEFORE_SUBMIT", description: "Run precheck before submitting to app review", is_string: false, default_value: true), :precheck_default_rule_level, short_option: "-d", env_name: "DELIVER_PRECHECK_DEFAULT_RULE_LEVEL", description: "The default rule level unless otherwise configured", is_string: false, default_value: :warn), # App Metadata # Non Localised :app_icon, description: "Metadata: The path to the app icon", optional: true, short_option: "-l", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find png file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("'#{value}' doesn't seem to be one of the supported files. supported: #{Deliver::UploadAssets::SUPPORTED_ICON_EXTENSIONS.join(',')}") unless Deliver::UploadAssets::SUPPORTED_ICON_EXTENSIONS.include?(File.extname(value).downcase) end), :apple_watch_app_icon, description: "Metadata: The path to the Apple Watch app icon", optional: true, short_option: "-q", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find png file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("'#{value}' doesn't seem to be one of the supported files. supported: #{Deliver::UploadAssets::SUPPORTED_ICON_EXTENSIONS.join(',')}") unless Deliver::UploadAssets::SUPPORTED_ICON_EXTENSIONS.include?(File.extname(value).downcase) end), :copyright, description: "Metadata: The copyright notice", optional: true, is_string: true), :primary_category, description: "Metadata: The english name of the primary category (e.g. `Business`, `Books`)", optional: true, is_string: true), :secondary_category, description: "Metadata: The english name of the secondary category (e.g. `Business`, `Books`)", optional: true, is_string: true), :primary_first_sub_category, description: "Metadata: The english name of the primary first sub category (e.g. `Educational`, `Puzzle`)", optional: true, is_string: true), :primary_second_sub_category, description: "Metadata: The english name of the primary second sub category (e.g. `Educational`, `Puzzle`)", optional: true, is_string: true), :secondary_first_sub_category, description: "Metadata: The english name of the secondary first sub category (e.g. `Educational`, `Puzzle`)", optional: true, is_string: true), :secondary_second_sub_category, description: "Metadata: The english name of the secondary second sub category (e.g. `Educational`, `Puzzle`)", optional: true, is_string: true), :trade_representative_contact_information, description: "Metadata: A hash containing the trade representative contact information", optional: true, is_string: false, type: Hash), :app_review_information, description: "Metadata: A hash containing the review information", optional: true, is_string: false, type: Hash), # Localised :description, description: "Metadata: The localised app description", optional: true, is_string: false), :name, description: "Metadata: The localised app name", optional: true, is_string: false), :subtitle, description: "Metadata: The localised app subtitle", optional: true, is_string: false, type: Hash, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!(":subtitle must be a hash, with the language being the key") unless value.kind_of?(Hash) end), :keywords, description: "Metadata: An array of localised keywords", optional: true, is_string: false, type: Hash, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!(":keywords must be a hash, with the language being the key") unless value.kind_of?(Hash) value.each do |language, keywords| # Auto-convert array to string keywords = keywords.join(", ") if keywords.kind_of?(Array) value[language] = keywords UI.user_error!("keywords must be a hash with all values being strings") unless keywords.kind_of?(String) end end), :promotional_text, description: "Metadata: An array of localised promotional texts", optional: true, is_string: false, type: Hash, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!(":keywords must be a hash, with the language being the key") unless value.kind_of?(Hash) end), :release_notes, description: "Metadata: Localised release notes for this version", optional: true, is_string: false), :privacy_url, description: "Metadata: Localised privacy url", optional: true, is_string: false), :support_url, description: "Metadata: Localised support url", optional: true, is_string: false), :marketing_url, description: "Metadata: Localised marketing url", optional: true, is_string: false), # The verify_block has been removed from here and verification now happens in Deliver::DetectValues # Verification needed Spaceship::Tunes.client which required the Deliver::Runner to already by started :languages, description: "Metadata: List of languages to activate", type: Array, optional: true), :ignore_language_directory_validation, env_name: "DELIVER_IGNORE_LANGUAGE_DIRECTORY_VALIDATION", description: "Ignore errors when invalid languages are found in metadata and screeenshot directories", default_value: false, is_string: false), :precheck_include_in_app_purchases, env_name: "PRECHECK_INCLUDE_IN_APP_PURCHASES", description: "Should precheck check in-app purchases?", is_string: false, optional: true, default_value: true) ] end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end