# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2022, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'openstudio' if /^1\.8/.match(RUBY_VERSION) class Struct def to_h h = {} self.class.members.each { |m| h[m.to_sym] = self[m] } return h end end end module THREE FrontSide = 0 BackSide = 1 DoubleSide = 2 end # Va3c class converts an OpenStudio model to vA3C JSON format for rendering in Three.js # using export at http://va3c.github.io/projects/#./osm-data-viewer/latest/index.html# as a guide # many thanks to Theo Armour and the vA3C team for figuring out many of the details here class VA3C Scene = Struct.new(:geometries, :materials, :object) Geometry = Struct.new(:uuid, :type, :data) GeometryData = Struct.new(:vertices, :normals, :uvs, :faces, :scale, :visible, :castShadow, :receiveShadow, :doubleSided) Material = Struct.new(:uuid, :type, :color, :ambient, :emissive, :specular, :shininess, :side, :opacity, :transparent, :wireframe) SceneObject = Struct.new(:uuid, :type, :matrix, :children) SceneChild = Struct.new(:uuid, :name, :type, :geometry, :material, :matrix, :userData) UserData = Struct.new(:handle, :name, :surfaceType, :constructionName, :spaceName, :thermalZoneName, :spaceTypeName, :buildingStoryName, :outsideBoundaryCondition, :outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName, :outsideBoundaryConditionObjectHandle, :coincidentWithOutsideObject, :sunExposure, :windExposure, #:vertices, :surfaceTypeMaterialName, :boundaryMaterialName, :constructionMaterialName, :thermalZoneMaterialName, :spaceTypeMaterialName, :buildingStoryMaterialName) do def initialize(*) super self.surfaceTypeMaterialName = 'Undefined' if surfaceTypeMaterialName.nil? self.boundaryMaterialName = 'Undefined' if boundaryMaterialName.nil? self.constructionMaterialName = 'Undefined' if constructionMaterialName.nil? self.thermalZoneMaterialName = 'Undefined' if thermalZoneMaterialName.nil? self.spaceTypeMaterialName = 'Undefined' if spaceTypeMaterialName.nil? self.buildingStoryMaterialName = 'Undefined' if buildingStoryMaterialName.nil? self.constructionName = '' if constructionName.nil? self.spaceName = '' if spaceName.nil? self.thermalZoneName = '' if thermalZoneName.nil? self.spaceTypeName = '' if spaceTypeName.nil? self.buildingStoryName = '' if buildingStoryName.nil? self.outsideBoundaryCondition = '' if outsideBoundaryCondition.nil? self.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName = '' if outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName.nil? end end Vertex = Struct.new(:x, :y, :z) AmbientLight = Struct.new(:uuid, :type, :color, :matrix) def self.convert_model(model) scene = build_scene(model) northAxis = -model.getBuilding.northAxis boundingBox = OpenStudio::BoundingBox.new boundingBox.addPoint(OpenStudio::Point3d.new(0, 0, 0)) boundingBox.addPoint(OpenStudio::Point3d.new(1, 1, 1)) model.getPlanarSurfaceGroups.each do |group| boundingBox.add(group.transformation * group.boundingBox) end lookAtX = 0 # (boundingBox.minX.get + boundingBox.maxX.get) / 2.0 lookAtY = 0 # (boundingBox.minY.get + boundingBox.maxY.get) / 2.0 lookAtZ = 0 # (boundingBox.minZ.get + boundingBox.maxZ.get) / 2.0 lookAtR = [Math.sqrt((boundingBox.maxX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.minX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.maxX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.maxX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.minX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.minX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.maxY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.maxX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minZ.get / 2.0)**2), Math.sqrt((boundingBox.minX.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minY.get / 2.0)**2 + (boundingBox.minZ.get / 2.0)**2)].max boundingBoxHash = { 'minX' => boundingBox.minX.get, 'minY' => boundingBox.minY.get, 'minZ' => boundingBox.minZ.get, 'maxX' => boundingBox.maxX.get, 'maxY' => boundingBox.maxY.get, 'maxZ' => boundingBox.maxZ.get, 'lookAtX' => lookAtX, 'lookAtY' => lookAtY, 'lookAtZ' => lookAtZ, 'lookAtR' => lookAtR } buildingStoryNames = [] model.getBuildingStorys.each do |buildingStory| buildingStoryNames << buildingStory.name.to_s end buildingStoryNames.sort! { |x, y| x.upcase <=> y.upcase } # case insensitive sort # build up the json hash result = {} result['metadata'] = { 'version' => 4.3, 'type' => 'Object', 'generator' => 'OpenStudio', 'buildingStoryNames' => buildingStoryNames, 'boundingBox' => boundingBoxHash, 'northAxis' => northAxis } result['geometries'] = scene.geometries result['materials'] = scene.materials result['object'] = scene.object return result end # format a uuid def self.format_uuid(uuid) return uuid.to_s.gsub('{', '').gsub('}', '') end # format color def self.format_color(r, g, b) return "0x#{r.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0')}#{g.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0')}#{b.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0')}" end # create a material def self.make_material(name, color, opacity, side, shininess = 50) transparent = false if opacity < 1 transparent = true end material = { uuid: format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID).to_s, name: name, type: 'MeshPhongMaterial', color: color.to_s.hex, ambient: color.to_s.hex, emissive: '0x000000'.hex, specular: color.to_s.hex, shininess: shininess, opacity: opacity, transparent: transparent, wireframe: false, side: side } return material end # create the standard materials def self.build_materials(model) materials = [] # materials << make_material('Undefined', format_color(255, 255, 255), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << { uuid: format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID).to_s, name: 'Undefined', type: 'MeshBasicMaterial', color: '0xffffff'.hex, side: THREE::DoubleSide } materials << make_material('NormalMaterial', format_color(255, 255, 255), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) # materials << make_material('NormalMaterial_Ext', format_color(255, 255, 255), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << { uuid: format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID).to_s, name: 'NormalMaterial_Ext', type: 'MeshBasicMaterial', color: '0xffffff'.hex, side: THREE::FrontSide } materials << make_material('NormalMaterial_Int', format_color(255, 0, 0), 1, THREE::BackSide) # materials from 'openstudio\openstudiocore\ruby\openstudio\sketchup_plugin\lib\interfaces\MaterialsInterface.rb' materials << make_material('Floor', format_color(128, 128, 128), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Floor_Ext', format_color(128, 128, 128), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('Floor_Int', format_color(191, 191, 191), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('Wall', format_color(204, 178, 102), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Wall_Ext', format_color(204, 178, 102), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('Wall_Int', format_color(235, 226, 197), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('RoofCeiling', format_color(153, 76, 76), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('RoofCeiling_Ext', format_color(153, 76, 76), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('RoofCeiling_Int', format_color(202, 149, 149), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('Window', format_color(102, 178, 204), 0.6, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Window_Ext', format_color(102, 178, 204), 0.6, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('Window_Int', format_color(192, 226, 235), 0.6, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('Door', format_color(153, 133, 76), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Door_Ext', format_color(153, 133, 76), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('Door_Int', format_color(202, 188, 149), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('SiteShading', format_color(75, 124, 149), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('SiteShading_Ext', format_color(75, 124, 149), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('SiteShading_Int', format_color(187, 209, 220), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('BuildingShading', format_color(113, 76, 153), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('BuildingShading_Ext', format_color(113, 76, 153), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('BuildingShading_Int', format_color(216, 203, 229), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('SpaceShading', format_color(76, 110, 178), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('SpaceShading_Ext', format_color(76, 110, 178), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('SpaceShading_Int', format_color(183, 197, 224), 1, THREE::BackSide) materials << make_material('InteriorPartitionSurface', format_color(158, 188, 143), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('InteriorPartitionSurface_Ext', format_color(158, 188, 143), 1, THREE::FrontSide) materials << make_material('InteriorPartitionSurface_Int', format_color(213, 226, 207), 1, THREE::BackSide) # start textures for boundary conditions materials << make_material('Boundary_Surface', format_color(0, 153, 0), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Adiabatic', format_color(255, 101, 178), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Space', format_color(255, 0, 0), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Outdoors', format_color(163, 204, 204), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Outdoors_Sun', format_color(40, 204, 204), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Outdoors_Wind', format_color(9, 159, 162), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Outdoors_SunWind', format_color(68, 119, 161), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Ground', format_color(204, 183, 122), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Foundation', format_color(117, 30, 122), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundfcfactormethod', format_color(153, 122, 30), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundslabpreprocessoraverage', format_color(255, 191, 0), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundslabpreprocessorcore', format_color(255, 182, 50), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundslabpreprocessorperimeter', format_color(255, 178, 101), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundbasementpreprocessoraveragewall', format_color(204, 51, 0), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundbasementpreprocessoraveragefloor', format_color(204, 81, 40), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundbasementpreprocessorupperwall', format_color(204, 112, 81), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Groundbasementpreprocessorlowerwall', format_color(204, 173, 163), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Othersidecoefficients', format_color(63, 63, 63), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) materials << make_material('Boundary_Othersideconditionsmodel', format_color(153, 0, 76), 1, THREE::DoubleSide) # make construction materials model.getConstructionBases.each do |construction| color = construction.renderingColor if color.empty? color = OpenStudio::Model::RenderingColor.new(model) construction.setRenderingColor(color) else color = color.get end name = "Construction_#{construction.name}" materials << make_material(name, format_color(color.renderingRedValue, color.renderingGreenValue, color.renderingBlueValue), color.renderingAlphaValue / 255.to_f, THREE::DoubleSide) end # make thermal zone materials model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| color = zone.renderingColor if color.empty? color = OpenStudio::Model::RenderingColor.new(model) zone.setRenderingColor(color) else color = color.get end name = "ThermalZone_#{zone.name}" materials << make_material(name, format_color(color.renderingRedValue, color.renderingGreenValue, color.renderingBlueValue), color.renderingAlphaValue / 255.to_f, THREE::DoubleSide) end # make space type materials model.getSpaceTypes.each do |spaceType| color = spaceType.renderingColor if color.empty? color = OpenStudio::Model::RenderingColor.new(model) spaceType.setRenderingColor(color) else color = color.get end name = "SpaceType_#{spaceType.name}" materials << make_material(name, format_color(color.renderingRedValue, color.renderingGreenValue, color.renderingBlueValue), color.renderingAlphaValue / 255.to_f, THREE::DoubleSide) end # make building story materials model.getBuildingStorys.each do |buildingStory| color = buildingStory.renderingColor if color.empty? color = OpenStudio::Model::RenderingColor.new(model) buildingStory.setRenderingColor(color) else color = color.get end name = "BuildingStory_#{buildingStory.name}" materials << make_material(name, format_color(color.renderingRedValue, color.renderingGreenValue, color.renderingBlueValue), color.renderingAlphaValue / 255.to_f, THREE::DoubleSide) end return materials end # get the index of a vertex out of a list def self.get_vertex_index(vertex, vertices, tol = 0.001) vertices.each_index do |i| if OpenStudio.getDistance(vertex, vertices[i]) < tol return i end end vertices << vertex return (vertices.length - 1) end # flatten array of vertices into a single array def self.flatten_vertices(vertices) result = [] vertices.each do |vertex| # result << vertex.x # result << vertex.y # result << vertex.z result << vertex.x.round(3) result << vertex.z.round(3) result << -vertex.y.round(3) end return result end # turn a surface into geometries, the first one is the surface, remaining are sub surfaces def self.make_geometries(surface) geometries = [] user_datas = [] # get the transformation to site coordinates site_transformation = OpenStudio::Transformation.new building = surface.model.getBuilding space = surface.space if space.is_initialized site_transformation = building.transformation * space.get.transformation else site_transformation = building.transformation end # get the vertices surface_vertices = surface.vertices t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(surface_vertices) r = t.rotationMatrix tInv = t.inverse surface_vertices = OpenStudio.reverse(tInv * surface_vertices) # get vertices of all sub surfaces sub_surface_vertices = OpenStudio::Point3dVectorVector.new sub_surfaces = surface.subSurfaces sub_surfaces.each do |sub_surface| sub_surface_vertices << OpenStudio.reverse(tInv * sub_surface.vertices) end # triangulate surface triangles = OpenStudio.computeTriangulation(surface_vertices, sub_surface_vertices) if triangles.empty? puts "Failed to triangulate surface #{surface.name} with #{sub_surfaces.size} sub surfaces" return geometries end all_vertices = [] face_indices = [] triangles.each do |vertices| vertices = site_transformation * t * vertices # normal = site_transformation.rotationMatrix*r*z # https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/JSON-Model-format-3 # 0 indicates triangle # 16 indicates triangle with normals face_indices << 0 vertices.reverse_each do |vertex| face_indices << get_vertex_index(vertex, all_vertices) end # convert to 1 based indices # face_indices.each_index {|i| face_indices[i] = face_indices[i] + 1} end data = GeometryData.new data.vertices = flatten_vertices(all_vertices) data.normals = [] data.uvs = [] data.faces = face_indices data.scale = 1 data.visible = true data.castShadow = true data.receiveShadow = false data.doubleSided = true geometry = Geometry.new geometry.uuid = format_uuid(surface.handle) geometry.type = 'Geometry' geometry.data = data.to_h geometries << geometry.to_h surface_user_data = UserData.new surface_user_data.handle = format_uuid(surface.handle) surface_user_data.name = surface.name.to_s surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = false surface_user_data.surfaceType = surface.surfaceType surface_user_data.surfaceTypeMaterialName = surface.surfaceType surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryCondition = surface.outsideBoundaryCondition adjacent_surface = surface.adjacentSurface if adjacent_surface.is_initialized surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName = adjacent_surface.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectHandle = format_uuid(adjacent_surface.get.handle) other_site_transformation = OpenStudio::Transformation.new other_space = adjacent_surface.get.space if !other_space.empty? other_site_transformation = building.transformation * other_space.get.transformation else other_site_transformation = building.transformation end other_vertices = other_site_transformation * adjacent_surface.get.vertices if OpenStudio.circularEqual(site_transformation * surface.vertices, OpenStudio.reverse(other_vertices)) # puts "adjacent surfaces are coincident" surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = true # controls display only, not energy model else # puts "adjacent surfaces are not coincident" surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = false # controls display only, not energy model end end surface_user_data.sunExposure = surface.sunExposure surface_user_data.windExposure = surface.windExposure if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' if surface.sunExposure == 'SunExposed' && surface.windExposure == 'WindExposed' surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Boundary_Outdoors_SunWind' elsif surface.sunExposure == 'SunExposed' surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Boundary_Outdoors_Sun' elsif surface.sunExposure == 'WindExposed' surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Boundary_Outdoors_Wind' else surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Boundary_Outdoors' end else surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Boundary_' + surface.outsideBoundaryCondition end construction = surface.construction if construction.is_initialized surface_user_data.constructionName = construction.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.constructionMaterialName = 'Construction_' + construction.get.name.to_s end space = surface.space if space.is_initialized space = space.get surface_user_data.spaceName = space.name.to_s thermal_zone = space.thermalZone if thermal_zone.is_initialized surface_user_data.thermalZoneName = thermal_zone.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.thermalZoneMaterialName = 'ThermalZone_' + thermal_zone.get.name.to_s end space_type = space.spaceType if space_type.is_initialized surface_user_data.spaceTypeName = space_type.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.spaceTypeMaterialName = 'SpaceType_' + space_type.get.name.to_s end building_story = space.buildingStory if building_story.is_initialized surface_user_data.buildingStoryName = building_story.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.buildingStoryMaterialName = 'BuildingStory_' + building_story.get.name.to_s end end # vertices = [] # surface.vertices.each do |v| # vertex = Vertex.new # vertex.x = v.x # vertex.y = v.y # vertex.z = v.z # vertices << vertex.to_h # end # surface_user_data.vertices = vertices user_datas << surface_user_data.to_h # now add geometry for each sub surface sub_surfaces.each do |sub_surface| # triangulate sub surface sub_surface_vertices = OpenStudio.reverse(tInv * sub_surface.vertices) triangles = OpenStudio.computeTriangulation(sub_surface_vertices, OpenStudio::Point3dVectorVector.new) all_vertices = [] face_indices = [] triangles.each do |vertices| vertices = site_transformation * t * vertices # normal = site_transformation.rotationMatrix*r*z # https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/JSON-Model-format-3 # 0 indicates triangle # 16 indicates triangle with normals face_indices << 0 vertices.reverse_each do |vertex| face_indices << get_vertex_index(vertex, all_vertices) end # convert to 1 based indices # face_indices.each_index {|i| face_indices[i] = face_indices[i] + 1} end data = GeometryData.new data.vertices = flatten_vertices(all_vertices) data.normals = [] data.uvs = [] data.faces = face_indices data.scale = 1 data.visible = true data.castShadow = true data.receiveShadow = false data.doubleSided = true geometry = Geometry.new geometry.uuid = format_uuid(sub_surface.handle) geometry.type = 'Geometry' geometry.data = data.to_h geometries << geometry.to_h sub_surface_user_data = UserData.new sub_surface_user_data.handle = format_uuid(sub_surface.handle) sub_surface_user_data.name = sub_surface.name.to_s sub_surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = false sub_surface_user_data.surfaceType = sub_surface.subSurfaceType if /Window/.match(sub_surface.subSurfaceType) || /Glass/.match(sub_surface.subSurfaceType) || /Skylight/.match(sub_surface.subSurfaceType) || /TubularDaylight/.match(sub_surface.subSurfaceType) sub_surface_user_data.surfaceTypeMaterialName = 'Window' else sub_surface_user_data.surfaceTypeMaterialName = 'Door' end sub_surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryCondition = surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryCondition adjacent_sub_surface = sub_surface.adjacentSubSurface if adjacent_sub_surface.is_initialized sub_surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName = adjacent_sub_surface.get.name.to_s sub_surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectHandle = format_uuid(adjacent_sub_surface.get.handle) other_site_transformation = OpenStudio::Transformation.new other_space = adjacent_sub_surface.get.space if !other_space.empty? other_site_transformation = building.transformation * other_space.get.transformation else other_site_transformation = building.transformation end other_vertices = other_site_transformation * adjacent_sub_surface.get.vertices if OpenStudio.circularEqual(site_transformation * sub_surface.vertices, OpenStudio.reverse(other_vertices)) # puts "adjacent sub surfaces are coincident" surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = true # controls display only, not energy model else # puts "adjacent sub surfaces are not coincident" surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = false # controls display only, not energy model end sub_surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Boundary_Surface' else if surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName == 'Boundary_Surface' sub_surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = 'Undefined' else sub_surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName = surface_user_data.boundaryMaterialName end end sub_surface_user_data.sunExposure = surface_user_data.sunExposure sub_surface_user_data.windExposure = surface_user_data.windExposure construction = sub_surface.construction if construction.is_initialized sub_surface_user_data.constructionName = construction.get.name.to_s sub_surface_user_data.constructionMaterialName = 'Construction_' + construction.get.name.to_s end sub_surface_user_data.spaceName = surface_user_data.spaceName sub_surface_user_data.thermalZoneName = surface_user_data.thermalZoneName sub_surface_user_data.thermalZoneMaterialName = surface_user_data.thermalZoneMaterialName sub_surface_user_data.spaceTypeName = surface_user_data.spaceTypeName sub_surface_user_data.spaceTypeMaterialName = surface_user_data.spaceTypeMaterialName sub_surface_user_data.buildingStoryName = surface_user_data.buildingStoryName sub_surface_user_data.buildingStoryMaterialName = surface_user_data.buildingStoryMaterialName # vertices = [] # surface.vertices.each do |v| # vertex = Vertex.new # vertex.x = v.x # vertex.y = v.y # vertex.z = v.z # vertices << vertex.to_h # end # sub_surface_user_data.vertices = vertices user_datas << sub_surface_user_data.to_h end return [geometries, user_datas] end # turn a shading surface into geometries def self.make_shade_geometries(surface) geometries = [] user_datas = [] # get the transformation to site coordinates site_transformation = OpenStudio::Transformation.new building = surface.model.getBuilding shading_surface_group = surface.shadingSurfaceGroup shading_surface_type = 'Building' space_name = nil thermal_zone_name = nil space_type_name = nil building_story_name = nil if !shading_surface_group.empty? shading_surface_type = shading_surface_group.get.shadingSurfaceType space = shading_surface_group.get.space if space.is_initialized space = space.get space_name = space.name.to_s thermal_zone = space.thermalZone if thermal_zone.is_initialized thermal_zone_name = thermal_zone.get.name.to_s end space_type = space.spaceType if space_type.is_initialized space_type_name = space_type.get.name.to_s end building_story = space.buildingStory if building_story.is_initialized building_story_name = building_story.get.name.to_s end site_transformation = building.transformation * space.transformation * shading_surface_group.get.transformation elsif /Site/i.match(shading_surface_type) site_transformation = shading_surface_group.get.transformation else site_transformation = building.transformation * shading_surface_group.get.transformation end end # get the vertices surface_vertices = surface.vertices t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(surface_vertices) r = t.rotationMatrix tInv = t.inverse surface_vertices = OpenStudio.reverse(tInv * surface_vertices) # triangulate surface triangles = OpenStudio.computeTriangulation(surface_vertices, OpenStudio::Point3dVectorVector.new) if triangles.empty? puts "Failed to triangulate shading surface #{surface.name}" return geometries end all_vertices = [] face_indices = [] triangles.each do |vertices| vertices = site_transformation * t * vertices # normal = site_transformation.rotationMatrix*r*z # https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/JSON-Model-format-3 # 0 indicates triangle # 16 indicates triangle with normals face_indices << 0 vertices.reverse_each do |vertex| face_indices << get_vertex_index(vertex, all_vertices) end # convert to 1 based indices # face_indices.each_index {|i| face_indices[i] = face_indices[i] + 1} end data = GeometryData.new data.vertices = flatten_vertices(all_vertices) data.normals = [] data.uvs = [] data.faces = face_indices data.scale = 1 data.visible = true data.castShadow = true data.receiveShadow = false data.doubleSided = true geometry = Geometry.new geometry.uuid = format_uuid(surface.handle) geometry.type = 'Geometry' geometry.data = data.to_h geometries << geometry.to_h surface_user_data = UserData.new surface_user_data.handle = format_uuid(surface.handle) surface_user_data.name = surface.name.to_s surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = false surface_user_data.surfaceType = shading_surface_type + 'Shading' surface_user_data.surfaceTypeMaterialName = shading_surface_type + 'Shading' # surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryCondition = nil # surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName = nil # surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectHandle = nil surface_user_data.sunExposure = 'SunExposed' surface_user_data.windExposure = 'WindExposed' construction = surface.construction if construction.is_initialized surface_user_data.constructionName = construction.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.constructionMaterialName = 'Construction_' + construction.get.name.to_s end if space_name surface_user_data.spaceName = space_name end if thermal_zone_name surface_user_data.thermalZoneName = thermal_zone_name surface_user_data.thermalZoneMaterialName = 'ThermalZone_' + thermal_zone_name end if space_type_name surface_user_data.spaceTypeName = space_type_name surface_user_data.spaceTypeMaterialName = 'SpaceType_' + space_type_name end if building_story_name surface_user_data.buildingStoryName = building_story_name surface_user_data.buildingStoryMaterialName = 'BuildingStory_' + building_story_name end # vertices = [] # surface.vertices.each do |v| # vertex = Vertex.new # vertex.x = v.x # vertex.y = v.y # vertex.z = v.z # vertices << vertex.to_h # end # surface_user_data.vertices = vertices user_datas << surface_user_data.to_h return [geometries, user_datas] end # turn an interior partition surface into geometries def self.make_interior_partition_geometries(surface) geometries = [] user_datas = [] # get the transformation to site coordinates site_transformation = OpenStudio::Transformation.new building = surface.model.getBuilding interior_partition_surface_group = surface.interiorPartitionSurfaceGroup space_name = nil thermal_zone_name = nil space_type_name = nil building_story_name = nil if !interior_partition_surface_group.empty? space = interior_partition_surface_group.get.space if space.is_initialized space = space.get space_name = space.name.to_s thermal_zone = space.thermalZone if thermal_zone.is_initialized thermal_zone_name = thermal_zone.get.name.to_s end space_type = space.spaceType if space_type.is_initialized space_type_name = space_type.get.name.to_s end building_story = space.buildingStory if building_story.is_initialized building_story_name = building_story.get.name.to_s end site_transformation = building.transformation * space.transformation * interior_partition_surface_group.get.transformation else site_transformation = building.transformation * interior_partition_surface_group.get.transformation end end # get the vertices surface_vertices = surface.vertices t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(surface_vertices) r = t.rotationMatrix tInv = t.inverse surface_vertices = OpenStudio.reverse(tInv * surface_vertices) # triangulate surface triangles = OpenStudio.computeTriangulation(surface_vertices, OpenStudio::Point3dVectorVector.new) if triangles.empty? puts "Failed to triangulate interior partition surface #{surface.name}" return geometries end all_vertices = [] face_indices = [] triangles.each do |vertices| vertices = site_transformation * t * vertices # normal = site_transformation.rotationMatrix*r*z # https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/JSON-Model-format-3 # 0 indicates triangle # 16 indicates triangle with normals face_indices << 0 vertices.reverse_each do |vertex| face_indices << get_vertex_index(vertex, all_vertices) end # convert to 1 based indices # face_indices.each_index {|i| face_indices[i] = face_indices[i] + 1} end data = GeometryData.new data.vertices = flatten_vertices(all_vertices) data.normals = [] data.uvs = [] data.faces = face_indices data.scale = 1 data.visible = true data.castShadow = true data.receiveShadow = false data.doubleSided = true geometry = Geometry.new geometry.uuid = format_uuid(surface.handle) geometry.type = 'Geometry' geometry.data = data.to_h geometries << geometry.to_h surface_user_data = UserData.new surface_user_data.handle = format_uuid(surface.handle) surface_user_data.name = surface.name.to_s surface_user_data.coincidentWithOutsideObject = false surface_user_data.surfaceType = 'InteriorPartitionSurface' surface_user_data.surfaceTypeMaterialName = 'InteriorPartitionSurface' # surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryCondition = nil # surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectName = nil # surface_user_data.outsideBoundaryConditionObjectHandle = nil surface_user_data.sunExposure = 'NoSun' surface_user_data.windExposure = 'NoWind' construction = surface.construction if construction.is_initialized surface_user_data.constructionName = construction.get.name.to_s surface_user_data.constructionMaterialName = 'Construction_' + construction.get.name.to_s end if space_name surface_user_data.spaceName = space_name end if thermal_zone_name surface_user_data.thermalZoneName = thermal_zone_name surface_user_data.thermalZoneMaterialName = 'ThermalZone_' + thermal_zone_name end if space_type_name surface_user_data.spaceTypeName = space_type_name surface_user_data.spaceTypeMaterialName = 'SpaceType_' + space_type_name end if building_story_name surface_user_data.buildingStoryName = building_story_name surface_user_data.buildingStoryMaterialName = 'BuildingStory_' + building_story_name end # vertices = [] # surface.vertices.each do |v| # vertex = Vertex.new # vertex.x = v.x # vertex.y = v.y # vertex.z = v.z # vertices << vertex.to_h # end # surface_user_data.vertices = vertices user_datas << surface_user_data.to_h return [geometries, user_datas] end def self.identity_matrix return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] end def self.build_scene(model) materials = build_materials(model) object = {} object[:uuid] = format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID) object[:type] = 'Scene' object[:matrix] = identity_matrix object[:children] = [] floor_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'Floor' } wall_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'Wall' } roof_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'RoofCeiling' } window_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'Window' } door_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'Door' } site_shading_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'SiteShading' } building_shading_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'BuildingShading' } space_shading_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'SpaceShading' } interior_partition_surface_material = materials.find { |m| m[:name] == 'InteriorPartitionSurface' } # loop over all surfaces all_geometries = [] model.getSurfaces.each do |surface| material = nil surfaceType = surface.surfaceType.upcase if surfaceType == 'FLOOR' material = floor_material elsif surfaceType == 'WALL' material = wall_material elsif surfaceType == 'ROOFCEILING' material = roof_material end geometries, user_datas = make_geometries(surface) if geometries geometries.each_index do |i| geometry = geometries[i] user_data = user_datas[i] all_geometries << geometry scene_child = SceneChild.new scene_child.uuid = format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID) scene_child.name = user_data[:name] scene_child.type = 'Mesh' scene_child.geometry = geometry[:uuid] if i == 0 # first geometry is base surface scene_child.material = material[:uuid] else # sub surface if /Window/.match(user_data[:surfaceType]) || /Glass/.match(user_data[:surfaceType]) scene_child.material = window_material[:uuid] else scene_child.material = door_material[:uuid] end end scene_child.matrix = identity_matrix scene_child.userData = user_data object[:children] << scene_child.to_h end end end # loop over all shading surfaces model.getShadingSurfaces.each do |surface| geometries, user_datas = make_shade_geometries(surface) if geometries geometries.each_index do |i| geometry = geometries[i] user_data = user_datas[i] material = nil if /Site/.match(user_data[:surfaceType]) material = site_shading_material elsif /Building/.match(user_data[:surfaceType]) material = building_shading_material elsif /Space/.match(user_data[:surfaceType]) material = space_shading_material end all_geometries << geometry scene_child = SceneChild.new scene_child.uuid = format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID) scene_child.name = user_data[:name] scene_child.type = 'Mesh' scene_child.geometry = geometry[:uuid] scene_child.material = material[:uuid] scene_child.matrix = identity_matrix scene_child.userData = user_data object[:children] << scene_child.to_h end end end # loop over all interior partition surfaces model.getInteriorPartitionSurfaces.each do |surface| geometries, user_datas = make_interior_partition_geometries(surface) geometries.each_index do |i| geometry = geometries[i] user_data = user_datas[i] material = interior_partition_surface_material all_geometries << geometry scene_child = SceneChild.new scene_child.uuid = format_uuid(OpenStudio.createUUID) scene_child.name = user_data[:name] scene_child.type = 'Mesh' scene_child.geometry = geometry[:uuid] scene_child.material = material[:uuid] scene_child.matrix = identity_matrix scene_child.userData = user_data object[:children] << scene_child.to_h end end # light = AmbientLight.new # light.uuid = "#{format_uuid(OpenStudio::createUUID)}" # light.type = "AmbientLight" # light.color = "0xFFFFFF".hex # light.matrix = identity_matrix # object[:children] << light.to_h scene = Scene.new scene.geometries = all_geometries scene.materials = materials scene.object = object return scene end end