/* * Copyright (c) 2022, M.Naruoka (fenrir) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** @file * @brief SP3 Reader/Writer, support ver.D * */ #ifndef __SP3_H__ #define __SP3_H__ #include <ctime> #include <cstring> #include <map> #include <set> #include <stdexcept> #include "util/text_helper.h" #include "GPS.h" #include "GPS_Solver_Base.h" #include "param/vector3.h" #include "algorithm/interpolate.h" template <class FloatT> struct SP3_Product { struct prop_t { Vector3<FloatT> xyz; FloatT clk; }; struct per_satellite_t { typedef std::map<GPS_Time<FloatT>, prop_t> history_t; history_t pos_history; history_t vel_history; typedef InterpolatableSet<GPS_Time<FloatT>, prop_t, FloatT> interpolator_t; typedef typename interpolator_t::condition_t interpolate_cnd_t; static const interpolate_cnd_t interpolate_cnd_default; mutable struct { struct target_t : public interpolator_t { target_t() : interpolator_t() {} /** * update interpolation source * @param force_update If true, update is forcibly performed irrespective of current state * @param cnd condition for source data selection */ target_t &update( const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t, const history_t &history, const bool &force_update = false, const interpolate_cnd_t &cnd = interpolate_cnd_default){ if((!force_update) && (std::abs(t - interpolator_t::x0) <= 10)){return *this;} interpolator_t::update(t, history, cnd, force_update); return *this; } typedef typename interpolator_t::buffer_t buf_t; Vector3<FloatT> interpolate_xyz( const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t, Vector3<FloatT> *derivative = NULL) const { struct second_iterator : public buf_t::const_iterator { second_iterator(const typename buf_t::const_iterator &it) : buf_t::const_iterator(it) {} const Vector3<FloatT> &operator[](const int &n) const { return buf_t::const_iterator::operator[](n).second.xyz; } } xyz(interpolator_t::buf.begin()); return interpolator_t::interpolate2(t, xyz, derivative); } FloatT interpolate_clk( const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t, FloatT *derivative = NULL) const { struct second_iterator : public buf_t::const_iterator { second_iterator(const typename buf_t::const_iterator &it) : buf_t::const_iterator(it) {} const FloatT &operator[](const int &n) const { return buf_t::const_iterator::operator[](n).second.clk; } } clk(interpolator_t::buf.begin()); return interpolator_t::interpolate2(t, clk, derivative); } } pos_clk, vel_rate; } subset; /** * Precheck whether interpolate can be fully performed or not * * @return (bool) If interpolation condition is fully satisfied, then true is returned. */ bool precheck(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) const { // Only position/clock is checked, because velocity/rate can be calculated based on pos/clk. subset.pos_clk.update(t, pos_history); return subset.pos_clk.ready; } typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::constellation_t constellation( const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t, bool with_velocity = true) const { typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::constellation_t res; if(with_velocity){ try{ res.velocity = subset.vel_rate.update(t, vel_history).interpolate_xyz(t); with_velocity = false; }catch(std::range_error &){} } Vector3<FloatT> vel; res.position = subset.pos_clk.update(t, pos_history) .interpolate_xyz(t, with_velocity ? &vel : NULL); // velocity fallback to use position if(with_velocity){res.velocity = vel;} return res; } typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::xyz_t position( const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) const { return constellation(t, false).position; } typename GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::xyz_t velocity( const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) const { return constellation(t, true).velocity; } FloatT clock_error(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) const { return subset.pos_clk.update(t, pos_history).interpolate_clk(t); } FloatT clock_error_dot(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) const { try{ return subset.vel_rate.update(t, vel_history).interpolate_clk(t); }catch(std::range_error &){ FloatT res; subset.pos_clk.update(t, pos_history).interpolate_clk(t, &res); return res; } } operator typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::satellite_t() const { typedef typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::gps_time_t gt_t; typedef typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::float_t float_t; typedef typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::xyz_t xyz_t; struct impl_t { static inline const per_satellite_t &sat(const void *ptr) { return *reinterpret_cast<const per_satellite_t *>(ptr); } static xyz_t position(const void *ptr, const gt_t &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit) { return sat(ptr).position(t_tx).after(dt_transit); } static xyz_t velocity(const void *ptr, const gt_t &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit) { return sat(ptr).velocity(t_tx).after(dt_transit); } static float_t clock_error(const void *ptr, const gt_t &t_tx) { return sat(ptr).clock_error(t_tx); } static float_t clock_error_dot(const void *ptr, const gt_t &t_tx) { return sat(ptr).clock_error_dot(t_tx); } }; typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::satellite_t res = { this, this, impl_t::position, impl_t::velocity, impl_t::clock_error, impl_t::clock_error_dot }; return res; } }; typedef std::map<int, per_satellite_t> satellites_t; satellites_t satellites; typedef std::set<GPS_Time<FloatT> > epochs_t; epochs_t epochs() const { epochs_t res; struct time_iterator : public per_satellite_t::history_t::const_iterator { time_iterator( const typename per_satellite_t::history_t::const_iterator &it) : per_satellite_t::history_t::const_iterator(it) {} GPS_Time<FloatT> operator*() const { return (*this)->first; } }; for(typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(satellites.begin()), it_end(satellites.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ res.insert( time_iterator(it->second.pos_history.begin()), time_iterator(it->second.pos_history.end())); res.insert( time_iterator(it->second.vel_history.begin()), time_iterator(it->second.vel_history.end())); } return res; } bool has_position() const { for(typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(satellites.begin()), it_end(satellites.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ if(!it->second.pos_history.empty()){return true;}; } return false; } bool has_velocity() const { for(typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(satellites.begin()), it_end(satellites.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ if(!it->second.vel_history.empty()){return true;}; } return false; } typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::satellite_t select( const int &sat_id, const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) const { do{ typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(satellites.find(sat_id)); if(it == satellites.end()){break;} if(!it->second.precheck(t)){break;} return it->second; }while(false); return GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::satellite_t::unavailable(); } enum system_t { SYSTEM_GPS, SYSTEM_SBAS, SYSTEM_QZSS, SYSTEM_GLONASS, SYSTEM_LEO, SYSTEM_GALILEO, SYSTEM_BEIDOU, SYSTEM_IRNSS, NUM_OF_SYSTEMS, }; static const int offset_list[NUM_OF_SYSTEMS]; protected: mutable struct per_system_t { const SP3_Product<FloatT> *product; system_t sys; } per_system[NUM_OF_SYSTEMS]; static typename GPS_Solver_Base<FloatT>::satellite_t select( const void *ptr, const int &prn, const GPS_Time<FloatT> &receiver_time){ const per_system_t *ptr_impl(reinterpret_cast<const per_system_t *>(ptr)); return ptr_impl->product->select((prn & 0xFF) + offset_list[ptr_impl->sys], receiver_time); } public: /** * push SP3 product to satellite selector * * @param slct satellite selector having impl and impl_select members * @param sys target system, default is GPS * @return (bool) If push is successfully performed, true will be returned. */ template <class SelectorT> bool push(SelectorT &slct, const system_t &sys = SYSTEM_GPS) const { if(sys >= NUM_OF_SYSTEMS){return false;} per_system[sys].product = this; per_system[sys].sys = sys; slct.impl_select = select; slct.impl = &per_system[sys]; return true; } struct satellite_count_t { int gps, sbas, qzss, glonass, leo, galileo, beidou, irnss, unknown; }; satellite_count_t satellite_count() const { satellite_count_t res = {0}; for(typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(satellites.begin()), it_end(satellites.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ switch((char)(it->first >> 8)){ case '\0': { int id(it->first & 0xFF); if(id < 100){++res.gps;} else if(id < 192){++res.sbas;} else{++res.qzss;} break; } case 'R': ++res.glonass; break; case 'L': ++res.leo; break; case 'E': ++res.galileo; break; case 'C': ++res.beidou; break; case 'I': ++res.irnss; break; default: ++res.unknown; break; } } return res; } }; template <class FloatT> const typename SP3_Product<FloatT>::per_satellite_t::interpolate_cnd_t SP3_Product<FloatT>::per_satellite_t::interpolate_cnd_default = { 9, // maximum number of epochs used for interpolation /* maximum acceptable absolute time difference between t and epoch, * default is 2 hr = 15 min interval records; (2 hr * 2 / (9 - 1) = 15 min) */ 60 * 60 * 2, }; template <class FloatT> const int SP3_Product<FloatT>::offset_list[NUM_OF_SYSTEMS] = { 0, 0, 0, // GPS, SBAS, QZSS ((int)'R' << 8), // GLONASS ((int)'L' << 8), // LEO ((int)'E' << 8), // GALILEO ((int)'C' << 8), // BEIDOU ((int)'I' << 8), // IRNSS }; template <class FloatT> class SP3_Reader { protected: typename TextHelper<>::crlf_stream_t src; public: struct l1_t { char version_symbol[2]; char pos_or_vel_flag[1]; int year_start; int month_start; int day_of_month_st; int hour_start; int minute_start; FloatT second_start; int number_of_epochs; char data_used[5]; char coordinate_sys[5]; char orbit_type[3]; char agency[4]; l1_t &operator=(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) { std::tm t_(t.c_tm()); year_start = t_.tm_year + 1900; month_start = t_.tm_mon + 1; day_of_month_st = t_.tm_mday; hour_start = t_.tm_hour; minute_start = t_.tm_min; second_start = (t.seconds - (int)t.seconds) + t_.tm_sec; return *this; } }; struct l2_t { char symbols[2]; int gps_week; FloatT seconds_of_week; FloatT epoch_interval; int mod_jul_day_st; FloatT fractional_day; }; struct l3_11_t { char symbols[2]; int number_of_sats; int sat_id[17]; }; struct l12_20_t { char symbols[2]; int sat_accuracy[17]; }; struct l21_22_t { char symbols[2]; char file_type[2]; char _2_characters[2]; char time_system[3]; char _3_characters[3]; char _4_characters[4][4]; char _5_characters[4][5]; }; struct l23_24_t { char symbols[2]; FloatT base_for_pos_vel; FloatT base_for_clk_rate; FloatT _14_column_float; FloatT _18_column_float; }; struct l25_26_t { char symbols[2]; int _4_column_int[4]; int _6_column_int[4]; int _9_column_int; }; struct comment_t { char symbols[2]; char comment[77]; }; struct epoch_t { char symbols[2]; int year_start; int month_start; int day_of_month_st; int hour_start; int minute_start; FloatT second_start; std::tm c_tm() const { std::tm res = { (int)second_start, minute_start, hour_start, day_of_month_st, month_start - 1, year_start - 1900, }; std::mktime(&res); return res; } operator GPS_Time<FloatT>() const { return GPS_Time<FloatT>(c_tm(), second_start - (int)second_start); } epoch_t &operator=(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t) { std::tm t_(t.c_tm()); year_start = t_.tm_year + 1900; month_start = t_.tm_mon + 1; day_of_month_st = t_.tm_mday; hour_start = t_.tm_hour; minute_start = t_.tm_min; second_start = (t.seconds - (int)t.seconds) + t_.tm_sec; return *this; } }; struct position_clock_t { char symbol[1]; int vehicle_id; FloatT coordinate_km[3]; FloatT clock_us; bool has_sdev; int sdev_b_n_mm[3]; int c_sdev_b_n_psec; char clock_event_flag[1]; char clock_pred_flag[1]; char maneuver_flag[1]; char orbit_pred_flag[1]; }; struct position_clock_correlation_t { char symbols[2]; int sdev_mm[3]; int clk_sdev_psec; int xy_correlation; int xz_correlation; int xc_correlation; int yz_correlation; int yc_correlation; int zc_correlation; }; struct velocity_rate_t { char symbol[1]; int vehicle_id; FloatT velocity_dm_s[3]; FloatT clock_rate_chg_100ps_s; // 10^-4 microseconds/second = 100 ps/s bool has_sdev; int vel_sdev_100nm_s[3]; int clkrate_sdev_10_4_ps_s; // 10^-4 ps/s }; struct velocity_rate_correlation_t { char symbols[2]; int vel_sdev_100nm_s[3]; int clkrate_sdev_10_4_ps_s; int xy_correlation; int xz_correlation; int xc_correlation; int yz_correlation; int yc_correlation; int zc_correlation; }; struct parsed_t { enum { UNKNOWN, L1, L2, L3_11, L12_20, L21_22, L23_24, L25_26, COMMENT, EPOCH, POSITION_CLOCK, POSITION_CLOCK_CORRELATION, VELOCITY_RATE, VELOCITY_RATE_CORRELATION, PARSED_ITEMS, } type; union { struct l1_t l1; struct l2_t l2; struct l3_11_t l3_11; struct l12_20_t l12_20; struct l21_22_t l21_22; struct l23_24_t l23_24; struct l25_26_t l25_26; struct comment_t comment; struct epoch_t epoch; struct position_clock_t position_clock; struct position_clock_correlation_t position_clock_correlation; struct velocity_rate_t velocity_rate; struct velocity_rate_correlation_t velocity_rate_correlation; } item; }; static const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t l1_items[13], l2_items[6], l3_11_items[19], l12_20_items[18], l21_22_items[13], l23_24_items[5], l25_26_items[10], comment_items[2], epoch_items[7], position_clock_items[14], position_clock_correlation_items[11], velocity_rate_items[10], velocity_rate_correlation_items[11]; SP3_Reader(std::istream &in) : src(in) {} bool has_next() { return !(src.eof() || src.fail()); } parsed_t parse_line() { parsed_t res = {parsed_t::UNKNOWN, {0}}; char buf[0x100] = {0}; src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)); std::string line(buf); switch(buf[0]){ case '#': switch(buf[1]){ case '#': TextHelper<>::str2val(l2_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L2; break; default: TextHelper<>::str2val(l1_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L1; break; } break; case '+': switch(buf[1]){ case ' ': TextHelper<>::str2val(l3_11_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L3_11; break; case '+': TextHelper<>::str2val(l12_20_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L12_20; break; } break; case '%': switch(buf[1]){ case 'c': TextHelper<>::str2val(l21_22_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L21_22; break; case 'f': TextHelper<>::str2val(l23_24_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L23_24; break; case 'i': TextHelper<>::str2val(l25_26_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::L25_26; break; } break; case '/': res.type = parsed_t::COMMENT; // TODO break; case '*': TextHelper<>::str2val(epoch_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::EPOCH; break; case 'P': res.item.position_clock.has_sdev = (line.length() > 60); TextHelper<>::str2val( position_clock_items, (res.item.position_clock.has_sdev ? 14 : 6), line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::POSITION_CLOCK; break; case 'V': res.item.velocity_rate.has_sdev = (line.length() > 60); TextHelper<>::str2val( velocity_rate_items, (res.item.velocity_rate.has_sdev ? 10 : 6), line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::VELOCITY_RATE; break; case 'E': switch(buf[1]){ case 'P': TextHelper<>::str2val(position_clock_correlation_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::POSITION_CLOCK_CORRELATION; break; case 'V': TextHelper<>::str2val(velocity_rate_correlation_items, line, &res.item); res.type = parsed_t::VELOCITY_RATE_CORRELATION; break; } break; } return res; } struct conv_t { /** * @param value satellite identifier. For GPS, SBAS, and QZSS, it is PRN number. * For other satellite systems, it is ((prefix_char << 8) | satellite_number) * like 20993 = ((82 << 8) | 1) indicating R01 (because 'R' = 82. */ static bool sat_id( std::string &buf, const int &offset, const int &length, void *value, const int &opt = 0, const bool &str2val = true){ // format: a letter followed by a 2-digit integer between 01 and 99. if(str2val){ if(!TextHelper<>::template format_t<int>::d( buf, offset + 1, length - 1, value, opt, true)){ return false; } switch(buf[offset]){ case 'G': break; // GPS case 'S': // Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) satellites *static_cast<int *>(value) += 100; break; case 'J': // QZSS, nn=PRN-192, ex) J01 => PRN=193 *static_cast<int *>(value) += 192; break; case 'R': // GLONASS case 'L': // Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites case 'E': // Galileo case 'C': // BeiDou case 'I': // IRNSS *static_cast<int *>(value) += ((int)buf[offset] << 8); break; case ' ': *static_cast<int *>(value) = 0; break; // TODO default: return false; // unsupported } return true; }else{ int digit2(*static_cast<int *>(value)); if(digit2 < 0){return false;} char prefix((char)((digit2 >> 8) & 0xFF)); do{ if(digit2 == 0){ prefix = ' '; break; } if(digit2 <= 32){ // GPS prefix = 'G'; break; } if(digit2 < 120){return false;} if(digit2 <= 158){ // SBAS prefix = 'S'; digit2 -= 100; break; } if(digit2 < 193){return false;} if(digit2 <= 206){ // QZSS prefix = 'J'; digit2 -= 192; break; } switch(prefix){ case 'R': // GLONASS case 'L': // Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites case 'E': // Galileo case 'C': // BeiDou case 'I': // IRNSS digit2 &= 0xFF; break; default: return false; // unsupported } }while(false); buf[offset] = prefix; return TextHelper<>::template format_t<int>::d( buf, offset + 1, length - 1, &digit2, digit2 > 0 ? 1 : 0, false); } } }; static int read_all(std::istream &in, SP3_Product<FloatT> &dst) { SP3_Reader<FloatT> src(in); typedef SP3_Product<FloatT> dst_t; int res(0); struct buf_t { dst_t &dst; int &res; epoch_t epoch; enum { TS_UNKNOWN, TS_GPS, TS_UTC } time_system; struct pv_t { position_clock_t pos; velocity_rate_t vel; pv_t(){pos.symbol[0] = vel.symbol[0] = 0;} }; typedef std::map<int, pv_t> entries_t; entries_t entries; buf_t(dst_t &dst_, int &res_) : dst(dst_), res(res_), time_system(TS_UNKNOWN), entries(){ epoch.symbols[0] = 0; } void flush(){ if(!epoch.symbols[0]){return;} GPS_Time<FloatT> gpst(epoch); if(time_system == TS_UTC){ gpst += GPS_Time<FloatT>::guess_leap_seconds(gpst); } for(typename entries_t::const_iterator it(entries.begin()), it_end(entries.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ if(it->second.pos.symbol[0]){ typename dst_t::prop_t prop = { Vector3<FloatT>(it->second.pos.coordinate_km) * 1E3, it->second.pos.clock_us * 1E-6, }; dst.satellites[it->first].pos_history.insert(std::make_pair(gpst, prop)); } if(it->second.vel.symbol[0]){ typename dst_t::prop_t prop = { Vector3<FloatT>(it->second.vel.velocity_dm_s) * 1E-1, it->second.vel.clock_rate_chg_100ps_s * 1E-10, }; dst.satellites[it->first].vel_history.insert(std::make_pair(gpst, prop)); } ++res; } entries.clear(); } } buf(dst, res); while(src.has_next()){ parsed_t parsed(src.parse_line()); switch(parsed.type){ case parsed_t::L21_22: // check time system if(buf.time_system != buf_t::TS_UNKNOWN){break;} if(std::strncmp(parsed.item.l21_22.time_system, "GPS", 3) == 0){ buf.time_system = buf_t::TS_GPS; }else if(std::strncmp(parsed.item.l21_22.time_system, "UTC", 3) == 0){ buf.time_system = buf_t::TS_UTC; } break; case parsed_t::EPOCH: buf.flush(); buf.epoch = parsed.item.epoch; break; case parsed_t::POSITION_CLOCK: { int sat_id(parsed.item.position_clock.vehicle_id); buf.entries[sat_id].pos = parsed.item.position_clock; break; } case parsed_t::VELOCITY_RATE: { int sat_id(parsed.item.velocity_rate.vehicle_id); buf.entries[sat_id].vel = parsed.item.velocity_rate; break; } default: break; } } buf.flush(); return res; } }; #define GEN_C(offset, length, container_type, container_member) \ {TextHelper<>::template format_t<char>::c, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), 0} #define GEN_I(offset, length, container_type, container_member) \ {TextHelper<>::template format_t<int>::d, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), 0} #define GEN_I2(offset, length, container_type, container_member) \ {TextHelper<>::template format_t<int>::d_blank, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), 0} #define GEN_E(offset, length, container_type, container_member, precision) \ {TextHelper<>::template format_t<FloatT>::f, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), precision} #define GEN_sat(offset, length, container_type, container_member) \ {SP3_Reader<FloatT>::conv_t::sat_id, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member)} template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l1_items[13] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l1_t, version_symbol), GEN_C(2, 1, l1_t, pos_or_vel_flag), GEN_I(3, 4, l1_t, year_start), GEN_I(8, 2, l1_t, month_start), GEN_I(11, 2, l1_t, day_of_month_st), GEN_I(14, 2, l1_t, hour_start), GEN_I(17, 2, l1_t, minute_start), GEN_E(20, 11, l1_t, second_start, 8), GEN_I(32, 7, l1_t, number_of_epochs), GEN_C(40, 5, l1_t, data_used), GEN_C(46, 5, l1_t, coordinate_sys), GEN_C(52, 3, l1_t, orbit_type), GEN_C(56, 4, l1_t, agency), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l2_items[6] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l2_t, symbols), GEN_I(3, 4, l2_t, gps_week), GEN_E(8, 15, l2_t, seconds_of_week, 8), GEN_E(24, 14, l2_t, epoch_interval, 8), GEN_I(39, 5, l2_t, mod_jul_day_st), GEN_E(45, 15, l2_t, fractional_day, 13), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l3_11_items[19] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l3_11_t, symbols), GEN_I2(3, 3, l3_11_t, number_of_sats), GEN_sat(9, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[0]), GEN_sat(12, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[1]), GEN_sat(15, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[2]), GEN_sat(18, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[3]), GEN_sat(21, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[4]), GEN_sat(24, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[5]), GEN_sat(27, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[6]), GEN_sat(30, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[7]), GEN_sat(33, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[8]), GEN_sat(36, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[9]), GEN_sat(39, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[10]), GEN_sat(42, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[11]), GEN_sat(45, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[12]), GEN_sat(48, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[13]), GEN_sat(51, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[14]), GEN_sat(54, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[15]), GEN_sat(57, 3, l3_11_t, sat_id[16]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l12_20_items[18] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l12_20_t, symbols), GEN_I(9, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[0]), GEN_I(12, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[1]), GEN_I(15, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[2]), GEN_I(18, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[3]), GEN_I(21, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[4]), GEN_I(24, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[5]), GEN_I(27, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[6]), GEN_I(30, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[7]), GEN_I(33, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[8]), GEN_I(36, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[9]), GEN_I(39, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[10]), GEN_I(42, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[11]), GEN_I(45, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[12]), GEN_I(48, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[13]), GEN_I(51, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[14]), GEN_I(54, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[15]), GEN_I(57, 3, l12_20_t, sat_accuracy[16]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l21_22_items[13] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l21_22_t, symbols), GEN_C(3, 2, l21_22_t, file_type), GEN_C(6, 2, l21_22_t, _2_characters), GEN_C(9, 3, l21_22_t, time_system), GEN_C(13, 3, l21_22_t, _3_characters), GEN_C(17, 4, l21_22_t, _4_characters[0]), GEN_C(22, 4, l21_22_t, _4_characters[1]), GEN_C(27, 4, l21_22_t, _4_characters[2]), GEN_C(32, 4, l21_22_t, _4_characters[3]), GEN_C(37, 5, l21_22_t, _5_characters[0]), GEN_C(43, 5, l21_22_t, _5_characters[1]), GEN_C(49, 5, l21_22_t, _5_characters[2]), GEN_C(55, 5, l21_22_t, _5_characters[3]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l23_24_items[5] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l23_24_t, symbols), GEN_E(3, 10, l23_24_t, base_for_pos_vel, 7), GEN_E(14, 12, l23_24_t, base_for_clk_rate, 9), GEN_E(27, 14, l23_24_t, _14_column_float, 11), GEN_E(42, 18, l23_24_t, _18_column_float, 15), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::l25_26_items[10] = { GEN_C(0, 2, l25_26_t, symbols), GEN_I(3, 4, l25_26_t, _4_column_int[0]), GEN_I(8, 4, l25_26_t, _4_column_int[1]), GEN_I(13, 4, l25_26_t, _4_column_int[2]), GEN_I(18, 4, l25_26_t, _4_column_int[3]), GEN_I(23, 6, l25_26_t, _6_column_int[0]), GEN_I(30, 6, l25_26_t, _6_column_int[1]), GEN_I(37, 6, l25_26_t, _6_column_int[2]), GEN_I(44, 6, l25_26_t, _6_column_int[3]), GEN_I(51, 9, l25_26_t, _9_column_int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::comment_items[2] = { GEN_C(0, 2, comment_t, symbols), GEN_C(3, 57, comment_t, comment), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::epoch_items[7] = { GEN_C(0, 2, epoch_t, symbols), GEN_I(3, 4, epoch_t, year_start), GEN_I(8, 2, epoch_t, month_start), GEN_I(11, 2, epoch_t, day_of_month_st), GEN_I(14, 2, epoch_t, hour_start), GEN_I(17, 2, epoch_t, minute_start), GEN_E(20, 11, epoch_t, second_start, 8), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::position_clock_items[14] = { GEN_C(0, 1, position_clock_t, symbol), GEN_sat(1, 3, position_clock_t, vehicle_id), GEN_E(4, 14, position_clock_t, coordinate_km[0], 6), GEN_E(18, 14, position_clock_t, coordinate_km[1], 6), GEN_E(32, 14, position_clock_t, coordinate_km[2], 6), GEN_E(46, 14, position_clock_t, clock_us, 6), GEN_I(61, 2, position_clock_t, sdev_b_n_mm[0]), GEN_I(64, 2, position_clock_t, sdev_b_n_mm[1]), GEN_I(67, 2, position_clock_t, sdev_b_n_mm[2]), GEN_I(70, 3, position_clock_t, c_sdev_b_n_psec), GEN_C(74, 1, position_clock_t, clock_event_flag), GEN_C(75, 1, position_clock_t, clock_pred_flag), GEN_C(78, 1, position_clock_t, maneuver_flag), GEN_C(79, 1, position_clock_t, orbit_pred_flag), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::position_clock_correlation_items[11] = { GEN_C(0, 2, position_clock_correlation_t, symbols), GEN_I(4, 4, position_clock_correlation_t, sdev_mm[0]), GEN_I(9, 4, position_clock_correlation_t, sdev_mm[1]), GEN_I(14, 4, position_clock_correlation_t, sdev_mm[2]), GEN_I(19, 7, position_clock_correlation_t, clk_sdev_psec), GEN_I(27, 8, position_clock_correlation_t, xy_correlation), GEN_I(36, 8, position_clock_correlation_t, xz_correlation), GEN_I(45, 8, position_clock_correlation_t, xc_correlation), GEN_I(54, 8, position_clock_correlation_t, yz_correlation), GEN_I(63, 8, position_clock_correlation_t, yc_correlation), GEN_I(72, 8, position_clock_correlation_t, zc_correlation), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::velocity_rate_items[10] = { GEN_C(0, 1, velocity_rate_t, symbol), GEN_sat(1, 3, velocity_rate_t, vehicle_id), GEN_E(4, 14, velocity_rate_t, velocity_dm_s[0], 6), GEN_E(18, 14, velocity_rate_t, velocity_dm_s[1], 6), GEN_E(32, 14, velocity_rate_t, velocity_dm_s[2], 6), GEN_E(46, 14, velocity_rate_t, clock_rate_chg_100ps_s, 6), GEN_I(61, 2, velocity_rate_t, vel_sdev_100nm_s[0]), GEN_I(64, 2, velocity_rate_t, vel_sdev_100nm_s[1]), GEN_I(67, 2, velocity_rate_t, vel_sdev_100nm_s[2]), GEN_I(70, 3, velocity_rate_t, clkrate_sdev_10_4_ps_s), }; template <class FloatT> const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t SP3_Reader<FloatT>::velocity_rate_correlation_items[11] = { GEN_C(0, 2, velocity_rate_correlation_t, symbols), GEN_I(4, 4, velocity_rate_correlation_t, vel_sdev_100nm_s[0]), GEN_I(9, 4, velocity_rate_correlation_t, vel_sdev_100nm_s[1]), GEN_I(14, 4, velocity_rate_correlation_t, vel_sdev_100nm_s[2]), GEN_I(19, 7, velocity_rate_correlation_t, clkrate_sdev_10_4_ps_s), GEN_I(27, 8, velocity_rate_correlation_t, xy_correlation), GEN_I(36, 8, velocity_rate_correlation_t, xz_correlation), GEN_I(45, 8, velocity_rate_correlation_t, xc_correlation), GEN_I(54, 8, velocity_rate_correlation_t, yz_correlation), GEN_I(63, 8, velocity_rate_correlation_t, yc_correlation), GEN_I(72, 8, velocity_rate_correlation_t, zc_correlation), }; #undef GEN_C #undef GEN_I #undef GEN_I2 #undef GEN_E #undef GEN_sat template <class FloatT> class SP3_Writer { public: typedef SP3_Reader<FloatT> reader_t; static std::string print_line(const typename reader_t::parsed_t &parsed){ static const struct { const typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t *items; int items_num; const char *symbol; } table[reader_t::parsed_t::PARSED_ITEMS] = { {0}, // UNKNOWN #define MAKE_ENTRY(k, str) \ {reader_t::k, sizeof(reader_t::k) / sizeof(reader_t::k[0]), str} MAKE_ENTRY(l1_items, "#"), // L1 MAKE_ENTRY(l2_items, "##"), // L2 MAKE_ENTRY(l3_11_items, "+ "), // L3_11 MAKE_ENTRY(l12_20_items, "++"), // L12_20 MAKE_ENTRY(l21_22_items, "%c"), // L21_22 MAKE_ENTRY(l23_24_items, "%f"), // L23_24 MAKE_ENTRY(l25_26_items, "%i"), // L25_26 MAKE_ENTRY(comment_items, "/"), // COMMENT MAKE_ENTRY(epoch_items, "*"), // EPOCH MAKE_ENTRY(position_clock_items, "P"), // POSITION_CLOCK MAKE_ENTRY(position_clock_correlation_items, "EP"), // POSITION_CLOCK_CORRELATION MAKE_ENTRY(velocity_rate_items, "V"), // VELOCITY_RATE MAKE_ENTRY(velocity_rate_correlation_items, "EV"), // VELOCITY_RATE_CORRELATION #undef MAKE_ENTRY }; int res_length(60); int items_num(table[parsed.type].items_num); switch(parsed.type){ case reader_t::parsed_t::POSITION_CLOCK: if(parsed.item.position_clock.has_sdev){res_length = 80;} else{items_num = 6;} break; case reader_t::parsed_t::VELOCITY_RATE: if(parsed.item.velocity_rate.has_sdev){res_length = 80;} else{items_num = 6;} break; case reader_t::parsed_t::POSITION_CLOCK_CORRELATION: case reader_t::parsed_t::VELOCITY_RATE_CORRELATION: res_length = 80; break; default: break; } std::string res(res_length, ' '); if((items_num <= 0) || (!TextHelper<>::val2str(table[parsed.type].items, items_num, res, &parsed.item))){ return std::string(); } res.replace(0, std::strlen(table[parsed.type].symbol), table[parsed.type].symbol); return res; } static void dump_default( std::ostream &out, typename reader_t::parsed_t &item){ out << print_line(item) << std::endl; } static int write_all( std::ostream &out, const SP3_Product<FloatT> &src, void (*dump)( std::ostream &, typename reader_t::parsed_t &) = dump_default) { typedef SP3_Product<FloatT> src_t; typedef typename src_t::epochs_t epochs_t; epochs_t epochs(src.epochs()); if(epochs.empty()){return 0;} { // 1st line typename reader_t::parsed_t header = {reader_t::parsed_t::L1}; header.item.l1 = *epochs.begin(); header.item.l1.number_of_epochs = epochs.size(); header.item.l1.pos_or_vel_flag[0] = src.has_velocity() ? 'V' : 'P'; dump(out, header); } { // 2nd line typename reader_t::parsed_t first_epoch = {reader_t::parsed_t::L2}; GPS_Time<FloatT> t0(*epochs.begin()); first_epoch.item.l2.gps_week = t0.week; first_epoch.item.l2.seconds_of_week = t0.seconds; first_epoch.item.l2.epoch_interval = (epochs.size() > 1) ? (*(++(epochs.begin())) - t0) : 0; FloatT day_of_week(t0.seconds / 86400); first_epoch.item.l2.mod_jul_day_st = 44244 + (t0.week * 7) + (int)day_of_week; first_epoch.item.l2.fractional_day = day_of_week - (int)day_of_week; dump(out, first_epoch); } typedef typename src_t::satellites_t sats_t; { // 3rd line int sats(src.satellites.size()); typename reader_t::parsed_t sat_list = {reader_t::parsed_t::L3_11}; sat_list.item.l3_11.number_of_sats = sats; typename sats_t::const_iterator it(src.satellites.begin()), it_end(src.satellites.end()); int lines((sats + 16) / 17); for(int i(lines < 5 ? 5 : lines); i > 0; --i){ for(int j(0); j < 17; ++j){ sat_list.item.l3_11.sat_id[j] = ((it == it_end) ? 0 : (it++)->first); } dump(out, sat_list); sat_list.item.l3_11.number_of_sats = 0; } } typename reader_t::parsed_t pos = {reader_t::parsed_t::POSITION_CLOCK}, vel = {reader_t::parsed_t::VELOCITY_RATE}, time = {reader_t::parsed_t::EPOCH}; pos.item.position_clock.has_sdev = false; vel.item.velocity_rate.has_sdev = false; int entries(0); for(typename epochs_t::const_iterator it(epochs.begin()), it_end(epochs.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ time.item.epoch = *it; dump(out, time); for(typename sats_t::const_iterator it2(src.satellites.begin()), it2_end(src.satellites.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ typename src_t::per_satellite_t::history_t::const_iterator it_entry; if((it_entry = it2->second.pos_history.find(*it)) == it2->second.pos_history.end()){continue;} ++entries; pos.item.position_clock.vehicle_id = it2->first; for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){ pos.item.position_clock.coordinate_km[i] = it_entry->second.xyz[i] * 1E-3; } pos.item.position_clock.clock_us = it_entry->second.clk * 1E6; dump(out, pos); if((it_entry = it2->second.vel_history.find(*it)) == it2->second.vel_history.end()){continue;} vel.item.velocity_rate.vehicle_id = it2->first; for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){ vel.item.velocity_rate.velocity_dm_s[i] = it_entry->second.xyz[i] * 1E1; } vel.item.velocity_rate.clock_rate_chg_100ps_s = it_entry->second.clk * 1E10; dump(out, vel); } } return entries; } }; #endif /* #define __SP3_H__ */