module Neo4j module Rest #:nodoc: all # contains a list of rest node class resources REST_NODE_CLASSES = {} class RestException < StandardError def code; 500; end end class NotAllowed < RestException def code; 403; end end class Conflict < RestException def code; 409; end end def self.base_uri host = port = Sinatra::Application.port "http://#{host}:#{port}" end def self.load_class(clazz) clazz.split("::").inject(Kernel) do |container, name| container.const_get(name.to_s) end rescue NameError raise Sinatra::NotFound end # Extracts query parameters from a URL; e.g. if /resource?foo=bar was requested, # {'foo' => 'bar'} is returned. def self.query_from_params(params) query = nil unless (params.nil?) query = params.clone query.delete('neo_id') query.delete('class') query.delete('prop') query.delete('rel') end query end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /neo # -------------------------------------------------------------------------"/neo") do body = Object.class_eval body 200 end Sinatra::Application.get("/neo") do if request.accept.include?("text/html") html = "

Neo4j.rb v #{Neo4j::VERSION} is alive !

Defined REST classes

" REST_NODE_CLASSES.keys.each {|clazz| html << "Class '" + clazz + "'
"} html << "" html else content_type :json # make it look like it was a node - todo maybe it should be a real Neo4j::Node ... properties = {:classes => REST_NODE_CLASSES.keys, :ref_node => Neo4j.ref_node._uri} {:properties => properties}.to_json end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /rels/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinatra::Application.get("/rels/:id") do content_type :json begin do rel = Neo4j.load_rel(params[:id].to_i) return 404, "Can't find relationship with id #{params[:id]}" if rel.nil? # include hyperlink to end_node if that has an _uri method end_node_hash = {:uri => rel.end_node._uri} # include hyperlink to start_node if that has an _uri method start_node_hash = {:uri => rel.start_node._uri} {:properties => rel.props, :start_node => start_node_hash, :end_node => end_node_hash}.to_json end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /nodes/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allows searching for nodes (provided that they are indexed). Supports the following: # /nodes/classname?search=name:hello~:: Lucene query string # /nodes/classname?name=hello:: Exact match on property # /nodes/classname?sort=name,desc:: Specify sorting order # /nodes/classname?limit=100,20:: Specify offset and number of nodes (for pagination) Sinatra::Application.get("/nodes/:class") do content_type :json clazz = Neo4j::Rest.load_class(params[:class]) return 404, "Can't find class '#{classname}'" if clazz.nil? begin do resources = clazz.find(Neo4j::Rest.query_from_params(params)) # uses overridden find method -- see below{|res| res.props}.to_json end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end"/nodes/:class") do content_type :json clazz = Neo4j::Rest.load_class(params[:class]) return 404, "Can't find class '#{classname}'" if clazz.nil? begin uri = do node = data = JSON.parse( properties = data['properties'] node.update(properties, Neo4j::Rest.query_from_params(params)) node._uri end redirect "#{uri}", 201 # created rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /nodes// # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinatra::Application.get("/nodes/:class/:id") do content_type :json begin do node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) return 404, "Can't find node with id #{params[:id]}" if node.nil? relationships = node.rels.outgoing.inject({}) do |hash, v| type = v.relationship_type.to_s hash[type] ||= [] hash[type] << "#{Neo4j::Rest.base_uri}/rels/#{v.neo_id}" hash end {:rels => relationships, :properties => node.props}.to_json end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end Sinatra::Application.put("/nodes/:class/:id") do content_type :json begin do body = data = JSON.parse(body) properties = data['properties'] || {} node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) node.update(properties, Neo4j::Rest.query_from_params(params).merge({:strict => true})) node.props.to_json end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end Sinatra::Application.delete("/nodes/:class/:id") do content_type :json begin do node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) return 404, "Can't find node with id #{params[:id]}" if node.nil? node.del(Neo4j::Rest.query_from_params(params)) "" end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /nodes/// # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinatra::Application.get("/nodes/:class/:id/traverse") do content_type :json begin do node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) return 404, {'error' => "Can't find node with id #{params[:id]}"}.to_json if node.nil? relationship = params['relationship'] depth = case params['depth'] when nil then 1 when 'all' then :all else params['depth'].to_i end return 400, {'error' => "invalid depth parameter - must be an integer"}.to_json if depth == 0 uris = node.traverse.outgoing(relationship.to_sym).depth(depth).collect{|node| node._uri} {'uri_list' => uris}.to_json end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end Sinatra::Application.get("/nodes/:class/:id/:prop") do content_type :json begin do node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) return 404, "Can't find node with id #{params[:id]}" if node.nil? prop = params[:prop].to_sym # check if prop is a relationship defined by has_n or has_one if node.class.decl_relationships.keys.include?(prop) # instead of returning properties return the relationship properties rels = node.send(prop) || [] # is it a has_n or has_one relationship ? # if it is a has_n then return an array of properties of that relationship (can be a large json struct) (rels.respond_to?(:props) ? rels.props :{|rel| rel.props}).to_json else {prop => node[prop]}.to_json end end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end Sinatra::Application.put("/nodes/:class/:id/:prop") do content_type :json begin do node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) property = params[:prop] body = data = JSON.parse(body) value = data[property] return 409, "Can't set property #{property} with JSON data '#{body}'" if value.nil? node[property] = value 200 end rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end URL_REGEXP = '((http[s]?|ftp):\/)?\/?([^:\/\s]+)((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+\/[\w\-\.]+)$' #:nodoc:"/nodes/:class/:id/:rel") do content_type :json begin new_id = do node = Neo4j.load_node(params[:id]) return 404, "Can't find node with id #{params[:id]}" if node.nil? rel = params[:rel] body = data = JSON.parse(body) uri = data['uri'] match = URL_REGEXP.match(uri) return 400, "Bad node uri '#{uri}'" if match.nil? to_clazz, to_node_id = match[6].split('/') other_node = Neo4j.load_node(to_node_id.to_i) return 400, "Unknown other node with id '#{to_node_id}'" if other_node.nil? if to_clazz != other_node.class.to_s return 400, "Wrong type id '#{to_node_id}' expected '#{to_clazz}' got '#{other_node.class.to_s}'" end rel_obj = node.add_rel(rel, other_node) return 400, "Can't create relationship to #{to_clazz}" if rel_obj.nil? rel_obj.neo_id end redirect "/rels/#{new_id}", 201 # created rescue RestException => exception return exception.code, {'error' => $!}.to_json rescue Exception => e return 500, {'error' => $!, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace}.to_json end end end end