# frozen_string_literal: true require 'stringio' TRYOUTS_LIB_HOME = __dir__ unless defined?(TRYOUTS_LIB_HOME) require_relative 'tryouts/console' require_relative 'tryouts/section' require_relative 'tryouts/testbatch' require_relative 'tryouts/testcase' require_relative 'tryouts/version' class Tryouts @debug = false @quiet = false @noisy = false @fails = false @container = Class.new @cases = [] @sysinfo = nil @testcase_io = StringIO.new module ClassMethods attr_accessor :container, :quiet, :noisy, :fails attr_writer :debug attr_reader :cases, :testcase_io def sysinfo require 'sysinfo' @sysinfo ||= SysInfo.new @sysinfo end def debug? @debug == true end def update_load_path(lib_glob) Dir.glob(lib_glob).each { |dir| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(dir) } end def run_all *paths batches = paths.collect do |path| parse path end tryouts_incr = 0 skipped_tests = 0 failed_tests = 0 skipped_batches = 0 failed_batches = 0 msg format('Ruby %s @ %-60s', RUBY_VERSION, Time.now), $/ if Tryouts.debug? Tryouts.debug "Found #{paths.size} files:" paths.each { |path| Tryouts.debug " #{path}" } Tryouts.debug end batches.each do |batch| path = batch.path.gsub(%r{#{Dir.pwd}/?}, '') divider = '-' * 70 path_pretty = format('>>>>> %-20s %s', path, '').ljust(70, '<') msg $/ vmsg Console.reverse(divider) vmsg Console.reverse(path_pretty) vmsg Console.reverse(divider) vmsg $/ before_handler = proc do |tc| if Tryouts.noisy tc_title = tc.desc.to_s vmsg Console.underline(format('%-58s ', tc_title)) vmsg tc.test.inspect, tc.exps.inspect end end batch.run(before_handler) do |tc| tryouts_incr += 1 failed_tests += 1 if tc.failed? skipped_tests += 1 if tc.skipped? codelines = tc.testrunner_output.join($/) first_exp_line = tc.exps.first Tryouts.debug Console.color(:white, "tryouts_incr is now %d" % tryouts_incr) first_exp_line = tc.exps.first location = format('%s:%d', tc.exps.path, first_exp_line) expectation = Console.color(tc.color, codelines) summary = Console.color(tc.color, "%s @ %s" % [tc.adjective, location]) vmsg ' %s' % expectation if tc.failed? msg Console.reverse(summary) else msg summary end vmsg # Output the buffered testcase_io to stdout # and then reset it for the next test case. unless Tryouts.fails && !tc.failed? $stdout.puts testcase_io.string unless Tryouts.quiet $stdout.puts tc.console_output.string if Tryouts.noisy end # Reset the testcase IO buffer testcase_io.truncate(0) end failed_tests += batch.failed if Tryouts.debug? msg "Batch failed_tests: #{batch.failed} (#{batch.failed?}) #{failed_tests}" end end # Create a line of separation before the result summary msg $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR # newline if tryouts_incr suffix = "tryouts passed" if skipped_tests > 0 suffix = "#{suffix} (#{skipped_tests} skipped)" end actual_test_size = tryouts_incr - skipped_tests if actual_test_size > 0 success_count = tryouts_incr - failed_tests - skipped_tests total_count = tryouts_incr - skipped_tests msg cformat(success_count, total_count, suffix) if Tryouts.debug? msg "tryouts_incr: %d; failed: %d; skipped: %d" % [tryouts_incr, failed_tests, skipped_tests] end end end # In what circumstance is this ever true? # adjusted_batch_size = (batches.size - skipped_batches) if batches.size > 1 && adjusted_batch_size > 0 suffix = 'batches passed' suffix << " (#{skipped_batches} skipped)" if skipped_batches > 0 success_count = adjusted_batch_size - failed_batches total_count = adjusted_batch_size msg cformat(success_count, total_count, suffix) end # Print out the buffered result summary $stdout.puts testcase_io.string failed_tests # returns the number of failed tests (0 if all passed) end def cformat(lval, rval, suffix = nil) Console.bright '%d of %d %s' % [lval, rval, suffix] end def run(path) batch = parse path batch.run batch end def parse(path) # debug "Loading #{path}" lines = File.readlines path skip_ahead = 0 batch = TestBatch.new path, lines lines.size.times do |idx| skip_ahead -= 1 and next if skip_ahead > 0 line = lines[idx].chomp # debug('%-4d %s' % [idx, line]) next unless expectation? line offset = 0 exps = Section.new(path, idx + 1) exps << line.chomp while idx + offset < lines.size offset += 1 this_line = lines[idx + offset] break if ignore?(this_line) if expectation?(this_line) exps << this_line.chomp skip_ahead += 1 end exps.last += 1 end offset = 0 buffer = Section.new(path) desc = Section.new(path) test = Section.new(path, idx) # test start the line before the exp. while idx - offset >= 0 offset += 1 this_line = lines[idx - offset].chomp buffer.unshift this_line if ignore?(this_line) buffer.unshift this_line if comment?(this_line) if test?(this_line) test.unshift(*buffer) && buffer.clear test.unshift this_line end if test_begin?(this_line) while test_begin?(lines[idx - (offset + 1)].chomp) offset += 1 buffer.unshift lines[idx - offset].chomp end end next unless test_begin?(this_line) || idx - offset == 0 || expectation?(this_line) adjust = expectation?(this_line) ? 2 : 1 test.first = idx - offset + buffer.size + adjust desc.unshift(*buffer) desc.last = test.first - 1 desc.first = desc.last - desc.size + 1 # remove empty lines between the description # and the previous expectation while !desc.empty? && desc[0].empty? desc.shift desc.first += 1 end break end batch << TestCase.new(desc, test, exps) end batch end def print(str) return if Tryouts.quiet $stdout.print str $stdout.flush end def vmsg *msgs msg(*msgs) if Tryouts.noisy end def msg *msgs testcase_io.puts(*msgs) unless Tryouts.quiet end def info *msgs msgs.each do |line| $stdout.puts line end end def err *msgs msgs.each do |line| $stderr.puts Console.color :red, line end end def debug *msgs $stderr.puts(*msgs) if debug? end def eval(str, path, line) Kernel.eval str, @container.send(:binding), path, line rescue SyntaxError, LoadError => e Tryouts.err Console.color(:red, e.message), Console.color(:red, e.backtrace.first) nil end private def expectation?(str) !ignore?(str) && str.strip.match(/\A\#+\s*=>/) end def comment?(str) !str.strip.match(/^\#+/).nil? && !expectation?(str) end def test?(str) !ignore?(str) && !expectation?(str) && !comment?(str) end def ignore?(str) str.to_s.strip.chomp.empty? end def test_begin?(str) !str.strip.match(/\#+\s*TEST/i).nil? || !str.strip.match(/\A\#\#+[\s\w]+/i).nil? end end extend ClassMethods end