require "English" module Foobara module Generators module EmptyRubyProjectGenerator class ProjectConfig < Foobara::Model attributes do name :string, "Name can be the directory to create or optionally org/directory. " \ "The org will be used as the github org and " \ "the directory will be used as the github repository." \ "For example, `some-org-on-github/some-repository-name` would create " \ "a project modules of `SomeOrgOnGithub::SomeRepositoryName` " \ "(unless you override the module name.)" # This specifies the module nesting for generated files for this project. It might have prefixes left out of # the project_name. It will default to Org::Project full_module_name :string, "If you want a different module name than the one inferred from the name input " \ "then specify it with this option." description :string, default: "No description. Add one." author_names [:string] author_emails [:string] homepage_url :string # Probably need a better default such as not licensed. license :string, default: "None specified yet" end def kebab_case_project_name Util.kebab_case(project_module_path.join) end def kebab_case_full_project_name Util.kebab_case(full_project_path.join) end def org_slash_project_kebab(organization_name = self.organization_name, project_name = self.project_name) org_part = Util.kebab_case(organization_name)&.gsub("::", "-") project_part = Util.kebab_case(project_name).gsub("::", "-") if org_part.nil? || org_part.empty? project_part else "#{org_part}/#{project_part}" end end def org_slash_project_underscore org_slash_project_kebab.gsub("-", "_") end def project_lib_file_path { |part| Util.underscore(part) }.join("/") end def organization_name @organization_name ||= begin org_and_project = name.split("/") if org_and_project.size == 2 org_and_project.first end end end def project_name @project_name ||= name.split("/").last end def project_module_path @project_module_path ||= kebab_to_module_path(project_name) end def project_module_name @project_module_name ||= project_module_path.join("::") end def organization_module_path @organization_module_path ||= kebab_to_module_path(organization_name) end def organization_module_name @organization_module_name ||= organization_module_path.join("::") end # TODO: These two are not great names. Should have the word "module" in them. def full_project_path @full_project_path ||= full_module_name&.split("::") || [*organization_module_path, *project_module_path] end def full_project_name @full_project_name ||= [organization_module_name, project_module_name].compact.join("::") end def author_names # TODO: implement #[] or move it up to Model from Entity if it exists there. @author_names ||= read_attribute(:author_names) || begin # TODO: dump a git config file in CI so we don't have to skip this # :nocov: name = `git config --get` if $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus == 0 [name.strip] else raise "Must set author_names because we can't get it from git for some reason" end # :nocov: end end def author_emails @author_emails ||= read_attribute(:author_emails) || begin # :nocov: email = `git config --get` if $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus == 0 [email.strip] else raise "Must set author_emails because we can't get it from git for some reason" end # :nocov: end end def homepage_url @homepage_url ||= "{org_slash_project_kebab(organization_name, project_module_name)}" end private def kebab_to_module_path(kebab) if kebab kebab.split("_").map { |part| Util.classify(part.gsub("-", "_")) } else [] end end end end end end