protocol PrecheckfileProtocol: class { /// The bundle identifier of your app var appIdentifier: String { get } /// Your Apple ID Username var username: String { get } /// The ID of your App Store Connect team if you're in multiple teams var teamId: String? { get } /// The name of your App Store Connect team if you're in multiple teams var teamName: String? { get } /// The default rule level unless otherwise configured var defaultRuleLevel: String { get } /// Should check in-app purchases? var includeInAppPurchases: Bool { get } /// using text indicating that your IAP is free var freeStuffInIap: String? { get } } extension PrecheckfileProtocol { var appIdentifier: String { return "" } var username: String { return "" } var teamId: String? { return nil } var teamName: String? { return nil } var defaultRuleLevel: String { return "error" } var includeInAppPurchases: Bool { return true } var freeStuffInIap: String? { return nil } } // Please don't remove the lines below // They are used to detect outdated files // FastlaneRunnerAPIVersion [0.9.25]