# == Synopsis # NFO (info) files # # the @info hash has keys that map directly to the .nfo file # # Usage: # controller = NfoController.new(media) # controller.update # puts controller.isbn # puts controller.imdb_id # or # NfoController.update(media) class NfoController def self.update(media) NfoController.new(media).update end def initialize(media) @media = media @info = Hash.new @xbmc_info = XbmcInfo.new(@media.path_to(:nfo)) self.isbn = @xbmc_info.movie['isbn'] self.imdb_id = @xbmc_info.movie['id'] end # merge meta-data from the DVD Profiler collection.xml and from IMDB # into the @movie hash def update result = false begin AppConfig[:logger].info { "\n#{@media.title}" } @info.merge!(@xbmc_info.movie) dvd_hash = load_dvdprofiler imdb_hash = load_imdb(dvd_hash) tmdb_hash = load_tmdb @info.merge!(tmdb_hash_to_info(tmdb_hash)) @info.merge!(imdb_hash_to_info(imdb_hash)) @info.merge!(dvd_hash_to_info(dvd_hash)) genres = @info['genre'] genres ||= [] genres += @media.media_subdirs.split('/') if AppConfig[:subdirs_as_genres] new_genres = map_genres(genres.uniq).uniq.compact @info['genre'] = new_genres unless new_genres.blank? save result = true rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Error updating \"#{@media.path_to(:nfo)}\" - " + e.to_s + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") } raise e end result end # return the ISBN or nil def isbn unless @info['isbn'].blank? @media.isbn ||= [@info['isbn']].flatten.uniq.compact.first.to_s end @media.isbn end # set the ISBN def isbn=(n) @media.isbn = n.to_s unless n.blank? @media.isbn end # return the IMDB ID or nil def imdb_id unless @info['id'].blank? # make sure is not an array @media.imdb_id ||= [@info['id'].to_s].flatten.uniq.compact.first end unless @media.imdb_id.blank? || (@media.imdb_id.to_s =~ /^tt\d+$/)|| (@media.imdb_id.to_s =~ /^\d+$/) AppConfig[:logger].warn { "Attempting to return invalid IMDB ID: \"#{@media.imdb_id}\"" } end @media.imdb_id end # set the IMDB ID def imdb_id=(ident) if ident.blank? @media.imdb_id = nil elsif (ident.to_s =~ /^tt\d+$/) || (ident.to_s =~ /^\d+$/) @media.imdb_id = ident.to_s else AppConfig[:logger].warn { "Attempting to set invalid IMDB ID: \"#{ident}\"" } end @media.imdb_id end protected # save as a .nfo file, creating a backup if the .nfo already exists def save begin unless @info.empty? @info['title'] = @media.title if @info['title'].blank? @xbmc_info.movie = @info @xbmc_info.save end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Error saving nfo file - " + e.to_s + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")} end end # load from the collection # return movie hash def load_dvdprofiler dvd_hash = Hash.new # find ISBN for each title and assign to the media profiles = DvdprofilerProfile.all(:isbn => self.isbn, :title => @media.title, :year => @media.year) if profiles.length > 1 title = "#{@media.title}#{@media.year.blank? ? '' : ' (' + @media.year + ')'}" Dvdprofiler2Xbmc.multiple_profiles << "#{title} #{profiles.collect{|prof| prof.isbn}.join(", ")}" AppConfig[:logger].warn { "Multiple profiles found for #{title}" } else profile = profiles.first unless profile.nil? self.isbn ||= profile.isbn AppConfig[:logger].info { "ISBN => #{self.isbn}" } unless self.isbn.nil? profile.save(@media.path_to(:dvdprofiler_xml)) dvd_hash = profile.dvd_hash @media.year = [dvd_hash[:productionyear]].flatten.sort.first if @media.year.blank? && !dvd_hash[:productionyear].blank? end end dvd_hash end # load data from IMDB.com # return movie hash def load_imdb(dvd_hash) imdb_hash = Hash.new unless File.exist?(@media.path_to(:no_imdb_lookup)) profile = ImdbProfile.first(:imdb_id => self.imdb_id, :titles => self.get_imdb_titles(dvd_hash), :media_years => [@media.year.to_i], :production_years => dvd_hash[:productionyear], :released_years => dvd_hash[:released], :filespec => @media.path_to(:imdb_xml) ) unless profile.nil? self.imdb_id ||= profile.imdb_id AppConfig[:logger].info { "IMDB ID => #{self.imdb_id}" } unless self.imdb_id.nil? imdb_hash = profile.movie end end imdb_hash end # load data form themovieDb.com # return movie hash def load_tmdb tmdb_hash = Hash.new unless File.exist?(@media.path_to(:no_tmdb_lookup)) profile = TmdbProfile.first(:imdb_id => self.imdb_id, :filespec => @media.path_to(:tmdb_xml)) unless profile.nil? tmdb_hash = profile.movie end end tmdb_hash end def get_imdb_titles(dvd_hash) titles = [] titles << @info['title'] unless @info['title'].blank? titles << @media.title unless @media.title.blank? titles += get_parent_titles(dvd_hash) titles.uniq.compact end # try to find box set parent's title def get_parent_titles(dvd_hash) titles = [] unless dvd_hash[:boxset].blank? begin AppConfig[:logger].info { "Need to find box set parent's title" } parent_isbn = dvd_hash[:boxset].first['parent'].first unless parent_isbn.blank? parent_profile = DvdprofilerProfile.first(:isbn => parent_isbn) unless parent_profile.blank? titles << parent_profile.title titles += get_parent_titles(parent_profile.dvd_hash) end end rescue end end AppConfig[:logger].info { "parent titles => #{titles.pretty_inspect}" } unless titles.empty? titles end DVD_HASH_TO_INFO_MAP = { :rating => 'mpaa', :plot => 'outline', :overview => 'plot', :runningtime => 'runtime', :actors => 'actor', :isbn => 'isbn', :imdb_id => 'id', :directors => 'director' # Unused => :ProfileTimestamp, :ID, :MediaTypes, :UPC, :CollectionNumber # :CollectionType, :DistTrait, :OriginalTitle, :CountryOfOrigin # :ProductionYear, :RunningTime, :RatingSystem, :RatingAge, :RatingVariant # :CaseType, :Genres, :Regions, :Format, :Features, :Studios, :MediaCompanies # :Audio, :Subtitles, :'SRP DenominationType', :Actors, :Credits, :Overview # :EasterEggs, :Disks, :SortTitle, :LastEdited, :WishPriority, :PurchaseInfo # :Review, :Events, :BoxSet, :LoanInfo, :Notes, :Tags, :Locks } # map the given dvd_hash into a @movie hash def dvd_hash_to_info(dvd_hash) info = Hash.new unless dvd_hash.nil? dvd_hash[:genres] ||= [] info['genre'] = dvd_hash[:genres] unless dvd_hash[:genres].blank? info['title'] = dvd_hash[:title] info['year'] = [dvd_hash[:productionyear], dvd_hash[:released]].flatten.uniq.collect{|s| ((s =~ /(\d{4})/) ? $1 : nil)}.uniq.compact.first DVD_HASH_TO_INFO_MAP.each do |key, value| info[value] = dvd_hash[key] unless dvd_hash[key].blank? end end info end def to_first_year(value) [value] end IMDB_HASH_TO_INFO_MAP = { 'title' => 'title', 'mpaa' => 'mpaa', 'rating' => 'rating', 'plot' => 'plot', 'tagline' => 'tagline', 'year' => 'year', 'directors' => 'director', 'length' => 'runtime', 'genres' => 'genre', 'id' => 'id', # Unused: 'company', 'countries', 'poster_url', 'writers', 'photos' # 'poster', 'color', 'aspect_ratio', 'languages', 'release_date' # 'tiny_poster_url', 'also_known_as' } def imdb_hash_to_info(imdb_hash) info = Hash.new unless imdb_hash.blank? IMDB_HASH_TO_INFO_MAP.each do |key, value| info[value] = imdb_hash[key] unless imdb_hash[key].blank? end info['id'] = self.imdb_id if info['id'].blank? # special cases: if info['mpaa'].blank? && !imdb_hash['certifications'].blank? imdb_hash['certifications'].each do |certs| if certs['country'] == 'USA' AppConfig[:logger].info { "Using alternative USA certification instead of mpaa rating" } info['mpaa'] = certs['rating'] unless certs['rating'].blank? break end end end unless imdb_hash['cast_members'].blank? imdb_hash['cast_members'].each do |anon| # anon[2] => {name,role} info['actor'] ||= [] info['actor'] << {'name' => anon[0], 'role' => anon[1]} end end info['year'] ||= imdb_hash['release_year'] end info end TMDB_HASH_TO_INFO_MAP = { # urls # scores # idents # titles # imdb_ids # alternative_titles # posters # types # fanarts 'short_overviews' => 'plot', 'releases' => 'year' } def tmdb_hash_to_info(tmdb_hash) info = Hash.new unless tmdb_hash.blank? TMDB_HASH_TO_INFO_MAP.each do |key, value| info[value] = tmdb_hash[key].first unless tmdb_hash[key].blank? end end info end # map the given genres using the AppConfig[:genre_maps]. # given an Array of String genres # returns an Array of String genres that have been mapped, are unique, and do not include any nils def map_genres(genres) new_genres = [] genres.each do |genre| new_genres << (AppConfig[:genre_maps][genre].nil? ? genre : AppConfig[:genre_maps][genre]) end new_genres.uniq.compact end end