# Prowler is a plugin for integrating apps with the Prowl iPhone application. # # === Installation # # From your project's RAILS_ROOT, run: # # script/plugin install git://github.com/pixeltrix/prowler.git # # === Configuration # # You should have something like this in config/initializers/prowler.rb. # # Prowler.configure do |config| # config.api_key = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' # config.application = 'www.example.com' # end # # You can test that Prowler is working in your production environment by using # this rake task (from RAILS_ROOT): # # rake prowler:test # # If everything is configured properly the task will send a request to # prowl.weks.net which will be appear on your iPhone after a short delay. # # === Usage # # To use Prowler within your application just call the notify method, e.g. # # Prowler.notify "Event", "Description", Prowler::Priority::NORMAL # # If you need to send to multiple accounts from within a single application you # can create an instance of the Prowler class to override the global settings, e.g. # # prowler = Prowler.new('apikey', 'application') # prowler.notify "Event", "Description", Prowler::Priority::NORMAL # # If performance is a concern then there is built in support for Delayed::Job. # This can done either on a global basis, e.g. # # Prowler.configure do |config| # config.delayed = true # end # # or on a individual message basis, e.g. # # Prowler.notify "Event", "Description", Prowler::Priority::NORMAL, true # # === About # # Prowler relies upon the Prowl iPhone application which is advertised as # a Growl notification forwarder from your Mac. However they provide an API # which can be called by a generic script which allows you to use the # application as a general push notification application for your iPhone. # # For more about the Prowl application see: http://prowl.weks.net/ require 'logger' require 'net/https' require 'uri' class Prowler SERVICE_URL = "https://prowl.weks.net/publicapi" USER_AGENT = "Prowler/1.1.0" module Priority VERY_LOW = -2 MODERATE = -1 NORMAL = 0 HIGH = 1 EMERGENCY = 2 end class ConfigurationError < StandardError; end class DelayedJob attr_accessor :api_key, :provider_key, :application attr_accessor :event, :message, :priority def initialize #:nodoc: yield self if block_given? end # Send notification def perform prowler = Prowler.new(api_key, application, provider_key) prowler.notify(event, message, priority, false) end end class << self attr_accessor :api_key, :provider_key attr_accessor :application, :send_notifications attr_accessor :read_timeout, :open_timeout #:nodoc: attr_accessor :delayed # Call this method to configure your account details in an initializer. def configure yield self end def send_notifications #:nodoc: @send_notifications.nil? ? true : !!@send_notifications end def delayed #:nodoc: @delayed.nil? ? false : !!@delayed end # Reset configuration def reset_configuration @application = @api_key = @provider_key = nil end # Whether the library has been configured def configured? !@application.nil? && !@api_key.nil? end # Returns the default logger or a logger that prints to STDOUT. def logger ActiveRecord::Base.logger rescue @logger ||= Logger.new(STDERR) end def read_timeout #:nodoc: @read_timeout ||= 5 end def open_timeout #:nodoc: @open_timeout ||= 2 end # Send a notification to your iPhone: # * event: The title of notification you want to send. # * message: The text of the notification message you want to send. # * priority: The priority of the notification - see Prowler::Priority. (Optional) # * delayed: Whether to use Delayed::Job to send notifications. (Optional) def notify(event, message, priority = Priority::NORMAL, delayed = self.delayed) raise ConfigurationError, "You must provide an API key to send notifications" if api_key.nil? raise ConfigurationError, "You must provide an application name to send notifications" if application.nil? if delayed enqueue_delayed_job(self, event, message, priority) else perform( :add, api_key, provider_key, { :application => application, :event => event, :description => message, :priority => priority } ) end end # Verify the configured API key is valid def verify raise ConfigurationError, "You must provide an API key to verify" if api_key.nil? perform(:verify, api_key, provider_key, {}, :get) end def perform(command, api_key, provider_key, data = {}, method = :post) #:nodoc: params = { :apikey => api_key, :provider_key => provider_key }.merge(data).delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? } case method when :post perform_post(command, params) else perform_get(command, params) end end def enqueue_delayed_job(config, event, message, priority) #:nodoc: record = Delayed::Job.enqueue(DelayedJob.new do |job| job.api_key = config.api_key job.provider_key = config.provider_key job.application = config.application job.event = event job.message = message job.priority = priority end) !record.new_record? end private def headers(extra_headers = {}) #:nodoc: { 'User-Agent' => USER_AGENT }.merge(extra_headers) end def perform_get(command, params) #:nodoc: url = URI.parse("#{SERVICE_URL}/#{command}?#{params.map{ |k,v| %(#{URI.encode(k.to_s)}=#{URI.encode(v.to_s)}) }.join('&')}") request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("#{url.path}?#{url.query}", headers) perform_request(url, request) end def perform_post(command, params) #:nodoc: url = URI.parse("#{SERVICE_URL}/#{command}") request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path, headers) request.form_data = params perform_request(url, request) end def perform_request(url, request) #:nodoc: http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE http.read_timeout = read_timeout http.open_timeout = open_timeout http.start do begin return true unless send_notifications response = http.request(request) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then logger.info "Prowl Success: #{response.class}" true else logger.error "Prowl Failure: #{response.class}\n#{response.body if response.respond_to? :body}" false end rescue TimeoutError => e logger.error "Timeout while contacting the Prowl server." false end end end end attr_accessor :api_key, :provider_key #:nodoc: attr_accessor :application, :send_notifications #:nodoc: # Create an instance for sending to different accounts within a single Rails application # * api_key: Your API key. # * application: The name of your application. # * provider_key: Key to override the rate limit of 1000 requests per hour. (Optional) def initialize(api_key, application, provider_key = nil) @api_key, @application, @provider_key = api_key, application, provider_key end # Send a notification to your iPhone: # * event: The title of notification you want to send. # * message: The text of the notification message you want to send. # * priority: The priority of the notification - see Prowler::Priority. (Optional) # * delayed: Whether to use Delayed::Job to send notifications. (Optional) def notify(event, message, priority = Priority::NORMAL, delayed = self.class.delayed) raise ConfigurationError, "You must provide an API key to send notifications" if api_key.nil? raise ConfigurationError, "You must provide an application name to send notifications" if application.nil? if delayed self.class.enqueue_delayed_job(self, event, message, priority) else self.class.perform( :add, api_key, provider_key, { :application => application, :event => event, :description => message, :priority => priority } ) end end # Verify the configured API key is valid def verify raise ConfigurationError, "You must provide an API key to verify" if api_key.nil? self.class.perform(:verify, api_key, provider_key, {}, :get) end end