require 'test/unit' require 'test/unit/testresult' = true module Hydra #:nodoc: # Hydra class responsible for running test files. # # The Runner is never run directly by a user. Runners are created by a # Worker to run test files. # # The general convention is to have one Runner for each logical processor # of a machine. class Runner include Hydra::Messages::Runner traceable('RUNNER') DEFAULT_LOG_FILE = 'hydra-runner.log' # Boot up a runner. It takes an IO object (generally a pipe from its # parent) to send it messages on which files to execute. def initialize(opts = {}) redirect_output( opts.fetch( :runner_log_file ) { DEFAULT_LOG_FILE } ) reg_trap_sighup @io = opts.fetch(:io) { raise "No IO Object" } @verbose = opts.fetch(:verbose) { false } @event_listeners = Array( opts.fetch( :runner_listeners ) { nil } ) $stdout.sync = true runner_begin trace 'Booted. Sending Request for file' @io.write begin process_messages rescue => ex trace ex.to_s raise ex end end def reg_trap_sighup for sign in [:SIGHUP, :INT] trap sign do stop end end @runner_began = true end def runner_begin trace "Firing runner_begin event" @event_listeners.each {|l| l.runner_begin( self ) } end # Run a test file and report the results def run_file(file) trace "Running file: #{file}" output = "" if file =~ /_spec.rb$/i output = run_rspec_file(file) elsif file =~ /.feature$/i output = run_cucumber_file(file) elsif file =~ /.js$/i or file =~ /.json$/i output = run_javascript_file(file) else output = run_test_unit_file(file) end output = "." if output == "" @io.write => output, :file => file) return output end # Stop running def stop runner_end if @runner_began @runner_began = @running = false end def runner_end trace "Ending runner #{self.inspect}" @event_listeners.each {|l| l.runner_end( self ) } end def format_exception(ex) "#{}: #{ex.message}\n #{ex.backtrace.join("\n ")}" end private # The runner will continually read messages and handle them. def process_messages trace "Processing Messages" @running = true while @running begin message = @io.gets if message and !message.class.to_s.index("Worker").nil? trace "Received message from worker" trace "\t#{message.inspect}" message.handle(self) else @io.write end rescue IOError => ex trace "Runner lost Worker" stop end end end def format_ex_in_file(file, ex) "Error in #{file}:\n #{format_exception(ex)}" end # Run all the Test::Unit Suites in a ruby file def run_test_unit_file(file) begin require file rescue LoadError => ex trace "#{file} does not exist [#{ex.to_s}]" return ex.to_s rescue Exception => ex trace "Error requiring #{file} [#{ex.to_s}]" return format_ex_in_file(file, ex) end output = [] @result = @result.add_listener(Test::Unit::TestResult::FAULT) do |value| output << value end klasses = Runner.find_classes_in_file(file) begin klasses.each{|klass|{|status, name| ;}} rescue => ex output << format_ex_in_file(file, ex) end return output.join("\n") end # run all the Specs in an RSpec file (NOT IMPLEMENTED) def run_rspec_file(file) # pull in rspec begin require 'rspec' require 'hydra/spec/hydra_formatter' # Ensure we override rspec's at_exit RSpec::Core::Runner.disable_autorun! rescue LoadError => ex return ex.to_s end hydra_output = config = [ '-f', 'RSpec::Core::Formatters::HydraFormatter', file ] RSpec.instance_variable_set(:@world, nil), hydra_output, hydra_output) hydra_output.rewind output = output = "" if output.gsub("\n","") =~ /^\.*$/ return output end # run all the scenarios in a cucumber feature file def run_cucumber_file(file) files = [file] dev_null = hydra_response = unless @cuke_runtime require 'cucumber' require 'hydra/cucumber/formatter' Cucumber.logger.level = Logger::INFO @cuke_runtime = @cuke_configuration =, dev_null) @cuke_configuration.parse!(['features']+files) support_code =, @cuke_configuration.guess?) support_code.load_files!(@cuke_configuration.support_to_load + @cuke_configuration.step_defs_to_load) support_code.fire_hook(:after_configuration, @cuke_configuration) # i don't like this, but there no access to set the instance of SupportCode in Runtime @cuke_runtime.instance_variable_set('@support_code',support_code) end cuke_formatter = @cuke_runtime, hydra_response, @cuke_configuration.options ) cuke_runner ||= @cuke_runtime, [cuke_formatter], @cuke_configuration ) @cuke_runtime.visitor = cuke_runner loader = files, @cuke_configuration.filters, @cuke_configuration.tag_expression ) features = loader.features tag_excess = tag_excess(features, @cuke_configuration.options[:tag_expression].limits) @cuke_configuration.options[:tag_excess] = tag_excess cuke_runner.visit_features(features) hydra_response.rewind return end def run_javascript_file(file) errors = [] require 'v8' do |context| context.load(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'js', 'lint.js'))) context['input'] = lambda{ } context['reportErrors'] = lambda{|js_errors| js_errors.each do |e| e = V8::To.rb(e) errors << "\n\e[1;31mJSLINT: #{file}\e[0m" errors << " Error at line #{e['line'].to_i + 1} " + "character #{e['character'].to_i + 1}: \e[1;33m#{e['reason']}\e[0m" errors << "#{e['evidence']}" end } context.eval %{ JSLINT(input(), { sub: true, onevar: true, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, strict: true, rhino: true }); reportErrors(JSLINT.errors); } end if errors.empty? return '.' else return errors.join("\n") end end # find all the test unit classes in a given file, so we can run their suites def self.find_classes_in_file(f) code = "" {|buffer| code =} matches = code.scan(/class\s+([\S]+)/) klasses = matches.collect do |c| begin if c.first.respond_to? :constantize c.first.constantize else eval(c.first) end rescue NameError # means we could not load [c.first], but thats ok, its just not # one of the classes we want to test nil rescue SyntaxError # see above nil end end return{|k| k.respond_to? 'suite'} end # Yanked a method from Cucumber def tag_excess(features, limits) do |tag_name, tag_limit| tag_locations = features.tag_locations(tag_name) if tag_limit && (tag_locations.length > tag_limit) [tag_name, tag_limit, tag_locations] else nil end end.compact end def redirect_output file_name begin $stderr = $stdout =, 'a') rescue # it should always redirect output in order to handle unexpected interruption # successfully $stderr = $stdout =, 'a') end end end end