require "sphinx" module ActsAsSphinx module ClassMethods # Associates the model class with a sphinx index, which will be used by find_with_sphinx method. # You can pass the following options: # # :host is the host name or an IP address where searchd daemon is running, default is localhost # :port is the port number of the searchd process, default is 3312 # :index is the name of the index to be used, default is the name of the table for the current model class. def acts_as_sphinx(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(SphinxClassMethods::VALID_OPTIONS) default_options = {:host => 'localhost', :port => 3312, :index => name.tableize} write_inheritable_attribute 'sphinx_options', options.reverse_merge(default_options) extend SphinxClassMethods end end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend(ClassMethods) end module SphinxClassMethods VALID_OPTIONS = %w[mode offset page limit index weights host port range filter filter_range group_by sort_mode].map(&:to_sym) def sphinx_index read_inheritable_attribute('sphinx_options')[:index] end def sphinx_options read_inheritable_attribute 'sphinx_options' end # Performs a sphinx search and returns a hash object as defined by Sphinx#query method. # This methods accepts the same set of options as :sphinx option of find_with_sphinx method. def ask_sphinx(query, options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(VALID_OPTIONS) default_options = {:offset => 0, :limit => 20} default_options.merge! sphinx_options options.reverse_merge! default_options if options[:page] && options[:limit] options[:offset] = options[:limit] * (options[:page].to_i - 1) options[:offset] = 0 if options[:offset] < 0 end sphinx = sphinx.set_server options[:host], options[:port] sphinx.set_limits options[:offset], options[:limit] sphinx.set_weights options[:weights] if options[:weights] sphinx.set_id_range options[:range] if options[:range] options[:filter].each do |attr, values| sphinx.set_filter attr, [*values] end if options[:filter] options[:filter_range].each do |attr, (min, max)| sphinx.set_filter_range attr, min, max end if options[:filter_range] options[:group_by].each do |attr, func| funcion = Sphinx.const_get("SPH_GROUPBY_#{func.to_s.upcase}") \ rescue raise("Unknown group by function #{func}") sphinx.set_group_by attr, funcion end if options[:group_by] if options[:mode] match_mode = Sphinx.const_get("SPH_MATCH_#{options[:mode].to_s.upcase}") \ rescue raise("Unknown search mode #{options[:mode]}") sphinx.set_match_mode match_mode end if options[:sort_mode] sort_mode, sort_expr = options[:sort_mode] sort_mode = Sphinx.const_get("SPH_SORT_#{sort_mode.to_s.upcase}") \ rescue raise("Unknown sort mode #{sort_mode}") sphinx.set_sort_mode sort_mode, sort_expr end sphinx.query query, options[:index] end # Find all model objects using sphinx index. # Besides regular ActiveRecord::Base#find method's options, you can specify # :sphinx key that points to a hash with the following sphinx specific parameters: # # :mode defines the search mode (:all, :any, :boolean, :extended) # :sort_mode defines the sort mode (:relevance, :attr_desc, :attr_asc, :time_segments, :extended), # for example :sort_mode => [:attr_desc, 'myattr'] # :limit restricts result to a specified number of objects, default is 20 # :offset make this method return from a specific offset, default is 0 # :page can be used instead of :offset option to specify the page number # :host overrides the default value of this option, see acts_as_sphinx method # :port overrides the default value of this option, see acts_as_sphinx method # :index overrides the default index name # :weight is an array of weights for each index component (used in the relevance algorithm) # :range is an array that defines the range document ids to be used, e.g. :range => [min, max] # :fiter and :filter_range # options define a search filter by an attribute # :group_by makes the search result to be grouped by an attribute, e.g. :group_by => [attr, function], # where function is :day, :week, :month, :year, or :attr # # The returned array has three special attributes: # # returns a total hits retrieved for this search # ary.total_found returns a total number of hits found while scanning indexes. # ary.time returns a time spent performing the search. def find_with_sphinx(query, options = {}) result = ask_sphinx(query, options.delete(:sphinx) || {}) records = result[:matches].empty? ? [] : find(result[:matches].keys, options) records = records.sort_by{|r| -result[:matches][][:weight] } %w[total total_found time].map(&:to_sym).each do |method| class << records; self end.send(:define_method, method) {result[method]} end records end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActsAsSphinx