require "opentok/client"
require "opentok/broadcast"
require "opentok/broadcast_list"
module OpenTok
# A class for working with OpenTok live streaming broadcasts.
# See { Live streaming broadcasts}.
class Broadcasts
# @private
def initialize(client)
@client = client
# Starts a live streaming broadcast of an OpenTok session.
# Clients must be actively connected to the OpenTok session for you to successfully start
# a broadcast.
# This broadcasts the session to an HLS (HTTP live streaming) or to RTMP streams.
# @param [String] session_id The session ID of the OpenTok session to broadcast.
# @param [Hash] options A hash defining options for the broadcast.
# @option options [Hash] :layout Specify this to assign the initial layout type for
# the broadcast. This is a hash containing three keys:
# :type
, :stylesheet and :screenshare_type
# Valid values for :type
are "bestFit" (best fit), "custom" (custom),
# "horizontalPresentation" (horizontal presentation),
# "pip" (picture-in-picture), and "verticalPresentation" (vertical presentation)).
# If you specify a "custom" layout type, set the :stylesheet
key to the
# stylesheet (CSS). (For other layout types, do not set the :stylesheet
# Valid values for :screenshare_type
are "bestFit", "pip",
# "verticalPresentation", "horizontalPresentation". This property is optional.
# If it is specified, then the :type
property **must** be set to "bestFit".
# If you do not specify an initial layout type, the broadcast uses the best fit
# layout type.
# @option options [String] :multiBroadcastTag (Optional) Set this to support multiple broadcasts for the same session simultaneously.
# Set this to a unique string for each simultaneous broadcast of an ongoing session. Note that the `multiBroadcastTag` value is *not* included
# in the response for the methods to { list live streaming broadcasts} and
# { get information about a live streaming broadcast}.
# { See Simultaneous broadcasts}.
# @option options [int] maxBitRate
# The maximum bitrate for the broadcast stream(s), in bits per second.
# The minimum value is 100,000 and the maximum is 6,000,000.
# @option options [int] maxDuration
# The maximum duration for the broadcast, in seconds. The broadcast will automatically stop when
# the maximum duration is reached. You can set the maximum duration to a value from 60 (60 seconds) to 36000 (10 hours).
# The default maximum duration is 4 hours (14,400 seconds).
# @option options [Hash] outputs (Required)
# This object defines the types of broadcast streams you want to start (both HLS and RTMP).
# You can include HLS, RTMP, or both as broadcast streams. If you include RTMP streaming,
# you can specify up to five target RTMP streams (or just one).
# For multiple RTMP streams, the (:rtmp
) property is set to an [Array] of Rtmp [Hash] objects.
# For each RTMP hash, specify (:serverUrl
) for the RTMP server URL,
# (:streamName
) such as the YouTube Live stream name or the Facebook stream key),
# and (optionally) (:id
), a unique ID for the stream. If you specify an ID, it will be
# included in the (broadcast_json
) response from the Client#start_broadcast method call,
# and is also available in the (broadcast_json
) response from the Broadcasts#find method.
# Vonage streams the session to each RTMP URL you specify. Note that OpenTok live streaming
# supports RTMP and RTMPS.
# If you need to support only one RTMP URL, you can set a Rtmp [Hash] object (instead of an array of
# objects) for the (:rtmp
) property value in the (:outputs
) [Hash].
# For HLS, the (:hls
) property in the (:outputs
) [Hash] is set to a HLS [Hash]
# object. This object includes the following optional properties:
# - (:dvr
) (Boolean). Whether to enable
# { DVR functionality}
# (rewinding, pausing, and resuming)
# in players that support it (true), or not (false, the default). With DVR enabled, the HLS URL will
# include a ?DVR query string appended to the end.
# - (:low_latency
) (Boolean). Whether to enable
# { low-latency mode}
# for the HLSstream.
# Some HLS players do not support low-latency mode. This feature is incompatible with DVR mode HLS
# broadcasts (both can't be set to true). This is a beta feature.
# The HLS URL is included in the (broadcast_json
) response from the Client#start_broadcast
# method call, and is also available in the (broadcast_json
) response from the
# Broadcasts#find method.
# @option options [string] resolution
# The resolution of the broadcast: either "640x480" (SD landscape, the default), "1280x720" (HD landscape),
# "1920x1080" (FHD landscape), "480x640" (SD portrait), "720x1280" (HD portrait), or "1080x1920"
# (FHD portrait).
# @option options [String] :streamMode (Optional) Whether streams included in the broadcast are selected
# automatically ("auto", the default) or manually ("manual"). When streams are selected automatically ("auto"),
# all streams in the session can be included in the broadcast. When streams are selected manually ("manual"),
# you specify streams to be included based on calls to the
# {Broadcasts#add_stream} method. You can specify whether a
# stream's audio, video, or both are included in the broadcast.
# For both automatic and manual modes, the broadcast composer includes streams based
# on { stream prioritization rules}.
# Important: this feature is currently available in the Standard environment only.
# @option options [Boolean] :hasAudio Whether the broadcast has audio (default `true`)
# @option options [Boolean] :hasVideo Whether the broadcast has video (default `true`)
# @return [Broadcast] The broadcast object, which includes properties defining the broadcast,
# including the broadcast ID.
# @raise [OpenTokBroadcastError] The broadcast could not be started. The request was invalid or broadcast already started
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError] Authentication failed while starting an broadcast.
# Invalid API key.
# @raise [OpenTokError] OpenTok server error.
def create(session_id, options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "session_id not provided" if session_id.to_s.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "options cannot be empty" if options.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "outputs property is required in options" unless options.has_key?(:outputs)
raise ArgumentError, "outputs must be a Hash" unless options[:outputs].is_a? Hash
if options[:outputs].has_key?(:hls)
dvr = options[:outputs][:hls][:dvr]
low_latency = options[:outputs][:hls][:low_latency]
raise ArgumentError, "dvr and low_latency can't both be true for HLS" if hls_dvr_and_low_latency_options_both_true?(dvr, low_latency)
broadcast_json = @client.start_broadcast(session_id, options) self, broadcast_json
# Gets a Broadcast object for the given broadcast ID.
# @param [String] broadcast_id The broadcast ID.
# @return [Broadcast] The broadcast object, which includes properties defining the broadcast.
# @raise [OpenTokBroadcastError] No matching broadcast found.
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError] Authentication failed.
# Invalid API key.
# @raise [OpenTokError] OpenTok server error.
def find(broadcast_id)
raise ArgumentError, "broadcast_id not provided" if broadcast_id.to_s.empty?
broadcast_json = @client.get_broadcast(broadcast_id.to_s) self, broadcast_json
# Returns a BroadcastList, which is an array of broadcasts that are completed and in-progress,
# for your API key.
# @param [Hash] options A hash with keys defining which range of broadcasts to retrieve.
# @option options [integer] :offset Optional. The index offset of the first broadcast. 0 is offset
# of the most recently started broadcast. 1 is the offset of the broadcast that started prior to
# the most recent broadcast. If you do not specify an offset, 0 is used.
# @option options [integer] :count Optional. The number of broadcasts to be returned. The maximum
# number of broadcasts returned is 1000.
# @option options [String] :session_id Optional. The session ID that broadcasts belong to.
# @return [BroadcastList] An BroadcastList object, which is an array of Broadcast objects.
def all(options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "Limit is invalid" unless options[:count].nil? || (0..1000).include?(options[:count])
broadcast_list_json = @client.list_broadcasts(options[:offset], options[:count], options[:sessionId]) self, broadcast_list_json
# Stops an OpenTok broadcast
# Note that broadcasts automatically stop after 120 minute
# @param [String] broadcast_id The broadcast ID.
# @return [Broadcast] The broadcast object, which includes properties defining the broadcast.
# @raise [OpenTokBroadcastError] The broadcast could not be stopped. The request was invalid.
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError] Authentication failed.
# Invalid API key.
# @raise [OpenTokError] OpenTok server error.
def stop(broadcast_id)
raise ArgumentError, "broadcast_id not provided" if broadcast_id.to_s.empty?
broadcast_json = @client.stop_broadcast(broadcast_id) self, broadcast_json
# Dynamically alters the layout an OpenTok broadcast. For more information, see
# For more information, see
# { Configuring video layout for OpenTok live streaming broadcasts}.
# @param [String] broadcast_id
# The broadcast ID.
# @option options [String] :type
# The layout type. Set this to "bestFit", "pip", "verticalPresentation",
# "horizontalPresentation", "focus", or "custom".
# @option options [String] :stylesheet
# The stylesheet for a custom layout. Set this parameter
# if you set type
to "custom"
. Otherwise, leave it undefined.
# @option options [String] :screenshare_type
# The screenshare layout type. Set this to "bestFit", "pip", "verticalPresentation" or
# "horizonalPresentation". If this is defined, then the type
# must be set to "bestFit"
# @raise [OpenTokBroadcastError]
# The broadcast layout could not be updated.
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError]
# Authentication failed. Invalid API key or secret.
# @raise [OpenTokError]
# OpenTok server error.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The broadcast_id or options parameter is empty.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The "custom" type was specified without a stylesheet option.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# A stylesheet was passed in for a type other than custom. Or an invalid type was passed in.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# An invalid layout type was passed in.
def layout(broadcast_id, options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "option parameter is empty" if options.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "broadcast_id not provided" if broadcast_id.to_s.empty?
type = options[:type]
raise ArgumentError, "custom type must have a stylesheet" if (type.eql? "custom") && (!options.key? :stylesheet)
valid_non_custom_layouts = ["bestFit","horizontalPresentation","pip", "verticalPresentation", ""]
valid_non_custom_type = valid_non_custom_layouts.include? type
raise ArgumentError, "type is not valid" if !valid_non_custom_type && !(type.eql? "custom")
raise ArgumentError, "stylesheet not needed" if valid_non_custom_type and options.key? :stylesheet
raise ArgumentError, "screenshare_type is not valid" if options[:screenshare_type] && !valid_non_custom_layouts.include?(options[:screenshare_type])
raise ArgumentError, "type must be set to 'bestFit' if screenshare_type is defined" if options[:screenshare_type] && type != 'bestFit'
response = @client.layout_broadcast(broadcast_id, options)
(200..300).include? response.code
# Adds a stream to currently running broadcast that was started with the
# streamMode set to "manual". For a description of the feature, see
# {}.
# @param [String] broadcast_id
# The broadcast ID.
# @param [String] stream_id
# The ID for the stream to be added to the broadcast
# @option opts [true, false] :has_audio
# (Boolean, optional) — Whether the broadcast should include the stream's
# audio (true, the default) or not (false).
# @option opts [true, false] :has_video
# (Boolean, optional) — Whether the broadcast should include the stream's
# video (true, the default) or not (false).
# You can call the method repeatedly with add_stream set to the same stream ID, to
# toggle the stream's audio or video in the broadcast. If you set both has_audio and
# has_video to false, you will get error response.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The broadcast_id parameter is empty.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The stream_id parameter is empty.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The has_audio and has_video properties of the options parameter are both set to "false"
def add_stream(broadcast_id, stream_id, options)
raise ArgumentError, "broadcast_id not provided" if broadcast_id.to_s.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "stream_id not provided" if stream_id.to_s.empty?
if options.has_key?(:has_audio) && options.has_key?(:has_video)
has_audio = options[:has_audio]
has_video = options[:has_video]
raise ArgumentError, "has_audio and has_video can't both be false" if audio_and_video_options_both_false?(has_audio, has_video)
options['add_stream'] = stream_id
@client.select_streams_for_broadcast(broadcast_id, options)
# Removes a stream from a currently running broadcast that was started with the
# streamMode set to "manual". For a description of the feature, see
# {}.
# @param [String] broadcast_id
# The broadcast ID.
# @param [String] stream_id
# The ID for the stream to be removed from the broadcast
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The broadcast_id parameter id is empty.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The stream_id parameter is empty.
def remove_stream(broadcast_id, stream_id)
raise ArgumentError, "broadcast_id not provided" if broadcast_id.to_s.empty?
raise ArgumentError, "stream_id not provided" if stream_id.to_s.empty?
options = {}
options['remove_stream'] = stream_id
@client.select_streams_for_broadcast(broadcast_id, options)
def audio_and_video_options_both_false?(has_audio, has_video)
has_audio == false && has_video == false
def hls_dvr_and_low_latency_options_both_true?(dvr, low_latency)
dvr == true && low_latency == true