require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Applix" do #it "fails" do # fail "hey buddy, you should probably rename this file and start specing for real" #end end __END__ port this from unit to rspec... #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' require 'pp' #require 'hash_from_argv' #H = Hash::FromArgvHelperNamespaceToAvoidPolution require 'applix-hash' H = ApplixHash class HashFromArgvTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_applix_hash_parse # -f becomes { :f => true } # --flag becomes { :flag => true } assert_equal [:f, true], H.parse("-f") assert_equal [:flag, true], H.parse("--flag") # --flag:false becomes { :flag => false } assert_equal [:flag, false], H.parse("--flag:false") # --option=value becomes { :option => "value" } assert_equal [:opt, "val"], H.parse("--opt=val") # --int=1 becomes { :int => "1" } # --float=2.3 becomes { :float => "2.3" } # --float:2.3 becomes { :float => 2.3 } # -f:1.234 becomes { :f => 1.234 } assert_equal [:int, "1"], H.parse("--int=1") assert_equal [:float, "2.3"], H.parse("--float=2.3") assert_equal [:float, 2.3], H.parse("--float:2.3") assert_equal [:f, 1.234], H.parse("-f:1.234") # --txt="foo bar" becomes { :txt => "foo bar" } # --txt:'"foo bar"' becomes { :txt => "foo bar" } # --txt:%w{foo bar} becomes { :txt => ["foo", "bar"] } assert_equal [:txt, "foo bar"], H.parse('--txt="foo bar"') assert_equal [:txt, "foo bar"], H.parse(%q{--txt:'"foo bar"'}) assert_equal [:txt, ["foo", "bar"]], H.parse(%q{--txt:'%w{foo bar}'}) # becomes { :now => Mon Jul 09 01:30:21 0200 2007 } dt = - H.parse("")[1] assert dt < 0.02 end # XXX this is hacking the new Hash.from_argv interface into the old # dissect signature to make proper reuse of the existing unit tests def dissect(argv) h = Hash.from_argv(argv) [h[:arguments], h.delete_if { |k, _| k == :arguments }] end def test_applix_dissect_flags assert_equal [[], {:foo=>true}], dissect(%w{--foo}) end def test_applix_colon_option _, opts = dissect ["-a:%w{a b c}"] assert_equal({:a=>['a', 'b', 'c']}, opts) _, opts = dissect ["-b:(1..10)"] assert_equal({:b=>(1..10)}, opts) _, opts = dissect [""] assert opts[:c] < assert ( - opts[:c]) < 0.01 end def test_applix_dissect_options _, opts = dissect %w{-v=3.15} assert_equal({:v=>"3.15"}, opts) _, opts = dissect %w{-v:3.15} assert_equal({:v=>3.15}, opts) av, opts = dissect %w{--een --twee=3 -v:3.15} assert_equal [], av assert_equal({:een => true, :twee => "3", :v => 3.15}, opts) end def test_applix_dissect_without_options #assert_equal [[], {}], dissect #assert_equal [ARGV, {}], dissect %w{een twee 3 3.15 foo-bar}.inject([]) do |memo, arg| memo << arg av, opts = dissect(memo) assert_equal memo, av assert_equal({}, opts) memo end end end