require "plek" require "traits/taggable" require "artefact_action" # Require this when running outside Rails require "safe_html" class CannotEditSlugIfEverPublished < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) if record.changes.keys.include?("slug") && record.state_was == "live" record.errors[:slug] << ("Cannot edit slug for live artefacts") end end end class Artefact include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Taggable stores_tags_for :sections, :writing_teams, :propositions, :keywords, :specialist_sectors, :organisations has_primary_tag_for :section field "name", type: String field "slug", type: String field "paths", type: Array, default: [] field "prefixes", type: Array, default: [] field "kind", type: String field "owning_app", type: String field "rendering_app", type: String field "active", type: Boolean, default: false # will be removed once multiple need_ids # gets deployed and tested. field "need_id", type: String field "need_ids", type: Array, default: [] field "publication_id", type: String field "description", type: String field "state", type: String, default: "draft" field "language", type: String, default: "en" field "need_extended_font", type: Boolean, default: false field "latest_change_note", type: String field "public_timestamp", type: DateTime field "redirect_url", type: String # content_id should be unique but we have existing artefacts without it. # We should therefore enforce the uniqueness as soon as: # - every current artefact will have a content id assigned # - every future artefact will be created with a content id field "content_id", type: String index({ slug: 1 }, unique: true) # This index allows the `relatable_artefacts` method to use an index-covered # query, so it doesn't have to load each of the artefacts. index name: 1, state: 1, kind: 1, _type: 1, _id: 1 scope :not_archived, lambda { where(:state.nin => ["archived"]) } MAXIMUM_RELATED_ITEMS = 8 FORMATS_BY_DEFAULT_OWNING_APP = { "publisher" => ["answer", "business_support", "campaign", "completed_transaction", "guide", "help_page", "licence", "local_transaction", "place", "programme", "simple_smart_answer", "transaction", "video"], "smartanswers" => ["smart-answer"], "custom-application" => ["custom-application"], # In this case the owning_app is overriden. eg calendars, licencefinder "travel-advice-publisher" => ["travel-advice"], "specialist-publisher" => ["manual"], "finder-api" => ["finder", "finder_email_signup"], "whitehall" => ["announcement", "authored_article", "case_study", "consultation", "corporate_information_page", "corporate_report", "correspondence", "decision", "detailed_guide", "document_collection", "draft_text", "fatality_notice", "foi_release", "form", "government_response", "guidance", "impact_assessment", "independent_report", "international_treaty", "map", "national_statistics", "news_story", "notice", "official_statistics", "oral_statement", "policy", "policy_paper", "press_release", "promotional", "publication", "regulation", "research", "speaking_notes", "statistical_data_set", "statistics", "statutory_guidance", "supporting_page", "transcript", "transparency", "world_location_news_article", "worldwide_priority", "written_statement"], "panopticon" => ["specialist_sector"], }.freeze FORMATS = FORMATS_BY_DEFAULT_OWNING_APP.values.flatten def self.default_app_for_format(format) FORMATS_BY_DEFAULT_OWNING_APP.detect { |app, formats| formats.include?(format) }.first end KIND_TRANSLATIONS = { "standard transaction link" => "transaction", "local authority transaction link" => "local_transaction", "completed/done transaction" => "completed_transaction", "benefit / scheme" => "programme", "find my nearest" => "place", }.tap { |h| h.default_proc = -> _, k { k } }.freeze has_and_belongs_to_many :related_artefacts, class_name: "Artefact" embeds_many :actions, class_name: "ArtefactAction", order: { created_at: :asc } embeds_many :external_links, class_name: "ArtefactExternalLink" accepts_nested_attributes_for :external_links, :allow_destroy => true, reject_if: proc { |attrs| attrs["title"].blank? && attrs["url"].blank? } before_validation :normalise, on: :create before_validation :filter_out_empty_need_ids, if: :need_ids_changed? before_create :record_create_action before_update :record_update_action after_update :update_editions validates :name, presence: true validates :slug, presence: true, uniqueness: true, slug: true validates :kind, inclusion: { in: lambda { |x| FORMATS } } validates :state, inclusion: { in: ["draft", "live", "archived"] } validates :owning_app, presence: true validates :language, inclusion: { in: ["en", "cy"] } validates_with CannotEditSlugIfEverPublished validate :validate_prefixes_and_paths validate :format_of_new_need_ids, if: :need_ids_changed? validate :validate_redirect_url scope :relatable_items, proc { where( => "completed_transaction", => "archived") .order_by(name: :asc) } def self.in_alphabetical_order order_by(name: :asc) end def self.find_by_slug(s) where(slug: s).first end # The old-style section string identifier, of the form 'Crime:Prisons' def section return '' unless self.primary_section if primary_section.parent [primary_section.parent.title, primary_section.title].join ':' else primary_section.title end end # Fallback to english if no language is present def language attributes['language'] || "en" end def normalise return unless kind.present? self.kind = KIND_TRANSLATIONS[kind.to_s.downcase.strip] end def admin_url(options = {}) [ "#{Plek.current.find(owning_app)}/admin/publications/#{id}", options.to_query ].reject(&:blank?).join("?") end # TODO: Replace this nonsense with a proper API layer. def as_json(options={}) super.tap { |hash| if hash["tag_ids"] hash["tags"] = Tag.by_tag_ids(hash["tag_ids"]).map(&:as_json) else hash["tag_ids"] = [] hash["tags"] = [] end if self.primary_section hash['primary_section'] = self.primary_section.tag_id end unless options[:ignore_related_artefacts] hash["related_items"] = do |a| {"artefact" => a.as_json(ignore_related_artefacts: true)} end end hash.delete("related_artefacts") hash.delete("related_artefact_ids") hash["id"] = hash.delete("_id") # Add a section identifier if needed hash["section"] ||= section } end def published_related_artefacts do |related_artefact| if related_artefact.owning_app == "publisher" related_artefact.any_editions_published? else true end end end # Pass in the desired scope, eg, # get back the items in the order they were set in, rather than natural order def ordered_related_artefacts(scope_or_array = self.related_artefacts) scope_or_array.sort_by { |artefact| related_artefact_ids.index( } end def related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance(scope_or_array = self.related_artefacts) groups = { "subsection" => [], "section" => [], "other" => [] } scoped_artefacts = ordered_related_artefacts(scope_or_array) if primary_tag = self.primary_section groups['subsection'] = {|a| a.tag_ids.include?(primary_tag.tag_id) } if primary_tag.parent_id.present? pattern = "^#{Regexp.quote(primary_tag.parent_id)}\/.+" groups['section'] = scoped_artefacts.reject {|a| groups['subsection'].include?(a) }.select {|a| a.tag_ids.grep(pattern).count > 0 } end end groups['other'] = scoped_artefacts.reject {|a| (groups['subsection'] + groups['section']).include?(a) } groups end def any_editions_published? Edition.where(panopticon_id:, state: 'published').any? end def any_editions_ever_published? Edition.where(panopticon_id:, => ['published', 'archived']).any? end def update_editions case state when 'draft' if self.slug_changed? Edition.where(:state.nin => ["archived"], panopticon_id: do |edition| edition.update_slug_from_artefact(self) end end when 'archived' archive_editions end end def archive_editions if state == 'archived' Edition.where(panopticon_id:, :state.nin => ["archived"]).each do |edition| edition.new_action(self, "note", comment: "Artefact has been archived. Archiving this edition.") edition.perform_event_without_validations(:archive!) end end end def self.from_param(slug_or_id) find_by_slug(slug_or_id) || find(slug_or_id) end def update_attributes_as(user, *args) assign_attributes(*args) save_as user end def save_as(user, options={}) default_action = new_record? ? "create" : "update" action_type = options.delete(:action_type) || default_action record_action(action_type, user: user) save(options) end # We should use this method when performing save actions from rake tasks, # message queue consumer or any other performed tasks that have no user associated # as we are still interested to know what triggered the action. def save_as_task!(task_name, options = {}) default_action = new_record? ? "create" : "update" action_type = options.delete(:action_type) || default_action record_action(action_type, task_name: task_name) save!(options) end def record_create_action record_action "create" end def record_update_action record_action "update" end def record_action(action_type, options={}) user = options[:user] task_name = options[:task_name] current_snapshot = snapshot last_snapshot = actions.last.snapshot if actions.last unless current_snapshot == last_snapshot attributes = { action_type: action_type, snapshot: current_snapshot, } attributes.merge!(user: user) if user attributes.merge!(task_performed_by: task_name) if task_name new_action = # Mongoid will not fire creation callbacks on embedded documents, so we # need to trigger this manually. There is a `cascade_callbacks` option on # `embeds_many`, but it doesn't appear to trigger creation events on # children when an update event fires on the parent new_action.set_created_at end end def archived? self.state == "archived" end def live? self.state == "live" end def snapshot attributes .except("_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "actions") .merge( "related_artefact_ids" => self.related_artefact_ids ) end def need_id=(new_need_id) super need_ids << new_need_id if new_need_id.present? && ! need_ids.include?(new_need_id) new_need_id end private def validate_prefixes_and_paths if ! self.prefixes.nil? and self.prefixes_changed? if self.prefixes.any? {|p| ! valid_url_path?(p)} errors.add(:prefixes, "are not all valid absolute URL paths") end end if ! self.paths.nil? and self.paths_changed? if self.paths.any? {|p| ! valid_url_path?(p)} errors.add(:paths, "are not all valid absolute URL paths") end end end def filter_out_empty_need_ids return if need_ids.blank? need_ids.reject!(&:blank?) end def format_of_new_need_ids return if need_ids.blank? # new_need_ids = need_ids_was.blank? ? need_ids : need_ids - need_ids_was errors.add(:need_ids, "must be six-digit integer strings") if new_need_ids.any? {|need_id| need_id !~ /\A\d{6}\z/ } end def valid_url_path?(path) return false unless path.starts_with?("/") uri = URI.parse(path) uri.path == path && path !~ %r{//} && path !~ %r{./\z} rescue URI::InvalidURIError false end def validate_redirect_url return unless self.redirect_url.present? unless valid_redirect_url_path?(self.redirect_url) errors[:redirect_url] << "is not a valid redirect target" end end def valid_redirect_url_path?(target) URI.parse(target) target.starts_with?("/") && target !~ %r{//} && target !~ %r{./\z} rescue URI::InvalidURIError false end end