module Barista class Framework def self.default_framework @default_framework ||= => "default", :root => Barista.root) end def self.default_framework=(value) @default_framework = value end def self.all(include_default = false) (@all ||= []).dup.tap do |all| all.unshift default_framework if include_default end end def self.exposed_coffeescripts all(true).inject([]) do |collection, fw| collection + fw.exposed_coffeescripts end.uniq.sort_by { |f| f.length } end def self.exposed_javascripts all(true).inject([]) do |collection, fw| collection + fw.exposed_javascripts end.uniq.sort_by { |f| f.length } end def self.coffeescript_glob_paths all(true).map { |fw| fw.coffeescript_glob_path } end def self.full_path_for(script) javascript = script.to_s.gsub(/\.coffee$/, '.js').gsub(/^\/+/, '') coffeescript = script.to_s.gsub(/\.js$/, '.coffee').gsub(/^\/+/, '') all(true).each do |fw| full_path = fw.full_path_for(coffeescript) || fw.full_path_for(javascript) return full_path, fw if full_path end nil end def self.register(name, options = nil) if options.is_a?(Hash) framework = => name)) else framework = => name, :root => options) end (@all ||= []) << framework end def self.[](name) name = name.to_s (@all ||= []).detect { |fw| == name } end attr_reader :name, :framework_root, :output_prefix def initialize(options, root = nil, output_prefix = nil) unless options.is_a?(Hash) Barista.deprecate! self, "initialize(name, root = nil, output_prefix = nil)", "Please use the option syntax instead." options = { :name => options, :root => root, :output_prefix => output_prefix } end # actually setup the framework. check_options! options, :name, :root @name = options[:name].to_s @output_prefix = options[:output_prefix] @framework_root = File.expand_path(options[:root].to_s) self.output_root = options[:output_root] end def coffeescripts Dir[coffeescript_glob_path] end def javascripts Dir[javascript_glob_path] end def coffeescript_glob_path @coffeescript_glob_path ||= File.join(@framework_root, "**", "*.coffee") end def javascript_glob_path @javascript_glob_path ||= File.join(@framework_root, "**", "*.js") end def short_name(script) short_name = remove_prefix script, @framework_root File.join(*[@output_prefix, short_name].compact) end def exposed_coffeescripts { |script| short_name(script) } end def exposed_javascripts { |script| short_name(script) } end def output_prefix=(value) value = value.to_s.gsub(/(^\/|\/$)/, '').strip @output_prefix = value.empty? ? nil : value end def full_path_for(name) full_path = File.join(@framework_root, remove_prefix(name, @output_prefix.to_s)) File.exist?(full_path) ? full_path : nil end def output_root @output_root || Barista.output_root end def output_root=(value) if value.nil? @output_root = nil else @output_root = Pathname(value.to_s) end end def output_path_for(file, format = 'js') # Strip the leading slashes file = file.to_s.gsub(/^\/+/, '') output_root.join(file).to_s.gsub(/\.[^\.]+$/, ".#{format}") end protected def remove_prefix(path, prefix) path.to_s.gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(prefix.to_s)}\/?/, '') end def check_options!(options, *keys) keys.each do |option| raise ArgumentError, "#{option.inspect} is a required options." if options[option].nil? end end end end