if defined?(ActiveRecord) # :nocov: # TODO: This is for compatibility with the Web application. A future refactoring might be able # to remove this dependency. class Coursemology::Polyglot::Language < ActiveRecord::Base; end # :nocov: else class Coursemology::Polyglot::Language; end end # An abstract language. This is a class which can represent a family of languages. Languages become # concrete and can be used when that language includes +Coursemology::Polyglot::ConcreteLanguage+. # # Languages define their own scripts and stylesheets needed to syntax highlight code. # # Each subclass represents a language ancestry, such as differing language versions (see the Python # language definition.) Derived languages can be defined at runtime to utilise the syntax # highlighting capabilities of the root language, while requiring a separate runtime environment to # run programs written in the derived language. # # Do *NOT* remove languages after they have been defined because the types specified in this # library can have references stored in code (e.g. in a database) class Coursemology::Polyglot::Language extend ActiveSupport::Autoload eager_autoload do autoload :Python end # Marks the current class as a concrete language. # # Concrete languages can be instantiated and used. # # @param [String] display_name The display name for the language # @param [String] docker_image The Docker image to use for the given language. This defaults to # the string generated by +Coursemology::Polyglot::ConcreteLanguage.docker_image+. def self.concrete_language(display_name, docker_image: nil) include Coursemology::Polyglot::ConcreteLanguage extend Coursemology::Polyglot::ConcreteLanguage::ClassMethods concrete_class_methods = Module.new do define_method(:display_name) { display_name } define_method(:docker_image) { docker_image } if docker_image end extend concrete_class_methods end # Determines the concrete language subclasses of this language. # # @return [Array] def self.concrete_languages descendants.select do |klass| klass.ancestors.include?(Coursemology::Polyglot::ConcreteLanguage) end end # Gets the display name of the language. # # @abstract # @return [String] def self.display_name fail NotImplementedError end # The stylesheets that need to be packaged with the rest of the application. # # This should include the Rouge/Pygments stylesheet for formatting code. # # @abstract # @return [Array] def self.stylesheets fail NotImplementedError end # The script files that need to be packaged with the rest of the application. # # This should include the Ace mode for the language. # # @abstract # @return [Array] def self.javascript fail NotImplementedError end end