module Lita module Handlers class Cricket < Handler # Dependencies require 'json' require 'httparty' @@ENDPOINT = '' route( /cricket/i, :refresh_user ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?$/i, :scores, help: { 'cricket' => 'Display the scores for your matches', } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+(\d+)/i, :score, help: { 'cricket 743965' => 'Display the score for match 743965' } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+-s\s+(.*)$/i, :subscribe, help: { 'cricket -s 743965' => 'Subscribe to match 743965' } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+-u\s+(.*)$/i, :unsubscribe, help: { 'cricket -u 743963' => 'Unsubscribe from match 743963' } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+-l$/i, :list, help: { 'cricket -l' => 'List the current live matches' } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+-f\s+(.*)$/i, :favourite, help: { 'cricket -f Cromer Cricket Club' => 'Add a favourite team!' } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+-r\s+(.*)$/i, :unfavourite, help: { 'cricket -r Cromer Cricket Club' => 'Remove a favourite team!' } ) route( /^\(?cricket\)?\s+-i$/i, :info, help: { 'cricket -i' => 'Display your favourites and subscriptions' } ) def refresh_user(response) my_favourites = get_my_favourites(response) if my_favourites.empty? redis.set("#{}-favourites",['Australia'].to_json) response.reply('I can give you live cricket updates! Type `help cricket` for more information.') elsif matches = get_list_of_live_matches matches.each do |m| unless ([ m['t1'], m['t2']] & my_favourites).empty? subscribe_to_match(response,m['id']) end end end end def scores(response) subs = get_my_subscriptions(response) subs.each do |match| get_match_score(response,match) end end def score(response) match = response.matches[0][0].to_i get_match_score(response,match) end def subscribe(response) match = response.matches[0][0].to_i subscribe_to_match(response,match) end def unsubscribe(response) match = response.matches[0][0].to_i subs = get_my_subscriptions(response) if subs.delete(match) == nil response.reply("You weren't subscribed to match #{match}!") else resp = set_my_subscriptions(response,subs) response.reply("Unsubscribed you to match #{match}: #{resp}") end end def list(response) resp = get_list_of_live_matches #TODO: parse this list and keep going!!! response.reply("There are #{resp.count} live matches on!") resp.each do |r| response.reply("#{r['t1']} vs #{r['t2']} ({r['id']}.html)") end rescue response.reply("An error may have occured, or maybe there are no live matches") end def favourite(response) match = response.matches[0][0] favs = get_my_favourites(response) favs << match favs.uniq! resp = set_my_favourites(response,favs) response.reply("Added #{match} to your favourites: #{resp}") end def unfavourite(response) match = response.matches[0][0] favs = get_my_favourites(response) if favs.delete(match) == nil response.reply("#{match} wasn't in your favourite list!") else resp = set_my_favourites(response,favs) response.reply("Removed #{match} from your favourites: #{resp}") end end def info(response) subs = get_my_subscriptions(response) favs = get_my_favourites(response) response.reply("Subscriptions: #{subs.join(' | ')}") response.reply("Favourites: #{favs.join(' | ')}") end def get_my_subscriptions(response) JSON.parse(redis.get("#{}-subscriptions")) rescue [] end def set_my_subscriptions(response,subs) redis.set("#{}-subscriptions",subs) end def get_my_favourites(response) JSON.parse(redis.get("#{}-favourites")) rescue [] end def set_my_favourites(response,favs) redis.set("#{}-favourites",favs) end def get_list_of_live_matches HTTParty.get(@@ENDPOINT).parsed_response end def get_match_score(response,id) if id == 0 Lita.logger.debug("Skipping a 0 match") elsif resp = HTTParty.get(@@ENDPOINT, query: { id: id }) response.reply(resp.parsed_response[0]['de']) rescue Lita.logger.debug("Skipping a bad match") end end def subscribe_to_match(response,id) subs = get_my_subscriptions(response) if (subs && [id]).empty subs << id resp = set_my_subscriptions(response,subs) response.reply("Subscribed you to match #{id}: #{resp}") end end end Lita.register_handler(Cricket) end end