/* Generated by grunt-webfont */ /* Based on https://github.com/endtwist/fontcustom/blob/master/lib/fontcustom/templates/fontcustom.css */ <% if (fontfaceStyles) { %> <% if (fontSrc1 && embed.length) { %> @font-face { font-family:"<%= fontBaseName %>"; src:<%= fontSrc1 %>; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; } <% } %>@font-face { font-family:"<%= fontBaseName %>";<% if (fontSrc1) { %> src:<%= fontSrc1 %>;<% }%> src:<%= fontSrc2 %>; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; } <% } %> <% if (baseStyles) { %> /* Bootstrap Overrides */ [class^="<%= classPrefix %>"]:before, [class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"]:before<% if (ie7) {%>, [class^="<%= classPrefix %>"], [class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"]<% } %><% if (addLigatures) { %>, .ligature-icons<% } %> { display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; font: normal normal normal 14px <%= fontBaseName %>; font-size: inherit; speak:none; text-decoration:inherit; text-transform:none; text-rendering:auto; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale; }<% } %> <% if (iconsStyles && stylesheet === 'less') { %> /* Mixins */ <% for (var glyphIdx = 0; glyphIdx < glyphs.length; glyphIdx++) { %> .<%= classPrefix %><%= glyphs[glyphIdx] %><% if(glyphIdx === glyphs.length-1) { %> { <% } else { %>, <% } } %> &:before { font-family:"<%= fontBaseName %>"; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; text-decoration:inherit; } }<% } %> <% if (extraStyles) { %> a [class^="<%= classPrefix %>"], a [class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"] { display:inline-block; text-decoration:inherit; } /* Makes the font 33% larger relative to the icon container */ .<%= classPrefix %>large:before { vertical-align:top; font-size:1.333em; } /* Keeps button heights with and without icons the same */ .btn [class^="<%= classPrefix %>"], .btn [class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"] { line-height:0.9em; } li [class^="<%= classPrefix %>"], li [class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"] { display:inline-block; width:1.25em; text-align:center; } /* 1.5 increased font size for <%= classPrefix %>large * 1.25 width */ li .<%= classPrefix %>large[class^="<%= classPrefix %>"], li .<%= classPrefix %>large[class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"] { width:1.875em; } li[class^="<%= classPrefix %>"], li[class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"] { margin-left:0; list-style-type:none; } li[class^="<%= classPrefix %>"]:before, li[class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"]:before { text-indent:-2em; text-align:center; } li[class^="<%= classPrefix %>"].<%= classPrefix %>large:before, li[class*=" <%= classPrefix %>"].<%= classPrefix %>large:before { text-indent:-1.333em; } <% } %> <% if (iconsStyles) { %>/* Icons */<% for (var glyphIdx = 0; glyphIdx < glyphs.length; glyphIdx++) { %> <% if (stylesheet === 'less') { %> .<%= classPrefix %><%= glyphs[glyphIdx] %> { &:before { content:"<% if (addLigatures) { %><%= glyphs[glyphIdx] %><% } else { %>\<%= codepoints[glyphIdx] %><% } %>"; } <% if (ie7) {%> *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = '&#x<%= codepoints[glyphIdx] %>;'); <% } %> }<% } else { %> <% if (ie7) {%>.<%= classPrefix %><%= glyphs[glyphIdx] %> { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = '&#x<%= codepoints[glyphIdx] %>;'); } <% } %> .<%= classPrefix %><%= glyphs[glyphIdx] %>:before { content:"<% if (addLigatures) { %><%= glyphs[glyphIdx] %><% } else { %>\<%= codepoints[glyphIdx] %><% } %>"; }<% } %> <% } } %>