en: vagrant: sshfs: actions: installing: Installing SSHFS client... mounting: Mounting SSHFS shared folder... unmounting: Unmounting SSHFS shared folder... unmounting_folder: |- Unmounting SSHFS shared folder mounted at %{guestpath} reverse_unmounting_folder: |- Unmounting SSHFS shared folder mounted at host's %{hostpath} reverse_mounting_folder: |- mounting folder via SSHFS: guestpath:%{guestpath} => hostpath:%{hostpath} slave_mounting_folder: |- Mounting folder via SSHFS: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath} normal_mounting_folder: |- Mounting folder via SSHFS: %{user}@%{host}:%{hostpath} => %{guestpath} ask: prompt_for_password: |- SSHFS password for '%{username}': info: detected_host_ip: |- Detected host IP address is '%{ip}' already_mounted: |- The folder %{folder} in the %{location} is already mounted. not_mounted: |- The folder %{folder} in the %{location} is not mounted. errors: communicator_not_ready: |- The machine is reporting that it is not ready to communicate via ssh. Verify this machine is properly running. exe_not_in_host: |- The '%{executable}' executable file can't be found on the host machine but is required for sshfs mounting to work. Please install the software and try again. sshfs_not_in_guest: |- The necessary SSHFS software is not installed in the guest. get_absolute_path_failed: |- Could not get the absolute path of the folder within the guest '%{path}' install_failed_arch: |- The install of the sshfs client software failed. On Arch this is most likely because the package lists are not up to date [1] and partial upgrades are not supported [2]. Please update your Arch system or install SSHFS manually. [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/pacman#Packages_cannot_be_retrieved_on_installation [2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_maintenance#Partial_upgrades_are_unsupported normal_mount_failed: |- Mounting SSHFS shared folders failed. This is most often caused by either an SSH Daemon not running on the target host or invalid credentials being provided. Please make sure an SSH daemon is running on the host and proper credentials were provided to be able to authenticate via SSH. The command and output are: %{command} Stdout from the command: %{stdout} Stderr from the command: %{stderr} reverse_mount_failed: |- Mounting SSHFS shared folder via reverse SSHFS mount failed. Please look at the below output from from the processes that were run. SSHFS command output: %{sshfs_output} slave_mount_failed: |- Mounting SSHFS shared folder via slave SSHFS mount failed. Please look at the below STDERR output from the processes that were run. SSH command: %{ssh_stderr} SFTP command: %{sftp_stderr} unmount_failed: |- Unmount the SSHFS mount failed. The command and output are: %{command} Stdout from the command: %{stdout} Stderr from the command: %{stderr}