local fileProvider = std.native('provide.file'); local provide(name) = fileProvider(std.toString({ path: 'hello.env' }), name); { scheduler: { type: 'ecs', region: 'ap-northeast-1', cluster: 'eagletmt', desired_count: 2, role: 'ecsServiceRole', elb: { listeners: [ { load_balancer_port: 80, protocol: 'HTTP', }, ], subnets: [ 'subnet-XXXXXXXX', 'subnet-YYYYYYYY', ], security_groups: [ 'sg-ZZZZZZZZ', ], }, autoscaling: { role_arn: 'arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/ecsAutoscaleRole', min_capacity: 1, max_capacity: 4, policies: [ // Add one task when ecs-scaling-out-hello-autoscaling-service is in alarm state { alarms: ['ecs-scaling-out-hello-autoscaling-service'], cooldown: 300, adjustment_type: 'ChangeInCapacity', scaling_adjustment: 1, metric_interval_lower_bound: 0, metric_aggregation_type: 'Average', }, // Remove one task when ecs-scaling-in-hello-autoscaling-service is in alarm state { alarms: ['ecs-scaling-in-hello-autoscaling-service'], cooldown: 300, adjustment_type: 'ChangeInCapacity', scaling_adjustment: -1, metric_interval_upper_bound: 0, metric_aggregation_type: 'Average', }, // Adjust the numer of tasks to keep the metric close to the target value { policy_type: 'TargetTrackingScaling', name: 'ecs-target-tracking-scaling-hello-autoscaling-service', target_value: 50, predefined_metric_type: 'ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization', scale_out_cooldown: 300, scale_in_cooldown: 300, }, ], }, }, app: { image: 'ryotarai/hello-sinatra', memory: 128, cpu: 256, env: { PORT: '3000', MESSAGE: std.format('%s-san', provide('username')), }, }, sidecars: { front: { image_tag: 'hako-nginx', memory: 32, cpu: 32, }, }, scripts: [ (import 'front.libsonnet') + { backend_port: 3000, locations: { '/': { allow_only_from: [''], }, }, }, ], }