class AppGenerator < VraptorScaffold::Base TEMPLATE_ENGINES = %w( jsp ftl ) BUILD_TOOLS = %w( ant mvn gradle ) IVY_JAR = "ivy-2.2.0.jar" argument :project_path class_option :template_engine, :default => "jsp", :aliases => "-e", :desc => "Template engine (options: #{TEMPLATE_ENGINES.join(', ')})" class_option :package, :default => "app", :aliases => "-p", :desc => "Base package" class_option :build_tool, :default => "ant", :aliases => "-b", :desc => "Build tools (options: #{BUILD_TOOLS.join(', ')})" class_option :skip_eclipse, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-E", :desc => "Skip Eclipse files" class_option :spring3, :aliases => "-S", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Use spring 3 instead of spring 2.5" def self.source_root File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates" end def self.banner "vraptor new #{' ')} [options]" end def initialize(args, opts=[]) super([args], opts) validate self.destination_root=(project_path) @project_name = project_path.split("/").last @dependency_manager = end def create_root_folder empty_directory "." end def configure_maven template("pom.erb", "pom.xml") if options[:build_tool] == "mvn" end def configure_ant if options[:build_tool] == "ant" create_eclipse_files unless options[:skip_eclipse] copy_file("build.xml") template("", "") template("ivy.erb", "ivy.xml") copy_file(IVY_JAR) end end def configure_gradle template("build.gradle.erb", "build.gradle") if options[:build_tool] == "gradle" end def create_main_java empty_directory Configuration::MAIN_SRC directory("src", File.join(Configuration::MAIN_SRC, options[:package].gsub(".", File::Separator))) end def create_main_resources directory("resources", Configuration::MAIN_RESOURCES) end def create_webapp directory("webapp", Configuration::WEB_APP) end def configure_template_engine template("vraptor-scaffold.erb", Configuration::FILENAME) templates = {"jsp" => JspTemplateEngine, "ftl" => FreemarkerTemplateEngine} templates[options[:template_engine]].new(project_path).configure if templates[options[:template_engine]] end def create_test empty_directory Configuration::TEST_SRC directory("src-test", File.join(Configuration::TEST_SRC, options[:package].gsub(".", File::Separator))) directory("resources-test", Configuration::TEST_RESOURCES) end private def create_eclipse_files template("eclipse/project.erb", ".project") template("eclipse/classpath.erb", ".classpath") directory("eclipse/settings", ".settings") end def validate unless BUILD_TOOLS.include? options[:build_tool] puts "Build tool #{options[:build_tool]} is not supported. The supported build tools are: #{BUILD_TOOLS.join(", ")}" Kernel::exit end unless TEMPLATE_ENGINES.include? options[:template_engine] puts "Template engine #{options[:template_engine]} is not supported. The supported template engines are: #{TEMPLATE_ENGINES.join(", ")}" Kernel::exit end end end