require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')) class TC_sgn_neg_abs < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup end def test_sgn assert_equal([1, 0, 1, 0], [@a.sgn, @b.sgn, @d.sgn, @e.sgn], "GMP::Z, GMP::Q should calculate sgn correctly") assert_equal([-1, -1], [@c.sgn, @f.sgn], "GMP::Z, GMP::Q should calculate sgn correctly") end def test_neg assert_equal(-@a, @c, "-(x : GMP::Z) should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(-@c, @a, "-(x : GMP::Z) should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(-@b, @b, " should equal") assert_equal(-@d, @f, "-(x : GMP::Q) should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(-@f, @d, "-(x : GMP::Q) should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(-@e, @e, " should equal") @k.neg!; @l.neg!; @m.neg!; @n.neg!; @o.neg!; @p.neg! assert_equal(@k, @c, "(x : GMP::Z).neg! should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(@l, @b, "(x : GMP::Z).neg! should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(@m, @a, "! should equal") assert_equal(@n, @f, "(x : GMP::Q).neg! should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(@o, @e, "(x : GMP::Q).neg! should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal(@p, @d, "! should equal") end def test_abs assert_equal([10, 0, 10], [@a.abs, @b.abs, @c.abs], "(x : GMP::Z).abs should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal([10, 0, 10], [@d.abs, @e.abs, @f.abs], "(x : GMP::Q).abs should be calculated correctly.") @a.abs!; @b.abs!; @c.abs!; @d.abs!; @e.abs!; @f.abs! assert_equal([10, 0, 10], [@a, @b, @c], "(x : GMP::Z).abs! should be calculated correctly.") assert_equal([10, 0, 10], [@d, @e, @f], "(x : GMP::Q).abs! should be calculated correctly.") end end