!!! 1.1 %html{ :xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" } %head %meta{ :content => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type" } %title Amp | Version Control Revolution | Get Amp = stylesheets :reset, :amp, :all_themes = javascripts "jquery-1.3.2.min.js", "jquery.cookie.js" %body.oneColFixCtr = render("include/_header.haml", :selected => "get") .infopage#container .body-width .floatleft{ :style => "width:90%; padding:8px 0em 6px; margin-left:5%;"} %h2 Get #{blue_amp "Amp"} %p Amp is written in #{ruby_link}, so you'll need that first. We don't have a self-contained installer, yet. If you'd like to help with that, #{link_to "/contribute/", "check out how to help"}! %p Amp also has a couple other, very basic, requirements right now. %ul.bullets{:style => "margin-left:2em;"} %li Linux or Mac OS X. Testing on Linux has been minimal as of yet %li Ruby 1.8.6+, Ruby 1.9 %li A C compiler is required for #{blue_amp}'s high-performance extensions %p Once you have #{ruby_link}, you simply need to run the following command from your favorite command line: .floatleft.dark.rounded.codeholder :syntaxhighlighter #!highlighting syntax=shell-unix-generic sudo gem install amp --no-wrappers %p Amp's gem is hosted on #{link_to "http://www.rubyforge.org/", "Rubyforge"} and #{link_to "http://www.gemcutter.org/", "Gemcutter"}. = render("include/_footer.haml")