# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'autotask_ruby/version'
require 'autotask_ruby/resource'
module AutotaskRuby
# the primary client that interfaces with the SOAP Client that will interface with AutoTask.
class Client
attr_accessor :soap_client, :headers, :logger
def initialize(options = {})
@version = options[:version] || AutotaskRuby.configuration.version
integration_code = options[:integration_code] || AutotaskRuby.configuration.integration_code
@headers = {
'tns:AutotaskIntegrations' =>
'tns:IntegrationCode' => integration_code
@ssl_version = options[:ssl_version] || :TLSv1_2
@host = options[:host] || 'webservices.autotask.net'
@endpoint = options[:endpoint] || "https://#{@host}/ATServices/#{@version}/atws.asmx"
# Override optional Savon attributes
savon_options = {}
%w[read_timeout open_timeout proxy raise_errors log_level basic_auth log raise_errors].each do |prop|
key = prop.to_sym
savon_options[key] = options[key] if options.key?(key)
@soap_client = Savon.client({
wsdl: './atws.wsdl',
soap_header: @headers,
namespaces: { xmlns: AutotaskRuby.configuration.namespace },
logger: Logger.new($stdout),
raise_errors: false,
log: true,
endpoint: @endpoint,
ssl_version: @ssl_version # Sets ssl_version for HTTPI adapter
# Public: Get the names of all wsdl operations.
# List all available operations from the atws.wsdl
def operations
# @param entity, id
# pass in the entity_type, I.E. AccountToDo, Resource, etc. and the ID of the entity.
# @return Entity
# Returns a single Entity if a match was found.
# Returns nil if no match is found.
def find(entity, id)
response = query(entity.to_s, id)
return nil if response.entities.empty?
# @param entity_type and value
# Other parameters, are optional.
# full set of parameters include entity_type, field, operation, value.
# Queries the Autotask QUERY API. Returns a QueryResponse result set.
# @return AutotaskRuby::Response.
def query(entity_type, field = 'id', operation = 'equals', value)
result = @soap_client.call(:query, message: "#{entity_type}#{field}#{value}]]>")
AutotaskRuby::QueryResponse.new(self, result)
# @param entity_type
# include the entity type. ServiceCall, Appointment, etc.
# @param ids
# One or more entity ID's that should be deleted.
# @return
# AutotaskRuby::DeleteResponse
def delete(entity_type, *ids)
entities = ++''
ids.each do |id|
entities << "#{id}"
resp = @soap_client.call(:delete, message: "#{entities}")
AutotaskRuby::DeleteResponse.new(@client, resp)
def query_for(message)
result = @soap_client.call(:query, message: message)
AutotaskRuby::QueryResponse.new(self, result)
# updates the entity in the AutoTask API.
# All fields are iterated and this builds the XML message that is sent to AutoTask.
# Any field that is not filled out will be sent as empty. This means that it will wipe
# any value that AutoTask has for that field.
def update(entity_xml)
result = @soap_client.call(:update, message: "#{entity_xml}")
UpdateResponse.new(@client, result)
# creates an entity in AutoTask.
def create(entity_xml)
result = @soap_client.call(:create, message: "#{entity_xml}")
CreateResponse.new(@client, result)