--- AS: alpha2: AS alpha3: ASM continent: Australia country_code: '1' currency_code: USD gec: AQ geo: latitude: -14.270972 longitude: -170.132217 max_latitude: -13.4056506 max_longitude: -169.2059326 min_latitude: -14.7217608 min_longitude: -171.0076904 bounds: northeast: lat: -13.4056506 lng: -169.2059326 southwest: lat: -14.7217608 lng: -171.0076904 international_prefix: '011' ioc: ASA iso_long_name: The Territory of American Samoa iso_short_name: American Samoa languages_official: - en - sm languages_spoken: - en - sm nanp_prefix: '1684' national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' nationality: American Samoan number: '016' postal_code: true postal_code_format: "(96799)(?:[ \\-](\\d{4}))?" region: Oceania start_of_week: monday subregion: Polynesia un_locode: AS unofficial_names: - American Samoa - Amerikanisch-Samoa - Samoa américaines - Samoa Americana - アメリカ領サモア - Amerikaans Samoa world_region: APAC